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1、四川省遂宁市2017高考英语一轮完形填空选练一完形填空。I was on a bus one March evening. The driver didnt_1_to start the bus soon because it was not yet_2_. A middleaged woman got on. Tired and sad, she told her story_3_, not to anyone in particular. On her way to the station, half of her_4_was stolen. The other half was hidd

2、en under her blouse, so she_5_still had some left. A few minutes later, she stopped crying, but still looked_6_.When all the seats were taken, the driver started the engine. The conductor began to collect fares(车费). When she came to an old man in wornout clothes, he_7_that he had spent all his money

3、 when he had accidentally got on a wrong bus and now he was trying to go home. On hearing this, she ordered the old man to_8_the bus. The old man was almost in tears as he_9_her to let him take the bus home. The driver took the conductors side and repeated the conductors_10_.The woman was watching t

4、he incident._11_the driver and the conductor raised their voices at the old man, she interfered(干预)“Stop_12_him! Cant you see hes only trying to get home?”“He doesnt have any money! ” the driver_13_.“Well, thats no_14_to throw him off the bus,” she insisted.Then she reached inside her blouse, took o

5、ut her_15_money, and handed it to the conductor. “Heres his fare and mine. Just stop giving him a_16_time.”All heads turned to the woman. “Its only money,” she shrugged.She rode the rest of the way home_17_a happy smile, with the money shed lost earlier_18_.On the road of life, the help of strangers

6、 can_19_our loads and lift our spirits. How much sweeter the_20_will be when we make it a little smoother for others!本文主要讲述了作者在乘车期间目睹的一切和自己内心的感触。1A.try BcareCdecide Dintend答案:Dintend to do.想/欲做。2A.empty BfullCcrowded Dready 答案:B司机不想开车走的原因是因为车内未坐“满”人。3A.tearfully BseriouslyCcarefully Dcalmly答案:A因为下文她

7、讲述的遭遇非常不幸,所以她“声泪俱下”。 4A.fare BpossessionCmoney Dwealth 答案:C从下文看,是她的“钱”被偷了。5A.strangely Bhappily Csecretly Dfortunately 答案:D“幸运的是”,她的钱没被偷光。6A.unsatisfied Bweak Cunhappy Dexcited 答案:C因为遭遇不幸,尽管几分钟后她不再哭了,但依然面带“不悦”。 7A.explained Bdeclared Cadmitted Dfound 答案:A因为自己没钱了,老头要向乘务员做出“解释”。 8A.get off Bstart Cget

8、 on Dstop 答案:A乘客因为没钱,所以乘务员命令他“下车”。9A.begged BscoldedCpraised Dthanked 答案:A于是,那老头“乞求”乘务员让他乘座。 10A.request Baction Csuggestion Dcommand答案:D司机与乘务员站在一边,“命令老头下车”。11A.Unless BAlthough CUntil DWhen 答案:D“当时候”要用when,而不能用unless(除非),although(尽管)或until(直到)。12A.attacking BbotheringCblaming Dwronging答案:B别再“烦/为难”他

9、了!attack(袭击,攻击),blame(责备/怪)及wrong(冤枉,委屈),在此处意义不符。 13A.warned Bwhispered Cshouted Drepeated 答案:C因为司机当时非常激动与气愤,所以shouted(喊叫)。14A.problem BneedCmatter Dreason 答案:D没“理由”让他下车。15A.spending BcollectedCremaining Dborrowed答案:C拿出自己被偷后“剩下”的钱,而不是borrowed(借来的),collected(收集/募捐来的)或spending(正在花费的)。16A.busy Bcold Ch

10、ard Dfearful答案:Cgive sb. a hard time“让某人难过”。17A.giving BwearingCtaking Dforcing答案:Bwear a happy smile“(脸上)带着幸福的微笑”英语中表示人佩带的各种饰物、表情、相貌、发型、肤色、心情等都可用wear。18A.forgotten Bused Cearned Dreturned 答案:A当她幸福地微笑时,就把被偷钱的事“忘了”。19A.move BincreaseClighten Dcarry答案:C陌生人的帮助能“减轻”我们人生道路上的负担。20A.world Bjourney Csmile D

11、friendship答案:B当负担减轻后,我们的人生“旅程”就会更加甜美、平坦。【江苏省南通市2014模拟】完形填空。请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 True leadership is not just the ability to identify the talent and skill of the polished individuals around you. It involves being able to dig beneath the surface and discover 36 . Once there

12、 was a boy who constantly sat and talked in his math class, and seemed 37 in group activities. Most teachers would 38 think of him as a problem student. However, Anna was different. She believed the student was above 39 in other areas so she created a strategy to find out. Anna didnt 40 the parents.

13、 Instead she organized a handful of activities in the class to get more information. In place of calling out for volunteers in class she created a 41 for eachFriday: Girls vs. Boys. The first week the class was totally 42 . Everyone wanted to win. Even the boy had his hand up the whole time trying t

14、o get a turn. _43 , Anna waited, and waited, and waited. Finally the 44 teacher paired the boy with the most 45 girl student in class. Now the two teams had a _46 score, all the students sat back eager to see the result. As the teacher placed the question on the board, most of the students began to _47 their heads: this was a question they had never _48 in class. 49 1 the teacher yelled. Both students started doing it 50 _ thinking of how to solve the complex question. Their classmates, full of _51 _, exclaimed, Hurry, hurry, hurry! The boy finished it just seconds before t


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