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1、3M China危险警告标志使用指南Introduction简介Hazard warning labels are an important part of the health and safety controls provided on equipment to warn personnel of potential hazards associated with the equipment. Hazard warning labels should be used when hazards have not been eliminated from equipment through

2、other means (e.g., a complete enclosure of the hazard to prevent exposure) and the potential for exposure to the hazards is still present. This applies both to hazards which can be present at all times during normal operating conditions and hazards which may be present only during specific condition

3、s. Hazard warning labels should be used for the variety of hazards that can be present in equipment including the following: Electrical Moving parts Chemical Hot surfaces Non-ionizing radiation Lasers危险警告标志是设备所能提供的健康及安全控制措施的重要组成部分之一,它能警告人们与设备伴随的潜在隐患。危险警告标志应用于通过其他手段不能完全消除设备隐患,并且仍存在有接触这些隐患的可能的情况下。这包括这

4、些隐患会在整个正常操作条件下出现以及只会在特定条件下出现两种情况。 危险警告标志应用于下列会在设备中存在的不同隐患:l 电l 移动部件l 化学品l 高温表面l 非电离辐射l 激光The selection of the specific labels to be used will depend on the types of hazards present in the equipment.应根据出现在设备中的隐患的种类来选择所应采用的危险警告标志的类型。This guide will address four basic issues related to the use of hazar

5、d warninglabels:本指南将说明使用危险警告标志的四个基本问题: When are labels required? 什么时候需要使用危险警告标志?Where should the labels be placed? 危险警告标志应放在什么地方?What format is required? 需要使用什么样的格式?Examples of Warning Labels 危险警告标志例When are Labels Required?什么时候需要使用危险警告标志? In general, labels are not an acceptable substitute for remo

6、ving or controlling the hazard to safe levels with engineering controls. Labels should be provided as an additional warning when exposure to a hazard is possible during operations, maintenance or service, or other uses of the equipment. As an example, if a maintenance task requires removing a guard

7、which provides protection against moving parts, the guard should be labeled because of the potential for injury from the moving parts. In this case, the hazard is only present when the guard is removed. If a hazard is present at all times during normal operating conditions, the portion of the equipm

8、ent where the hazard is present should be labeled. 总体而言,在消除或控制隐患的安全水平方面, 危险警告标志并不是工程控制的一种可接受的替代品。危险警告标志应用于在操作、维修、维护或其他使用设备过程中可能会接触隐患的一种附加的警告。例如, 如果一项维修任务需要移开一个安全防护罩,而这个安全防护罩会保护某一移动部件,那么这个安全防护罩就应该加上危险警告标志,因为这一移动部件可能会造成伤害。在这个例子中,隐患只是在安全防护罩被移开以后才会出现。如果某一隐患在正常操作过程中会一直存在的话,存在隐患的设备部分就应该予以标示。Where Should L

9、abels Be Placed?危险警告标志应放在什么地方?If a guard or barrier is used to provide protection against a hazard, the labels should be placed on the barrier, guard, cover or part that must be opened or removed to gain access to the hazard. If there are several layers of barriers (e.g., outer skin and interior gua

10、rd), the label should be placed on the last barrier to be removed before reaching the hazardous area. Some examples of this are listed below: Electrical panel access cover or door. The label should be placed on the panel cover or door which would allow exposure to electrical hazards when opened, A g

11、uard over a moving parts hazard. The label should be placed on the last guard or cover which must be removed in order to access the moving parts,如果某一防护罩或栅栏用于保护某一危险,危险警告标志就应该放在这些必须打开或移开后才会接触到隐患的栅栏、防护罩或部件上。如果栅栏有几层(例如外壳和部防护罩),危险警告标志应放置在接触到危险区域之前所应移开的最后一层栅栏上。以下是一些这样的例子:l 配电盘盖板或门。危险警告标志应放在打开后就会导致接触电能危险的盖

12、板或门上。l 某一移动部件上的防护罩。危险警告标志应放在接触到移动部件之前必须移开的随后一层防护罩或盖板上。Where equipment contains hazardous or potentially hazardous materials (e.g.chemicals, lasers, X-ray sources, a warning label should be placed on theoutside of the equipment to indicate the hazard(s) contained within. 如果设备贮存有危险的或潜在危险的物质(例如:化学品、激光、

13、X射线),危险警告标志应放在设备的外表面以注明所存在的隐患。The label should be placed on the equipment where it is most likely to be noticed by personnel who will be working with the equipment and could be exposed to the hazard. This should take into account the following:危险警告标志应防止在设备上最容易被使用该设备并可能会接触隐患的人注意的地方。这需要从以下几个方面考虑: Dire

14、ction from which personnel will approach the area of the equipment where the hazard is present. If access is only possible from the rear of the equipment, the label should be placed on the rear of the equipment where personnel will work or access the equipment, 人接近设备危险区域部位的方向。如果人只能从设备的后面接近设备,那么危险警告标

15、志就应放在设备后面人进行操作或接近设备的地方。 Posture of the person when removing the guard or performing tasks that involve the potential for exposure. If a task requires that a person sit on the ground in order to remove a guard or cover, the label should be placed on the guard or cover where it would be easily seen wh

16、en sitting on the ground or when approaching the equipment for this task. 人移开防护罩或进行可能接触隐患操作时的姿势。如果某一任务需要人坐在地上来移开防护罩或盖板,危险警告标志就应放在人坐在地上时容易看见的地方。If the hazard is present in the equipment at all times during normal operating conditions, the label should be placed in an area where it can easily be seen by personnel working with the equ



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