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1、模块7 Unit 2 Fit for life 单句语法填空1The exercise seems _(easily), but in fact its very hard.答案:easy2We felt _(astonish) at the news that he won the first prize in the math competition.答案:astonished3He works so hard as _(become) a top student in his class.答案:to become4He subscribed _ a number of journals

2、concerned with his subject.答案:to5I have an _(arrange) with your bank to cash cheques here.答案:arrangement6I dont see any _(relate) between the two problems.答案:relation7His patience _(wear) out by all these troubles.答案:was worn8Therefore, it should be used with great _(cautious)答案:caution9He was found

3、 in _(possess) of dangerous drugs.答案:possession10Their efforts to improve the production have been very _(effect)答案:effective 单句改错1The land is in possession of the merchant.in后面加the2Roger just looked up at him with an astonishing look.astonishingastonished3The kitchen knife has become dull, so Mothe

4、r asked me to sharp it.sharpsharpen4The teacher gave Tom caution and told him never to do it again.caution前加a5His secretary has arranged him to meet you tonight. arranged后加for 完成句子1He is _(够勇敢足以面对各种危险)答案:brave enough to face various kinds of danger2I was unwilling to _(同意) the contract, but had to.答

5、案:subscribe to3She worked hard, _ (她的丈夫工作也很努力)答案:as did her husband4My patience is almost _(消失) by her endless complaints.答案:worn away5The idea seems good but it needs to be_(实验)答案:tried out【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1一种对心脏病有效的新药被发明了。2这种药一天吃三次, 一次两片。3如果需要也可多吃一到两片。4如果你吃后感觉不舒服, 请立刻停药。5为了安全起见, 最

6、好在吃药前谨遵医嘱。提示: 黑体部分用本单元词汇表达。【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:A new kind of medicine has been invented, which is beneficial to heart attack.It should be taken three times a day and two tablets once.You can also take one or two more tablets if needed.But if you are not feeling well after taking the medicine, you should stop taking it at once.For your safety, its better to follow the doctors advice before taking it.2


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