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1、 Unit 17Laughter(B).阅读理解(2017长春七校第一次联考)The media has negative effects on the physical and psychological wellbeing of society.People spending hours in front of a television or surfing the Internet experience eye problems.Lack of physical activity leads to obesity problems.The media influences public

2、opinions and impacts the choices that people make.The media has led to a general opinion that thin is in and fat is out.This makes the overweight feel out of place.They are ready to starve themselves to lose weight,which has led to increasing cases of eating disorders.The media has,in its own way,ch

3、anged peoples outlook on life.It is the interface(界面)through which millions look at the world outside.The media claims to describe the“today”, but not all types of media show the truth.With the intention of stressing their points or grabbing greater attention from the masses,the media exaggerates(夸大

4、)things to a certain degree.Not everyone is able to filter out that element.Most believe everything to be real,especially kids and teenagers.Media sources are so many in number and all of them so convincingly make their points that it is hard to distinguish between right and wrong.Thus while a certa

5、in amount of exposure to the media is essential for introducing ourselves to the world outside,excessive exposure,uncontrolled access and belief without thought wont lead us anywhere.They will only make the negative effects of the media more obvious.Media descriptions give rise to stereotypes,affect

6、ing your mindset. Advertisements carry subliminal(潜意识的)messages influencing buyers psychology,or carry direct messages that bear a negative influence.Its not possible to protect yourself completely from the effects of the media,even if you limit the exposure.And there are so many things you see arou

7、nd you,without choosing to watch them.The only way to protect yourself from them is to not allow them to influence you.Dont take media descriptions at their word.Dont believe in them without thinking.Think twice before following or falling for anything.【语篇解读】媒体为了达到某一目的,往往会误导人们,其负面影响很大,因此人们对媒体所传达的信息要

8、进行理智的思考和判断,绝不能盲目相信。1How does the media affect peoples health?AIt misshapes peoples concept of beauty.BIt disturbs peoples sleeping routines.CIt makes people addicted to junk food.DIt raises peoples awareness of exercise.A考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“The media influences public opinions and impacts the choices tha

9、t people make.The media has led to a general opinion that thin is in and fat is out.”可知,媒体影响公众的观点以及人们所做出的选择,媒体导致公众认为“瘦是时尚,胖是落伍”,这使得肥胖的人觉得自己格格不入,于是他们准备饿肚子来减肥,从而导致饮食紊乱。由此可知,媒体会使人们形成有关美的错误观念。故选A。2Which word can replace the underlined part“filter out”in Paragraph 2?AAccept.BConvey.CRemove.DInterpret.C考查

10、词义猜测。根据文章第二段中的“With the intention of stressing their points or grabbing greater attention from the masses,the media exaggerates(夸大)things to a certain degree.”和“Most believe everything to be real,especially kids and teenagers.”可知,为了强调他们的观点或是吸引大众更多的关注,媒体会在一定程度上夸大事物,而不是每个人都能够过滤掉“夸张”这种因素的影响。大部分人认为一切都是真

11、的,尤其是孩子和青少年。由此可推知画线部分的意思是“过滤掉,去除”,与remove 的意思相近。故选C。3What message does the author convey in Paragraph 3?AMore haste,less speed.BEvery coin has two sides.CA watched pot never boils.DLearn to walk before you run.B考查推理判断。根据第三段中的“while a certain amount of exposure to the media is essential for introduci

12、ng ourselves to the world outside,excessive exposure,uncontrolled access and belief without thought wont lead us anywhere.They will only make the negative effects of the media more obvious.”可知,适度接触媒体对我们了解外面的世界是完全必要的,但过多的、毫无节制的接触对我们则无益处,会对我们产生消极的影响。由此可知,B项“事物都有两面性”符合题意。4What does the author advise pe

13、ople to do in the last paragraph?ALimit their exposure to the media.BDont be too curious about things around.CDevelop their selfconfidence and selfcontrol.DUse their own judgment properly in face of the media.D考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“The only way to protect yourself from them is to not allow them to influen

14、ce you.Dont take media descriptions at their word.Dont believe in them without thinking.Think twice before following or falling for anything.”可知,作者建议人们不要被媒体的描述欺骗,不要盲目相信媒体所报道的,要有自己的判断,也就是说人们在媒体(信息)面前,要恰当运用自己的判断力。故选D。.阅读七选五(2017陕西省高三教学质量检测)How to Choose a Topic for Your PaperNo matter what research pa

15、per you write,the first and most important step is to choose the topic. 1 Here are some tips for you to follow.To choose a good topic,youll have to ask yourself some important questions.Is there enough research available on this topic?Is the topic new and unique enough that I can offer fresh opinion

16、s?Is it related to my subject and future occupation? 2 Writing about something you enjoy certainly shows in the final product,making it more likely that you will be successful in writing a paper about something you enjoy.If you are writing a research paper for a class,consider the other students. 3 How can you keep your paper unique and interesting if ever


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