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1、Unit 8 Adventure.单句语法填空1Most of us could hardly contain our _(excite)when hearing that our team won.答案:excitement2The captain asked his colleague whether he was prepared to risk _(travel) without an armed guard.答案:travelling3The supermarket offers _(vary)goods to choose from,so more and more people

2、prefer to shop there.答案:various4Nowadays many young people who are overweight are anxious _ their health.答案:about5The government has taken some measures,_(aim) at cutting down the cost during the tough economy.答案:aiming6It is known that Internet shopping has already taken _ when people make sure tha

3、t it is safe.答案:off7I havent got a job at the moment,but Im sure that something good will turn _ sooner or later.答案:up8Although _(taste) a little bitter,this medicine will be good for curing the disease.答案:tasting9The company will buy several pieces of _(equip) and take on some new employees next ye

4、ar.答案:equipment10A big fire broke _ in the hotel last night,but all the people were able to escape from it.答案:out.阅读理解A(2016辽宁师大附中高三质检)Ive often wondered if I might do more good as a travel agent rather than as a psychologist.It seems that I have been more dramatically affected by certain kinds of t

5、ravel experiences than I ever have.My trip to Iceland is a fine example of that.The plan was to spend two days in a remote mountain hut in Iceland.I was working on a photographic book about winter in Iceland and needed to capture images of this amazing region of high mountain peaks,smoky volcanoes,a

6、nd lakes with floating icebergs.The moment after we arrived,the weather turned extreme making visibility impossible.It snowed so much and the wind blew so hard that we couldnt leave the tiny hut.To stay warm,we walked around in circles much of the day inside the tiny hut.We tried to call for help bu

7、t the radio did not work.Day after day,we watched our supplies of food and fuel grow dangerously short.We got acute cabin fever (幽居病) and started going for walks and ski expeditions outside.Even when the weather finally broke,nobody came to get us even though it was three days beyond our scheduled p

8、ickup.By the time the rescue team came to pull us out,we had all given up hope.From then on,the world looks different to me,as does my life.It would have taken me years of psychotherapy to get to the same point.Almost everyone has a story to tell,and interestingly,most of these experiences were not

9、altogether pleasant at the time.In fact,it appears that the most constructive lifechanging journeys were those that involved some sorts of awful and uncomfortable events that forced the person to develop new resources,increase confidence,and solve problems in new ways.【文章大意】作者在本文中讲述了去冰岛拍摄照片的一次经历。作者一

10、行人到了岛上后,遭遇了天气恶劣、食物短缺等困难。作者后来认识到,经历困难和挫折会使人增加自信,并使人学会用新的方法来面对生活中的挑战。 1The writer went to Iceland to _Aenjoy the natural beautiful floating icebergsBtake photos about the region for a bookCcollect materials for psychological researchDchallenge the high mountains thereB解析:细节理解题。根据第二段提到I was working on

11、a photographic book about winter in Iceland and needed to capture images of this amazing region of high mountain peaks,smoky volcanoes,and lakes with floating icebergs.我想再写本冰岛冬季摄影的书,需要捕捉到这个惊人区域的一些关于山峰,冒烟火山和正在流动的冰川的照片,故选B项。2During the trip in Iceland,those travelers faced difficulties EXCEPT that _At

12、hey got lost in the mountain Bthey were short of food and fuelCthey couldnt see the surroundings clearlyDthey failed to get in touch with the rescue team A解析:细节理解题。根据第三段the weather turned extreme making visibility impossible和We tried to call for help but the radio did not work.Day after day,we watch

13、ed our supplies of food and fuel grow dangerously short.可知,B、C、D三项都提到了,A项文中并没有提到。3From Paragraph 3,we learn that the travelers _Awere in despair before they were rescuedBstayed in the hut for three days altogetherCgot sick because of going for ski outsideDgot rescued immediately the weather turned f

14、ineA解析:细节理解题。根据第三段提到By the time the rescue team came to pull us out,we had all given up hope.在救援队赶到帮助我们撤离时,我们已经放弃了希望,故选A项。4Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?AThe writer is a travel agent who loves difficult challenges.BIn Iceland the weather is always extreme and it

15、snows a lot.CThe travellers were so depressed that they needed psychotherapy.DAwful journeys may become lifechanging events that inspire people.D解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段的In fact,it appears that the most constructive lifechanging journeys were those that involved some sorts of awful and uncomfortable events that forced the person to develop new resources,increase confidence,and solve problems in new ways.故选D项。B(2016长春高三质检)Melbourne,Australia Melbourne is a hotspot travel destination,and its


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