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1、Unit 3 Inventors and inventions 单句语法填空1The bus came to an _(abruptly) stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.答案:abrupt2When the ice is heated above _(freeze) point, it begins to change into a liquid state.答案:freezing3Your suggestion sounds reasonable and _(practice). I think it deserves t

2、o be discussed at the next meeting.答案:practical4The boy _(knock) down by the car was immediately taken to the nearby hospital.答案:knocked5The natural beauty of Mount Tai _(attract) millions of tourists from all over the world every year.答案:attracts6I tried ringing you several times yesterday but I co

3、uldnt get _ to you.答案:through7The sound of happy laughter called _ memories of his old days.答案:up8I have set about _(apply) to be a volunteer since I learned the information.答案:applying9Scientists believe human cloning is just _ matter of time.答案:a10Give me a chance _ I will give you a wonderful sur

4、prise.答案:and 单句改错1Paper doesnt often distinguish about the fact and advice.about_between2Someone called me on at midnight, only to find he dialled the wrong number.on_up3I dont think Ill need any money but Ill bring some for case.for_in4You have been sitting on my hat and now it is badly out of the

5、shape.去掉the5Cross the road very carefully.Look both ways,and you might be knocked down.and_or6Can you tell me how to make myself understand better in my broken English?understand_understood 完成句子1However, they have also caused some problems _(例如空气污染, 交通阻塞)答案:such as air pollution and traffic jams2Row

6、ling, the writer of Harry Potter said writing helped her _ (渡过艰难的日子)答案:get through the rough days3_(你方便) to help me take my luggage upstairs?答案:Would it be convenient for you4_(刻苦学习), and you will make great progress in your study.答案:Study hard5So much homework do we have to do that _(我们没时间休息)答案:we

7、have no time to take a rest【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文, 并背诵成文。1我正在做实验, 这时李华打电话说由于交通阻塞, 他不能及时赶到。(call up)2挂断电话后, 我开始做实验。(ring off; set about)3王老师走进来, 轻轻地拍了一下我的额头, 提醒我要忍受失败, 并建议把实验和在课堂上所学的知识联系起来。(tap; forehead; bear; associate.with.)4正是老师的话鼓舞我专心实验。(dive into)5我继续小心谨慎地做实验。最终我成功地完成了实验。(caution; get throu

8、gh)6我非常感谢王老师。我会继续努力, 不辜负老师的期望。(grateful; live up to ones expectation)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:I was doing an experiment when Li Hua called me up telling me he wouldnt come on time because of the traffic jam. After ringing off, I set about doing the experiment.Mr. Wang came in and t

9、apped me on the forehead, reminding me to bear failure. Meanwhile, he suggested that I should associate the experiment with what I had learned in class.It was his words that encouraged me to dive into the experiment. I did it with caution. Finally I got through it successfully. I was grateful to Mr. Wang. Im determined to study hard to live up to his expectation.2


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