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1、Unit6 Design 单句语法填空1The scenery of nature there is so beautiful,in other words,its beyond _(imagine)答案:imagination2It is hard for us to come to a _(conclude) without any evidence.答案:conclusion3In spite of her illness,she still took great pains _(help)us out.答案:to help4_(complete) all the homework on

2、 time,the girl has to work till midnight.答案:To complete5Hes been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _ purpose.答案:on6The mother left the dying baby in the hospital without _(merciful)答案:mercy7The doctor sat with his eyes quietly _(fix) on his bright face.答案:fixed8When he came back,he found t

3、he bag he had left _(hang) over the seat was gone.答案:hanging9The other day my father bought an old vase _(date)back to the Qin Dynasty.答案:dating10Sorry,I have no time left.Can we discuss the matter _ supper?答案:over 单句改错1It has been raining for days,completely ruined our plan.ruinedruining2This after

4、noon we will discuss all the being related problems at the meeting.去掉being3He told us that we should show little mercy for the enemy.forto4The prize will go to the writer which story shows the most imagination.whichwhose5The old man entered the room to see the bowl dating to the Ming Dynasty.第二个to改为

5、from或dating后加上back 完成句子1Hearing the news,they hurried to the station,_(食物都没有动)答案:leaving the food untouched2When the chairman was announcing the result,all the people _(屏住了呼吸)答案:held their breath3The young man was standing there,_(注视着这个雕塑)答案:fixed his eyes on this statue4When the scientist was young

6、,he was always _(实验一些新想法)答案:trying out some new ideas5_(为了鼓励学生们参加户外运动),our school organized a mountainclimbing in May.答案:To encourage the students to take outdoor exercise【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1昨天我们去展览会了,看到了一些新发现的希腊的雕像。(exhibition;discover)2有些雕像很抽象,以至于我们不理解。(abstract;so.that.)3有些雕像可以追溯到公元

7、前三世纪。(date back to.)4王林盯着一个雕像,很想知道它是用什么工具雕刻而成的。(fix ones eyes on;be carved with)5看了这些雕像,我们都对那些雕刻家的想象力非常佩服。(imagination)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:Yesterday,we went to an exhibition and saw some newly discovered sculptures of Greece.Some sculptures were so abstract that we couldnt understand them.Some could date back to the 3rd century BC.Wang Lin fixed his eyes on a sculpture,wondering what tools it was carved with.Seeing these sculptures,we all admired those sculptors imagination.3


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