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1、热妮娅 . 鲁勉采娃原著:尤里.纳吉宾(前联) 改编:泓 君 绘画:应力尺寸:11.528(cm) 材质:宣纸该作品1989年入选中华人民国文化部、中国美术家协会主办的第七届全国美术作品展览,并在1988年连环画报第2期上发表。Ronia,RolizawaAuthor:Uli,Najiben (USSR) Adapted:Jun Hong Painted:Ying Li Zhang Size:11.528(cm) Material:Chinese ancient paper This picture-story book was selected by Ministry of Culture

2、in 1989, Chinese artist association of ninth national art exhibition, and published on “picture-story book”, the 2nd issue in 1988.01 . 中学时代最后一节课结束了。不久,我们就要出入大学的讲堂和实验室。同学们一个个都很激动、兴奋,充满着对未来的憧憬。01 . The last class of middle school times ended. We will go to universitys lecture room and the laboratory

3、soon. The schoolmates are all excited, filling expectation to the future.02 . 热妮娅.鲁勉采娃朝教室里探了下头:“廖沙,请你出来一下好吗?”02 . Ronia,Rolizawa towards her head to the classroom. “Siliaosa, would you please come out?”03 . 我来到走廊,热妮娅的衣着象往常一样古怪:身穿一件短得遮不住膝盖的连衣裙,外面套着瘦得胸前扣不拢的毛线衣,里边是一件洗得很旧的白绸衬衫,脚上是一双圆头平底儿童皮鞋。03 . I arriv

4、e at the corridor. Rolizawas cloth was very strange as past-Wearing a piece of dress which can not block her knee. Outside is sweater which in front of the chest buckles does not gather together, Inside is very much old white silk shirt, On the foot is pair of round head flat based child leather sho

5、es.04 . 与往常不同的是她的脸上透出淡淡的一层红晕,那双时而严肃认真,时而又茫然若失的灰色大眼睛里闪耀出活泼亲热的光芒。04 . There is a slight blush on her face which was different from the past. That pair eyes was serious, earnest, feel lost. Big gray eyes give out sparkles and lively rays.05 . “廖沙,有句话我一直想跟你说说:十年以后咱们见一次面吧。”廖沙是素来不开玩笑的,所以我也重其事地问道:“为什么要见面?”

6、05 . “Siliaosa, I have some words to tell you all the time: Lets meet again ten years later.” Rolizawa never makes a joke, therefore I also seriously asked: “Why we have to meet?”06 . “因为我想知道那时候你会变成什么样子,”热妮娅把一绺垂落在她那短鼻子上的头发甩开,“这些年来我一直很喜欢你。”06 . “I want to know what are you look like at that time.” Ro

7、lizawa swing off her hair of her short nose. “These years I like you very much all the time.”07 . 我一向以为热妮娅.鲁勉采娃不会说出这样的话来,也不会有这种感情。她的生活只有两个容:一是紧的共青团的工作,再就是对于星空的遐想,她还在六年级时就认准了当天文学家。07 . I always think Ronia, Rolizawa could not say that to me and Also could not have this kind of feelings. There ere onl

8、y two things in her life: One is the busy Communist Youth League work. Another is daydream of sky. When she was in sixth grade she wants to be a big writer.08 . 我与她从来没有过朋友之情,只是在团的工作中有些接触。几年前我因为犯了错误,差点被开除出少先队,同学们都袒护我,只有热妮娅一个人却始终坚持要开除我。这件事影响了我对她的整个态度。08 . She and I never had sentiment of a friend. Onl

9、y contacts are in the group. Several years ago because of a mistake, I almost was dismissed the Young Pioneers. All schoolmates help me. Only Rolizawa persisted to dismiss me. This has affected me entire manner to her.09 . 后来我才明白,她之所以不讲情面,是由于她对人对己都严格要求,而绝不是出于恶意。她这个人原本就是纯洁无瑕,性格坚毅、真诚,所以希望别人也都这样。09 . L

10、ater I understood that the reason why she has no consideration for my feelings was because she also strictly requests to herself. It was not from the evil intention. She is originally the flawless, resolute, and sincere. Therefore she also hopes others like this.10 . 此刻,热妮娅这番突如其来的表白使我又吃惊又紧。我暗自回溯过去,

11、想找出这事的由来,除非是那次请她公园之游10 . This moment, Rolizawas suddenly vindicating causes me so surprise and anxious. Recalled the past, I wants to know why she doing that. Only reason is that time I asks her to go to park.11 . 有一次我们打算假日到希姆基水库去划船。集合地点是清池公园的大凉亭旁。可是那天从一清早就下起蒙蒙细雨,来到集合地点的只有四个人。尼娜来了,是因为她假日在家呆不住,我是为尼娜而

12、来,巴甫利克为我而来,热妮娅不为什么来,我们都莫名其妙。11、At one time, we planned to row a boat on a holiday at Simuki reservoir. The assembly place is Qingci Park by Da Min pavilion. But it was drizzle in that morning. Only four people arrives the assembly place. Nina has come,because she does not want to stay at home on hol

13、iday. I come for Nina.Papulik come for me. Why does Rolizawa come? We are all bewildered.12 . 雨,时大时小,始终片刻不停。希姆基水库之游已经告吹,可热妮娅仍一个劲儿硬要说服我们去。她的短衫钮扣上挂着一个小包夹肉面包,令人十分感动。出于怜惜之情,我出了个好主意。12 . The rain is sometimes big and sometimes small. It does not stop. So we can not go for this traveling. But Rolizawa sti

14、ll insisted to go. On her shirt button hang a sandwich. This makes ours extremely moved. Having a pity on her, I make a good idea. 13 . 我指着一只有裂缝的破旧平底船说:“咱们在这公园的湖上划划船吧,就设想是在希姆基水库划船好了。”巴甫利克和热妮娅兴高采烈地表示赞同。13 . I point at a crack worn-out bateau said “We can row a boat on his lake of the park just like w

15、e are rowing a boat at Simuki reservoir.” Papulik and Rolizawa are very glade to agree this idea.14 . 连只桨都没有,我们在岸上捡了两块木板,淘干船上的水,就开始了环球航行。我和巴甫利克无精打采地在用木板啪啪打着水面,而热妮娅一路上都在兴致勃勃地虚拟着航线。14 . No oar, we picked two planks at shore, taking out all of the water on the ship, started round world navigating. Papulik and I using the plank to hit the water surface in low spirits. Rolizawa was in full of enthusiasm hypothesized route a


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