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1、Unit2 Heroes 单句语法填空1The young man came up with a good idea for the product _(promote)答案:promotion2Although I gave my _(confident) to him,he left our company without saying a word.答案:confidence3I was told that the test would involve _(answer) questions about a photograph.答案:answering4For many years t

2、hey have been struggling _(end) the war.答案:to end5The firefighters had to cut open the machine to get _ injured out.答案:the6On seeing the wonderful sculpture,everyone present let _ a cry of surprise.答案:out7They were having supper at home _ someone knocked at the door.答案:when8Anyone,whether he is an o

3、fficial or a bus driver,should be _(equal) respected.答案:equally9How did he react _ your answer?He was satisfied with it.答案:to10We cant compete _ other countries if we dont develop our economy.答案:with 单句改错1Getting your students involving in classroom activities is very important.involvinginvolved2Wha

4、tever background you come from,you can be equal successful with your hard work.equalequally3With a great weight taking off her mind,she passed all the tests successfully.takingtaken4The workers are now struggling against a higher pay these days.againstfor5The pupils were playing games in the classro

5、om while the teacher came in.whilewhen 完成句子1The father saw the train his son was on pull out,_(眼里满是泪水)答案:with his eyes full of tears2I hear that he _(与相处得不好) his classmates at school.答案:isnt getting along well with3I was about to give up _(这时爸爸给了我鼓励)答案:when my father gave me some encouragement4_(在田野

6、里散步时),he came up with a good idea.答案:While walking in the field5As a matter of fact,someone has _(泄露这个秘密) to the workers already.答案:let out this secret【写作素材】根据要求运用本单元所学知识完成下面小作文,并背诵成文。1在我看来,我的叔叔是一个真正的英雄,在他身上有许多优秀品质。(in ones opinion)2他慷慨大方,用自己赚的钱给山区的孩子建了一所学校。(generous)3有一次,他从大火中救了一名伤员。(get injured)4此

7、外,他还经常力所能及地帮助残疾人。(the disabled)5社区的人们都佩服他的慷慨行为。(admire.for.)【连句成篇】(将以上句子连成一篇英语短文)_One possible version:In my opinion,my uncle,who is a man with a lot of nice qualities,is a real hero.He is generous.He set up a school for the children from the mountainous areas with the money he earned.At a time,he saved a person who got injured in a big fire.Whats more,he often does what he can to help the disabled.Therefore,all the people in the community admire him for his generosity.3


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