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1、Module 3 Foreign Food.单句语法填空1(2016天津和平区模拟)Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just end up _ sweet dreams.答案:with2How do you like our city?It has changed beyond all _(recognize) in the past 20 years,a completely new one in front of me.答案:recognition3_(owe) to the recent bad weather,

2、 the project is several weeks behind schedule.答案:Owing4Where did you first meet your boyfriend?It was in the department store _ he worked.答案:where5The economy has grown at a _(remark)rate, averaging almost 10 percent per annum.答案:remarkable6The students present the meeting listened carefully to the

3、socalled experts long boring speech, but could not make _ what he was talking about.答案:out7The _(transform) of our city will make it possible for people here to have a comfortable environment.答案:transformation8Many fans are always collecting a lot of information _(associate) with their favourite sta

4、rs.答案:associated9Food _(taste) good,like milk and cookies,are called comfort foods because they make you feel better.答案:tasting10Many factories and banks in some countries closed down as a direct consequence _ the war.答案:of.阅读理解(2016菏泽一模)Can eating a chocolate bar every day really prevent agerelated

5、 memory loss? No. But a new research shows that large amounts of flavones, substances found in cocoa, tea and some kinds of vegetables, may improve agerelated memory failure.Dr. Scott Small is a professor of neurology at Columbia University in New York City. He is the lead writer of a research paper

6、 describing the effects of cocoa flavones on brain activity. His study involved 37 volunteers aged between 50 and 69. Researchers gave them a highlevel flavones drink made from cocoa beans or a lowlevel flavones drink. For a period of three months, some subjects got 900 milligrams of flavones a day.

7、 The others got 10 milligrams of flavones each day. Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each study subject before and after the study. Dr. Small says that the subjects who had the highlevel flavones drink showed much improvement on memory tests.The researchers warn that more work is needed

8、to be done because this study was performed only on a small group. Dr. Joann Manson is the lead researcher of a fouryear study involving 18,000 adults. This study will use flavones capsules(胶囊). The study subjects will be divided into two groups and will take two pills per day. The capsules used wil

9、l all look the same. But one groups capsules will contain flavones, while the other group will take capsules made of an inactive substance, or placebo.Dr. Manson says its not necessary for people to start eating more chocolate, because a person would have to eat a huge amount of chocolate to get the

10、 same level of flavones given to the test subjects. He adds many manufacturers have planned to remove the flavones from their chocolate products. Similarly, Dr. Manson says a cocoabased flavones extract(提取) may be developed in the future. But he says that more studies are needed to see how much flav

11、ones is good for our health.【文章大意】这是一篇科普文章,文章主要描述了每天吃一块巧克力是否真的可以预防与年龄有关的记忆衰退,答案是否定的,文章介绍了两位研究者分组实验的研究成果,巧克力中主要含有黄烷醇类物质,它对人体是有益的,但是多少量对人体健康有益还需要再研究。1What was done to the subjects after Dr. Smalls study?AThey were asked to take a highlevel flavones drink.BThey were given capsules containing flavones.C

12、They were given brain imaging and memory tests.DThey were asked to take two pills of flavones capsules per day.C解析:细节理解题。根据第二段倒数第二句Brain imaging and memory tests were given to each study subject before and after the study.可知研究后和研究前对测试者需要做大脑图像和记忆力测试,故选C。2Whats the similarity of the two experiments?AB

13、oth use highlevel flavones capsules.BThe number of the subjects is the same.CDrinks and placebos are used in both experiments.DThe subjects are divided into two groups in both experiments.D解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中Researchers gave them a highlevel flavones drink made from cocoa beans or a lowlevel flavones dr

14、ink.可知研究者将测试者分成了两组,又根据第三段中The study subjects will be divided into two groups and will take two pills per day.可知两组实验都是将被测试者分成了两组,这是实验的相似之处,故选D。3Why will Dr. Manson carry out the fouryear study?ATo prove the first experiment is wrong.BTo carry out the experiment further.CTo test how much flavones can

15、improve our memory.DTo show eating chocolate is better to improve memory.B解析:推理判断题。根据第三段第一句The researchers warn that more work is needed to be done because this study was performed only on a small group.内容可知,Dr. Manson为了做进一步研究才开始了4年的研究工作,故选B。4What can we learn from the last paragraph?AIts not necessary for us to eat chocolate.BThe more we eat flavones, the better our health will be.CIn the future we can get flavones without eating chocolate.DIts easy for people to get the same level of flavones given to the te


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