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1、2019版高三英语一轮复习Module2HighlightsofMySeniorYear预习案外研版选修7Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year (主题语境:人与自我学校生活).课标单词在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练Practicemakesperfect.话题必记单词1.keenadj.渴望的;热切的;热心的2.issuen.问题3.shabbyadj.破旧的,破烂的4.sobv.啜泣,呜咽,抽噎5.conceptn.概念6.punctualadj.准时的,守时的7.upsetv.使(某人)心烦意乱,使心情不好8.cheerv.欢呼;喝彩;加油阅读识记单词1

2、.peer n.同龄人2.mediator n.调解员;斡旋者3.dynamic adj.精力充沛的,有创新思想的4.bachelor n.未婚男子,单身汉5.polish v.擦光,擦亮6.fortnight n.两星期,14天7.scholarship n.奖学金8.routine n.(公共表演的)一套固定舞步;一套舞蹈动作构织连脉词族1.settlev.解决;定居settlementn.解决;定居petitiveadj.好强的;好竞争的competev.竞争;对抗competitionn.比赛competitorn.竞争者,对手competencen.能力3.electv.选举;推选e



5、.渴望的;忧虑的enthusiasticadj.热情的数学运算大集合plusprep.加;加上minusprep.减n.减号,负号multiplyv.乘,使相乘dividev.除,除以语境活用1.Having been decorated,the museum looks splendid with all its decorations.(decorate)2.To ensure the normal development of the developingcountries,the developed countries should help them develop their na

6、tural resources.(develop)3.The furniture in her room is polished every day,so it looks very polished.(polish)4.After the settlement of his personal affairs,he settled down to his work.(settle)5.Qingdao has a lot of beautiful attractions,and many thousands of tourists are attracted here to enjoy the

7、attractive scenery.(attract).课标短语从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律Observationisthebestteacher.1.lookbackat回顾,回忆2.havefun玩得开心3.asfarasImconcerned就我而言4.inmyview我认为;在我看来5.beconsideredas被看作;被认为是6.belikelytodo有可能语境活用1.Tom may win the competition,in which case he islikelyto get into the national team.2.My parents want m

8、e to take extra maths lessons at the weekend,but I want to play and havefun.3.The company isconsideredas a potential partner.重点句型从教材中探求高考脉动从仿写中熟练运用Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart.领悟教材语境1.Meanwhile,I findmyselflooking back at my senior year,and thinking about all the wonderful things that have ha

9、ppened.同时,我发觉自己在回顾自己的高中最后一年的时光,追忆所有发生过的美好往事。(教材Page 16)要点提炼 find+宾语+宾语补足语“发现处于某种状态”。2.Exam grades are very important,but soaretheafter-schoolactivities.考试成绩很重要,但课外活动也同样(重要)。(教材Page 23)要点提炼“so+助动词/情态动词/系动词+主语”,表示上述肯定情况也适合于另一者。3.Itwasnotuntil the 1920s that pompoms began to play an important part in c

10、heerleading.直到20世纪20年代,彩线球才在拉拉队队员的表演中发挥重要作用。(教材Page 27)要点提炼 It is/was not until.that.是强调句式,意为“直到才”。高考写作情景我发现自己多年来从未玩得这样开心过。IfoundmyselfhavingmorefunthanIhadhadinyears.足球对我来说很重要,但我们的友谊同样重要。Football is important for me,butsoisourfriendship.直到河中的鱼都死光了,村民们才意识到环境保护的重要性。Itwasnotuntilallthefishdiedintheriv

11、erthatthevillagersrealizedtheimportanceofenvironmentalprotection.语篇旧材新用探究根源Killtwobirdswithonestone.话题与语篇填空My school life is over and I have received my high school diploma.After the ceremony,Im going to take 1.a long vacation.Meanwhile,I find myself 2.looking(look) back at my senior year.One of the

12、 best 3.things(thing) about this year has been working 4.as an arts editor,which is my first step towards 5.becoming(become) a journalist.6.Something else Ive greatly enjoyed is working as a peer mediator.During the Easter vacation,I went 7.on a short school skiing trip to the Rocky Mountains.The hi

13、ghlight of the year was the senior prom.I found a dress that 8.suited(suit) me perfectly,and had my hair specially 9.done(do) on the day of the prom.What made me feel good is 10.that I was elected prom queen.It was a perfect ending to a perfect school year.话题与短文改错In America,the development of social

14、 skills is considered as more important as the development of intellectual skills.To help students develop these social skills,schools offer thea large number of after-school activities that tooktake place outside classroom lessons.When decidedeciding which students to accept,employers and colleges

15、look for students who hashave skills in several areas.Exam gradegrades are very important,but suchso are the after-school activities.By taking part in these activities,students show their speciallyspecial talents,their ability to lead,and their ability to get on with others.Young people are also encouraged to take part in competitive sports and summer camps,which can provide them with many opportunities to develop themthemselves.4 / 4



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