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1、Module 6 The Internet and Telecommunications.单句语法填空1Now that my sons are becoming more _(depend),I have more time for myself.答案:independent2No person shall enter the area without official _(permit)答案:permission3Buses run _(frequent) between the city and the airport.答案:frequently4Best _(know) as an a

2、uthor of fairy tales, Andersen wrote a lot of childrens stories.答案:known5(2016四川绵阳模拟)With his attention _(concentrate) on his homework,John didnt notice me come in.答案:concentrated6(2016山西忻州实验中学模拟)He picked up an envelope _(contain) 50 dollars in it.答案:containing7_ average,how much time do you spend

3、on sports activities each week?答案:On8It is reported that it is the worlds fastest railway which _(short) the 10hour trip to just 3 hours.答案:shortens9We have got to be aware of the fact that currently there are still some children who do not have access _ education in poor areas.答案:to10_(compare) wit

4、h facetoface conversation,letters,emails,telephone calls are more efficient and convenient means to express oneself.答案:Compared.阅读理解A(2016淄博高三模拟)The longer a teenager spends using electronic devices such as computers and smartphones,the worse their sleep will be,a study of nearly 10,000 16 to 19year

5、olds suggests.More than two hours of screen time after school was strongly linked to both delayed and shorter sleep.Almost all the teens from Norway said they used the devices shortly before going to bed.Many said they often got less than five hours sleep a night.The teens were asked questions about

6、 their sleep routine on weekdays and at weekends,as well as how much screen time they clocked up outside school hours.On average,girls said they spent around five and a half hours a day watching TV or using computers,smartphones or other electronic devices.And boys spent slightly more time in front

7、of a screenaround six and a half hours a day,on average.Playing computer games was more popular among the boys,whereas girls were more likely to spend their time chatting online!Any type of screen use during the day and in the hour before bedtime appeared to disturb sleepmaking it more difficult for

8、 teenagers to nod_offAnd the more hours they spent on these devices,the more disturbed their sleep became.When daytime screen use totalled four or more hours,teens had a 49% greater risk of taking longer than an hour to fall asleep.These teens also tended to get less than five hours of sleep per nig

9、ht.Dr.Hysing said her findings had suggestions for the wider population as so many people use these devices.“We know that sufficient sleep is essential for good physical and mental health.Logging off may be one important step toward securing a good nights sleep.”Prof Russell Foster,an expert at the

10、University of Oxford,said,“This is an important study as it provides practical evidence that the use of electronic devices before bed does indeed reduce sleep duration.”He said teenagers should be warned of this.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。一项研究发现,青少年花在电子设备上的时间越长,睡眠时间就越短,睡眠质量也越差。因为足够的睡眠对于身心健康有好处,所以青少年们在睡前应远离电子设备。

11、1What is stressed in the first two paragraphs?ATeens now tend to have more problems with studies.BTeens get harder to fall asleep with more screen time.CTeens addicted to screen are likely to be more energetic.DTeens sleep duration has nothing to do with their screen time.B解析:推理判断题。通读第一、二段可知,这两段在强调使

12、用电子设备对青少年睡眠的影响。故选B项。其余选项和这两段内容无关。2By asking questions,the study finds_Aboys are more likely to chat online than girlsBgirls are more frequent on the screen than boysCteens are attracted by different electronic devicesDteens use the screen for the same purposeC解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第二、三句“On average,girls sai

13、d they spent around five and a half hours a day watching TV or using computers,smartphones or other electronic devices.And boys spent slightly more time in front of a screenaround six and a half hours a day,on average.”可知,青少年使用的电子设备包括电视、电脑、智能手机等,C项正确。3What does the underlined phrase “nod off” in the

14、 fourth paragraph mean?AShut off.BGet excited.CFocus on. DFall asleep.D解析:词义猜测题。根据第四段第一句中“Any type of screen use during the day and in the hour before bedtime appeared to disturb sleep”可知,无论何种电子设备,在白天或睡前使用似乎都会打扰睡眠。由此可知,“making it more difficult for teenagers to nod_off”意为“使用电子设备会让青少年更难睡着”。故D项与“nod o

15、ff”意思接近,意为“睡着,打盹”。A项意为“停止,关掉”;B项意为“兴奋起来”;C项意为“集中注意力,关注”,都不符合题意。4How does Prof Russell Foster feel the study?ABeneficial. BUncaring. CDoubtful. DDissatisfied.A解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段Prof Russell Foster所说内容中“This is an important study”可知,他认为这是一项重要的研究。故选A项,意为“有益的”,符合其观点。B项意为“不关心的”;C项意为“怀疑的”;D项意为“不满意的”,都不是Prof Russell Foster的态度。B(2016河南省实验中学质检)Being an astronaut sounds cool,doesnt it?In space,they get to do some pretty amazing things,like floating in zero gravity.However,there a


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