四年级英语上册 Module 1 Getting to know you(Revision)课件 牛津上海版

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《四年级英语上册 Module 1 Getting to know you(Revision)课件 牛津上海版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《四年级英语上册 Module 1 Getting to know you(Revision)课件 牛津上海版(22页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module1Gettingtoknowyou P14 P17 Revision1 Myname s What syourname Myname s Whatcanyoudo Ican What shis hername His Hername s Whatcanhe shedo He Shecan Makeadialogue A Hello Myname sAlice Hisname sBen B Whatcanhedo A Hecan B Hername sKitty A Whatcanshedo B Shecan Hecanrun 变为否定句 Icanjump 变为一般疑问句 并做肯定回

2、答 Hecan trun Canyoujump Yes Ican Areyousad 做否定回答 Areyoufull 做肯定回答 No I mnot Yes Iam Areyou Yes Iam Areyou No I mnot Canyou he she Yes I He Shecan No I He Shecan t Areyou Yes Iam No I mnot Yes Ican No hecan t Areyouthirsty Doasurvey Doasurvey LookatthetableonPage16 Drawandwriteaboutaclassmate Thisism

3、yclassmate His Hernameis He Shecan He Shecannot He Sheis LiLin swim draw happy Playagame Review cake table Review jam hand He She Review 一 根据单词中标红字母的发音 把单词归类 heJakemePeteplatesadshejambadEvePatcakeChinesedadtable sadjambadPatdad hemePetesheEveChinese Jakecakeplatetable 三 单项选择 1 I mnotwelltoday A Wha

4、t syourname B Whatcanyoudo C Howareyou 2 CanKittyjump A Yes hecan B No shecan t C Yes Ican 3 HisnameisJohn A What syourname B What stheboy sname C What shername C B B 三 单项选择 4 Icanswim A Whatcanyoudo B What syourname C Howareyou 5 Isthegirlyournewclassmate A Yes heis B No sheisn t C No itisn t A B 问候 Goodevening 与新朋友打招呼 Nicetomeetyou too 道别 Seeyou 语音 介绍别人的名字 His Hername s 询问别人的感觉 Areyouhappy 表达自己的感觉 I mhappy 询问别人是否会做某事 Canyou Yes Ican No Ican t 介绍别人会做某事 He Shecan



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