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1、Unit 4 Films and film events 单句语法填空1Parents often find it difficult _(communicate) with their children.答案:to communicate2It was from the early 1990s _ scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.答案:that3_(lose) in thought, he almos

2、t ran into the car in front of him.答案:Lost4She has a particular _(prefer) for Chinese art.答案:preference5Theres a strong _(resemble) between Susan and Joe.答案:resemblance6The prisoners statement is _(contradict) to the one hed made earlier.答案:contradictory7I was sitting on the beach, with my back _(ex

3、pose) to the sun.答案:exposed8I _(do) remember your birthday yesterday, though I wasnt able to buy a present for you.答案:did9The highway runs parallel _ the railway.答案:with10Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send out a signal that you are being _(d

4、efence)答案:defensive 单句改错1If we will go for an outing tomorrow remains unknown.IfWhether2My preference is that we hired a worker to help with the job.hiredhire3All the houses in that street look like.likealike4The doctor said that the best way to cure his illness is to expose him to the sun.himhimsel

5、f5He is a brilliant president without parallel in modern times.without后加a 完成句子1We _(把假期看作) a time for recreation, but she has a different idea.答案:view the holiday as2The cleaness and tidiness made _ (这个房间住起来很舒适)答案:the room comfortable to live in3I will lend my book to you _(只要) you promise to take g

6、ood care of it.答案:as long as4_(我们能否准时到达) depends upon the weather.答案:Whether we can arrive on time or not5He had intended to go, but_(再三考虑), he gave up the idea.答案:on second thought【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1我看过成百上千部电影, 它们有各种各样的风格和不同的故事。2我最喜爱的是第六感生死缘( Meet Joe Black)。3这部电影时长三个小时, 有着迷人的故事和魅力四

7、射的男主角。4这部电影使我对自己和未来的生活思考很多。5这部电影我只看过两次, 但第一次观看时它就成了我最喜爱的电影。提示: 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:Ive watched hundreds of different films, with all kinds of styles and different stories.The one that I like best is Meet Joe Black.This film lasts three hours, which has fascinating stories and a charming main actor.It has given me so much to think about myself and my future life.Ive only watched the film twice.However, it became my favourite film the first time I watched it.2


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