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1、Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors 单句语法填空1I am not accustomed to _ (interrupt) when studying or working, so please remember this and dont do it again.答案:being interrupted2The headmaster hurried to the concert hall, only _ (tell) the speaker had gone.答案:to be told3The librarians actively collected the boo

2、ks of the world, _ (accelerate) the spread of knowledge.答案:accelerating4My neck is aching.No wonder. You _ (play) computer games for four hours.答案:have been playing5It was shocking that the mayor _ (arrest) after he took office for less than half a year.答案:was arrested6If only you were _ (careful)!

3、The traffic accident could have been avoided.答案:more careful7No sooner had the professor entered the conference hall _ everyone applauded.答案:than8There were so many cars held up by the heavy rain on the road that we had no alternative but _ (wait)答案:to wait9_ (assume) that you are chosen to be a vol

4、unteer at the Olympic Games, what will you do?答案:Assuming/Assume10Every year, a good many tourists are attracted to visit the old temple _ (date) back to the eleventh century.答案:dating 单句改错1The vegetables should cut up into small pieces and dropped into the boiling water.should后加be2The road led to o

5、ur school was destroyed by rain last night.led_leading或led前加that/which3All the people should be treated with respect regardless race, education and wealth.regardless后加of4I made assumption that he is a good teacher.made后加an5Ann had almost reached school when something arrest her attention.arrest_arre

6、sted6Every day a number of tourists take pictures in front of the tower, which dated back to as early as 800 years ago.dated_dates 完成句子1I firmly believe that the more we _(知道这句名言的重要性), the more benefits we will get in our daily study and job.答案:are aware of the significance of this famous saying2The

7、 escaped prisoner _ (立刻被捕) and was sent to prison again.答案:got arrested immediately3_ (受够了风沙) every spring for four years. I am totally disappointed by the life here and determined to flee the city.答案:Having been fed up with sandstorm4There are many famous cultural relics in our country, many _(追溯到成

8、千上万年前)答案:dating back to thousands of years ago5_ (要是早预见就好了) a few days ago! Then I wouldnt have been feeling so worried now.答案:If only I had looked ahead6_ (不管付出什么代价),we must take every measure to save the old mans life.答案:Regardless of what it costs【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1假如一个人知道学习的重要性,

9、他就会有充足的时间学习。(assume; significance)2李华是高三的学生, 经常对他自己说:“要是我现在是大学生该多好啊!”(if only)3然而为了将来, 他除了为即将到来的高考作准备别无选择。(look ahead; have no alternative but to do)4他对每天做那么多练习非常厌烦, 尽管他遇到了许多困难, 但他知道他不得不加快复习的步伐。(be fed up with; regardless of)5他的父母都为他喝彩, 在他学习的时候从不打扰他。(applaud; interrupt)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One poss

10、ible version:Assuming that one knows the significance of study, he will have ample time to study. Li Hua, a student of Senior Three, often says to himself, “If only I were a college student!”However, looking ahead, he has no alternative but to prepare for the coming College Entrance Examinations. Fed up with doing lots of exercises every day and regardless of a lot of difficulties, he knows he has to accelerate his walk to revision. His parents both applaud him and never interrupt him while he is studying.3


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