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1、Unit 1Living with technology.单句语法填空1I find it difficult _(draw) a conclusion on that.答案:to draw2It was not until he came back _ I left for Qingdao.答案:that3She would like to rid _(she) of these terrible fears.答案:herself4She made a big sacrifice _ her position today.答案:for5Her opinions are the direct

2、_(oppose) of mine.答案:opposite6_(typical), he would come in late and then say that he had to go early.答案:Typically7She speaks fluent and _(idiom) English.答案:idiomatic8Then the teacher distributed the examination papers _ the class.答案:to9The fall in prices will be _(benefit) to small business.答案:benef

3、icial10They wound _(them) way through the narrow valley.答案:their.阅读理解(2016唐山一模)Robots performing tasks according to a predetermined set of instructions are nothing new.But robots able to learn how to cook by watching videos are a completely different approach, which is conducted by a group of resear

4、chers at the University of Maryland. If you have posted a video of your favorite recipe on the popular website YouTube, chances are that it will be used by a robot. University of Marylands professor Yiannis Aloimonos, leader of the group, said “There exists a large amount of video information on the

5、 Internet that our robots can capitalize_on”“At present, the videos are fed electronically,” said research scientist Cornelia Fermuller. “Originally, we took our own videos, our cameras looking at us doing the cooking,” she explained.“And, as the robot advances, it reacts to good quality videos.And

6、it will react to even lower quality homemade videos.”So far, the robot named Julia can make a simple salad by breaking each task into basic parts, such as grasping a spoon, bringing it to the bowl, stirring the salad and observing the results. But why teach a robot how to understand a video when it

7、can easily follow a fixed program? Aloimonos believes predetermined instructions lack flexibility.He thinks one of the problems is how to make the robot understand and use what it learns during a certain task, the socalled feedback(反馈意见); another is the introduction of language.“I believe it will ta

8、ke quite some time before the robots are able to understand metaphorical(比喻性的) language,” he added.“But, ” he said, “we dont need that to create a new world where the robots will be working for us.” 【语篇解读】机器人按既定指令完成任务并不让人觉得新鲜, 但能看着视频学做饭的机器人, 你可能前所未闻。1The underlined phrase “capitalize on” probably ca

9、n be replaced by_Atake hold ofBmake use ofCkeep track of Dcatch sight ofB解析:词义猜测题。由第一段的第三句“If you have posted a video of your favorite recipe on the popular website YouTube, chances are that it will be used by a robot.” 可知, 机器人能利用网上大量的视频信息, 结合第一段的最后一句可知, capitalize on应与“use”意思相近, 因此选择B项。 take hold o

10、f“握住”; make use of“利用”; keep track of“与保持联系”; catch sight of“看到”。2Aloimonos probably agrees that at present the robot_Acan not fully digest what it learnsBcan not make a simple saladCcan follow homemade videosDcan understand metaphorical languageA解析:推理判断题。 根据最后一段Aloimonos的话可知, 该机器人目前还不能理解比喻性的语言。 根据倒

11、数第二段的最后一句可推知, Aloimonos可能认为目前该机器人还不能完全消化它学的东西, 应选择A项。3Robots are taught to understand a video mainly because_Athey can easily follow fixed programsBthey are smart enough to learn cookingCcooking videos are more interesting to watchDpredetermined instructions are not flexibleD解析:细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段的第二句“Bu

12、t why teach a robot.a fixed program?Aloimonos believes predetermined instructions lack flexibility.”可知, 教机器人理解视频是因为预定指令不够灵活, 应选择D项。4Which of the following might best serve as the title of the passage?ARobots Creating a New WorldBRobots Making Cooking VideosCRobots Learning to Cook by Watching Videos

13、DRobots Performing Tasks by Following InstructionsC解析:标题归纳题。文章主要介绍了通过观看视频学做饭的机器人, 因此C项是最佳标题。.完形填空(2016河南洛阳高三模拟调研)Kindness at Fastfood RestaurantIt was summer and I had gotten one of the few jobs a 14yearold can find, working at Burger King, a fastfood restaurant.It _1_ wasnt a good job, but it meant

14、 money, _2_ was something I needed.One day, I was working behind the front counter, taking _3_The customers were coming and going, and the woman who _4_ didnt seem any different from most others.She ordered her meal and I told her the total.As she searched _5_ her purse to find some change, the woma

15、n soon _6_ that she was about a dollar short.“Im _7_ to say this, but I guess I wont be able to make my purchase _8_, ” she said sadly.Thats when I had the idea of paying the difference for her.She refused at first, but after I _9_, she agreed.She thanked me and moved to the end of the counter to _10_ her order.I continued with my work and thought _11_ more of it.About an hour later _12_ had slowed down and I was waiting for my next custom


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