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1、Unit 1 Life and Attitude.单句语法填空1All these will help us lay a solid (found) for our future career.答案:foundation2In recent years (educate) and parents have become concerned about the poor performance of boys in school.答案:educators3House prices showed no signs of going down at the (begin) of 2015.答案:be

2、ginning4I havent been able to quit (smoke) completely.答案:smoking5We have much less time for (relax) every year.答案:relaxation6Considering his health,I advise him to set an hour or two each day to relax.答案:aside7Had she lived up her promise,she would have made it to Yale University.答案:to8Many people a

3、re eager (have) the chance to attend the lecture by the famous scholar.答案:to have9He succeeded getting a place at art school.答案:in10Many of these answers are perhaps very (child)答案:childish.阅读理解(2016山东菏泽模拟)Are you looking for some interesting and meaningful places to take your kids to? Here are some

4、 places for you to choose before they grow up:AlaskaNot to sound cool,but its a good chance to experience a trip through the icebergs.There are over 100,000 glaciers in Alaska,more than anywhere else in the world combined.You can also spot whales and other wildlife,visit the famous Denali National P

5、ark,enjoy the landscapes and even learn about the roughly 20 different native languages spoken there.New York CityYou definitely dont want to be chasing after your shopaholic teens in Manhattan,so plan your trip to the Big Apple when the kids are still young enough to enjoy the family friendly trips

6、!There are several family friendly Broadway shows to see.You can also bring them for a walk in Central Park,pay a visit to the giant M&MS store in Times Square,take a City Sightseeing Cruise,get on a boat to see the Statue of Liberty,visit the Brooklyn Childrens Museum,and even enjoy a yummy street

7、hot dog.Cape CanaveralThere are few things in the world as cool as rockets that fly to the outer space,so obviously,a visit to Cape Canaverals Kennedy Space Centre is one of the coolest trips you can take your children on.Though you wont see any more launches from this space station and its retired

8、rockets,you can find out what it feels like to be in Shuttle Launch Experience flight simulator.Plus,its only one hour away from Orlando,Florida,so if you visit Disney World as well,this quick side trip will be an easy one to make.The Canadian RockiesIf you happen to visit the Canadian portion of th

9、e northern Rocky Mountains,a visit to Banff National Park will certainly not disappoint you.There are so many great activities for the whole family to enjoy like wildlife viewing,spaceflight tours,fishing,horseback riding,and hiking.Let your children experience the beauty of the Canadian Rockies and

10、 learn more about the history of this impressive UNESCO World Heritage site.【文章大意】这是旅游宣传册内容,文章推荐了带孩子游玩可以去的地方,如Alaska,New York City,Cape Canaveral和The Canadian Rockies,文章介绍了各个景点的看点。1If a child wants to experience something related to spaceflight,where can he go?AAlaska and New York City.BAlaska and C

11、ape Canaveral.CCape Canaveral and the Canadian Rockies.DNew York City and Cape Canaveral.C解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中第二句和第五段第二句的意思可知,这两个地方都有太空飞行方面的体验。2What can children do if they go to Alaska?ASee the Statue of Liberty and enjoy Broadway shows.BVisit Disney World and see some retired rockets.CLearn the history

12、 of a UNESCO World Heritage site and enjoy horse riding.DLearn some native languages and experience a trip through the icebergs.D解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段第一句中its a good chance to experience a trip through the icebergs和最后一句中learn about the roughly 20 different native languages spoken there可知,孩子在那里会学到不同的民族语言,并

13、且体验穿越冰山的旅行,故选D。3What does the underlined word“the Big Apple”mean in the passage?ANew York City.BManhattan.CBroadway. DTimes Square.A解析:推理判断题。the Big Apple一词出现在第三段中,也就是出现在介绍New York City一段中,根据关键的句子plan your trip to the Big Apple可知这是同一地方,故选A。4What type of writing is this text?AAn exhibition guide.BA t

14、ravelling brochure.CAn announcement.DAn art show review.B解析:推理判断题。根据全文内容和文章结构可知,这是介绍旅游景点的,因此符合旅游手册文体,故选B。.完形填空(2016山西太原模拟)Uncle Bruce has been my most influential role model.I admire him because he has 1 me into the person I am today by teaching me about respect and responsibility and that anything

15、2 having takes a lot of hard work.The most important thing he has 3 me is how to think.He always says,“You can learn something from everyone, 4 its what not to do.”He always does what he 5 If he says,“Ill pick you up at seven on Thursday”,it will 6 Also,Bruce is the kind of person who actually 7 you.Uncle Bruce was in the army for 20 years and went through some terrible 8 ,but he hasnt let them affect him 9 After hearing his stories about alcohol and drugr


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