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1、2、 语法知识与应用第1节 单项选择 从16到25题各题所给的ABCD 选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( )16.Nina enjoys _ the piano. A .to play B. play C .playing D .to playing( )17.What skills _ for this job? A .require B .required C .is required D . are required ( )18.-George, you must have a _ diet. -OK, I will pay attention to my _ . A .heal

2、th;health B .healthy;health C .health;healthy D .healthy;healthy( )19.What _ the chair _ ? -Wood. A .does; make from B .is; make from C .is; made of D . does; make of ( )20.The guard stopped him from _ through the gate. A .to go B. gone C .going D .to going( )21.When _ the museum _ ? -in 1899.It has

3、 a long history. A .was; builded B.is; built C. was; built D. did; build( )22.The new film _ next Tuesday evening. A .will be shown B. is shown C . was shown D . will shown( )23. _ he was free , _he didnt come to my party. A .Although; but B./; Although C. Although; / D. But; /( )24.There are _ vege

4、tables in the fridge.We need to go to the Supermarket to buy some. A .little B. a little C . a few D . Few( )25.The environment is not as _ as before. A .good B. better C . best D . the best第2节 语法填空 Paper cutting is a folk culture with a long history. Paper cutting can be seen _26_many parts of Chin

5、a during the Spring Festival.Paper cuttings _27_by hand . It is easy _28_,but no mistakes can be made while _29_, or the work would fail. In the past, women living in the countryside_30_ together in their free time to make paper cuttings . Making paper cuttings_31_a way to show their skills.As time

6、goes by,_32_,people learn this skills. Luckily ,some people still think it as _33_wonderful job. They still keep the tradition_34_ paper cuttings on windows and doors at festivals. Now, there are factories and organizations for cutting paper in China . Shows are held sometimes_35_ books of this kind

7、 are sold. Paper cuttings has changed from decoration (装饰) to a kind of art.( )26. A. at B. In C.on D.for( )27. A. Is made B. makes C.are made D.will make( )28. A. learn B. learning C.to learn D. learnt ( )29. A.to cut B. cut C.to cutting D.cutting( )30. A.got B. get C.gets D.will get( )31. A.were B

8、. was C.will be D.are( )32. A.fewer and fewer B. few and few C.a little and a little D. a few and a few( )33. A. a B. an C.the D.不填( )34. A.put B. putting C.to put D.to putting( )35. A.but B. and C.or D.so3、 完形填空 Some children are afraid to go to the dentist, but not me . I am a boy of 8 and i have

9、a _36_dentist. Her name is Dr.Smileface. I dont think that her real _37_,but she always tells the children she is called Smileface when they come to see her. She has a cool waiting _38_,it has video games and a big toy box.Dr.Smileface always _39_ funny hats.sometimes she paints her face.she _40_fun

10、ny questions like “ Are you married yet?”and “ Do you eat flowers to make your breath(呼吸)smell so sweet ?”That makes me _41_.Once she told me this _42_, “What has lots of teeth but never goes to the dentist? A comb! When I laughed ,she_43_my tooth.It didnt hurt at all .She also teaches me how to _44

11、_ my teeth in an interesting way. Before I leave ,she always gives me a _45_.Last week ,she gave me a toy ship and I liked it very much.( )36. A. beautiful B. Careful C.strict D.funny( )37. A. name B. look C.hobby D.words( )38. A. kitchen B. chair C.garden D.room ( )39. A. buys B. wears C.makes D.se

12、lls( )40. A. asks B. answers C.tells D.writes( )41. A. jump B.shout C.laugh D.cry( )42. A.story B. joke C.play D.game( )43. A. brushed B.made C.pulled D.pushed( )44. A.look up B. look for C.look at D.look after( )45. A.book B. present C.smile D.hand4、 阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的ABC和D项中,选出最佳选项。AI went to Guil

13、in for my last holiday.During those fifteen days. I enjoyed myself there very much. Everything was great,but the most interesting thing for me was bird fishing in the Lijiang River.Fishermen were in small boats and fished with trained cormorants but not nets. My new friend Kun Yis grandfather and fathers are both fishermen.They keep cormorants in their family. Kun Yi favourite one is named Shi Yu.She is also kuns pet .Kun Yi has looked after Shi Ao since she was born two years ago .The oldest cormorants is Hei Niao.He is Kun Yi s grandfather s bird


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