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1、(管理制度)HSE安全管理制度中国化学工程集团公司巴基斯坦EPCL聚氯乙烯联合化工装置CHINA NATIONAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING GROUP CORP.Pakistan EPCL PVC Expansion ProjectHSE 管理程序HSE Procedure中国化学工程集团公司CHINA NATIONAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING GROUP CORP.2008年1月Content 目录1Principle and Aim of HSE Plan HSE管理方针、目标22HSE Management Organization HSE管理组织机构

2、23HSE Responsibility HSE生产责任制24HSE Management Principle 项目HSE管理原则25HSE Responsibilities Execution and Management 落实HSE责任制,实施责任管理26HSE Education & Training HSE教育与培训27HSE Award and Punishment HSE奖励与处罚28Safety Countermeasure and Safety Clarification 安全技术措施和安全技术交底29Requirement for Work Permit 作业许可证规定210

3、HSE Inspection HSE检查211Equipment Control 设备管理212Lifting Work 起重吊装作业213Working at Height 高处作业管理214Requirement for Hot Work 现场动火管理规定215Procedure for Working in Confined space 封闭空间准入规定216Flammable & Explosive Material Control Rules 易燃、易爆化学危险品的管理规定217HSE Control for Construction Electrical 施工用电安全管理218Sc

4、affolding Work 脚手架219Radiographic Test 射线作业220Fire Fighting Management 消防管理221Housekeeping 文明施工222Environment Protection 环境保护223HSE Audit HSE审计224First Aid Point 急救站225Traffic Rule 交通规则226Accident Investigation & Treatment 事故调查处理227Risks & Hazard Analysis for EAPCL PVC Project PVC项目危险、危害分析228 Filing

5、 Document Content 归档材料目录229 HSE Document HSE文件229.1 Punishment Rules for Accident责任事故处罚规定229.2 Guard Rules 门卫制度229.3 Internal Security Rules 内部治安管理规定229.4 Environment Health Management Rules 环境卫生管理制度229.5 Canteen Health Management Rules 食堂卫生管理制度229.6 Fire Prevention Rules 防火制度229.7 HSE Management Ru

6、les for Maintenance Work 检修工程施工安全管理规定229.8 Workers HSE Management Requirement 作业人员安全管理规定229.9 Countermeasure for Heatstroke Prevention 防暑降温管理办法229.10 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Camp) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(生活区)229.11 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Site) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(施工现场)229.12 Safety

7、& Housekeeping Checking List (For Environment) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(环境保护)229.13 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Safety Protective) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(安全防护)229.14 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Construction Electrical) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(施工用电)229.15 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Tower Crane

8、) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(塔吊)229.16 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Fire Fighting) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(消防安全)229.18 Safety & Housekeeping Checking List (For Scaffolding) 安全生产、文明施工检查表(脚手架)229.19 Safety Checking List for Medium & Small Type Machine施工机械安全检查表229.20 Excavation Work Permit 开挖作业许可证229.21 Lifting Wor

9、k Permit 吊装作业许可证229.22 Working at height (more than 10m) 高空作业许可证(10m以上)229.23 Scaffolding work and dismantling Permit 脚手架搭拆作业许可证229.24 Working in defined space Permit密闭空间作业许可证229.25 Working in flammable&explosive area Permit动火作业许可证229.26 RT Work Permit 射线作业许可证229.27 Safety Weekly (Monthly) Report 安全

10、统计周(月)报表229.28 Safety Clarification Record for Special Discipline Working 特殊作业安全交底记录229.29 Safety Training Registration Form 进入现场教育登记表229.30 Special Discipline Worker Registration Form 施工现场特种作业人员登记表229.31 Infringed Person Registration Form 现场违章违纪人员登记表229.32 Infringed Person Registration Summary Shee

11、t 现场违章违纪人员汇总表229.33 Safety Audit Checking List 安全审计检查表229.34Site Safety Management System 施工现场安全管理网络229.35 Potential Dangerous Rectification Notice隐患整改通知书229.36 Shut Down Instruction 停工指令书229.37 Amercement Notice罚款通知书229.38 Emergency Plan 应急预案2HSE PlanHSE管理方案1 Principle and Aim of HSE Plan HSE管理方针、目

12、标1.1 Principle: Human shall be the root. Safety First. Prevention is the major Measurement.方针:以人为本,安全第一,预防为主。We will provide a safe working condition for worker. The environment harmless construction method shall be used.我们承诺为作业人员提供一个安全的作业环境,采用对环境没有损害的施工方法。1.2 Aim 目标1.2.1 To avoid death accident, se

13、rious injury, fire and other serious safety accident.杜绝死亡事故、重伤事故、火灾事故和其它重大安全事故。1.2.2 Zero Accident, Zero Injury零事故,零伤害。1.2.3 No Harm and Contamination on Environment不损害、污染环境。1.2.4 Pay attention to housekeeping, material shall be stored in order.文明施工、现场整洁,材料堆放整齐。1.2.5 Canteen, bathroom, toilet and ca

14、mp for CNCEC person shall be clean.职工食堂、浴室、厕所、住所符合健康、清洁要求。2 HSE Management Organization HSE管理组织机构HSE management committee will be established for project team which the project manager and site manager will be the chairman. The member of HSE management committee is construction manager, safety manag

15、er, department managers,construction team leader(engineer) ,safety engineer, safety inspector. Safety manager, as an assistant of project manager, whose responsibility is supervise and manage the site safety, housekeeping, environment protection. Safety engineer, safety inspector shall be arranged, Please refer to the attached HSE organization chart.项目部成立以项目经理和现场经理为首的安全生产领导小组,小组成员有施工经理、安全经理、部门经理和施工队长(工程



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