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1、四川省遂宁市2017高考英语一轮完形填空选练二完形填空。All throughout life we deal with some types of disappointment,whether they are from our job, family or friends. Disappointment is _1_. It is not a matter of “if” it comes; it is “_2_” it comes.Several days before my 15th birthday, my dad _3_ me that they had bought me a c

2、ar and it would be _4_ on the morning of my birthday. You can imagine the _5_ I felt.That morning, I stood outside waiting for my car to arrive, I _6_ a red sports car and could feel the wind blowing through my hair as I took the car from 4th to 5th gear (挡)Several minutes later, I notice a tow truc

3、k (托运车) coming down the street. I couldnt _7_ it! It wasnt a red sports car like I had pictured. _8_, on the back of this tow truck sat an _9_, multicolored, 1992 Ford truck. There were no words to _10_ the ugliness of this truck.My dad walked out of the _11_ and gave directions where it was to be _

4、12_. Clearly my dad saw the _13_ on my face and told me that we had one year to work on the truck and get it in _14_ shape.Throughout the next year I would _15_ my truck every weekend with my dad. After much hard _16_ , the moment had finally arrived. My dad and I managed to get it running again and

5、 off I went for my first _17_ in my “new” truck.I have learned through the _18_ that there is something to learn from our disappointment. The truck gave me an opportunity to actually know my dad. It is through disappointment that we are _19_. In every disappointment there is a _20_ to be learned. Ho

6、wever, it is up to you to look for the lesson.15岁生日前夕,父亲答应我买一辆汽车,让我兴奋不已。可等来的却是一辆旧卡车,心情一落千丈。父亲看到我失望的表情,提出了一个建议:我们一起修理这辆卡车。功夫不负有心人,这辆卡车终于发动起来了。这件事为我提供了一次与父亲亲近的机会,也让我学到了人在失望中会变得更加坚强,会在失望中得到锻炼。1A.temporary BvariousCunavoidable Dobvious答案:C结合前面的All throughout life we deal with some types of disappointmen

7、t可知, 我们生活中需要处理各种失望,所以这里表示失望是“不可避免的(unavoidable)”。2A.where BhowCwhy Dwhen答案:D根据第一个空知道失望是不可避免的,再结合It is not a matter of “if” it comes可知,失望不是“是否”来临的事情,而是“到它到来的时候(when)”。3A.assured BinformedCreminded Dpromised答案:B结合后面they had bought me a car可知,他们已经为作者买了汽车,所以这里是“告诉(informed)”作者这件事。此空很容易错选A,但根据宾语从句的时态即可排除

8、A。4A.bought BpostedCdelivered Drepaired答案:C根据下文作者在门外等待及托运车来送车可知, 这辆车将在作者生日那天早上被“送(delivered)”到。5A.excitement BanxietyCpuzzlement Dnervousness答案:A因为父亲给作者买了汽车,所以作者应该感到很“兴奋(excitement)”。6A.drove BpicturedCpurchased Draced答案:B结合下一段的like I had pictured可知选B项,表示作者脑中构想的样子。7A.manage BgetCmake Dbelieve答案:D根据下

9、文可知,作者的父亲给他买的不是跑车,而是一辆旧卡车。这令人难以置信(believe)。8A.Therefore BOtherwiseCFurthermore DInstead答案:D不是他所想像的跑车而是(Instead).9A.beautiful BuglyCexpensive Dordinary答案:B根据本段最后的the ugliness of this truck可知,作者认为这辆车很“难看(ugly)”。10A.describe BreflectCdemonstrate Dintroduce答案:A根据前面的There were no words可知,作者认为无法用语言来“形容(de

10、scribe)”它的丑陋。11A.car BschoolChouse Dstreet答案:C父亲是在家里,所以,他是走出“房子(house)”。12A.painted BstoredCunloaded Dcovered答案:C从前面的gave directions可知,作者的父亲出来是指导这辆汽车应该“卸(unloaded)”在哪里。13A.curiosity BdisappointmentCsurprise Dsatisfaction答案:B此处表示作者的父亲当然看到了作者脸上“失望(disappointment)”的表情。14A.complex BusualCnatural Dexcell

11、ent答案:D作者的父亲表示他们要用一年的时间把这辆汽车修复到“极好的(excellent)”状态。15A.work on Bdeal withCput out Dtend to答案:A上一段的.to work on the truck是提示,指作者在接下来一年的每个周末都会和父亲一起修复这辆卡车。16A.practice BlaborCexperiment Dinstruction答案:B经过许多“努力(labor)”,这辆卡车终于能发动起来了。17A.holiday BentryCpresent Dadventure答案:D因为这是作者第一次开卡车,所以他认为是他的“冒险之旅(advent

12、ure)”。结合语境,不难排除A、B、C选项。18A.birthday BstoryCexperience Dgift答案:C作者通过这次“经历(experience)”懂得从失望中也会学到一些东西。这辆卡车就给了作者一次了解父亲的机会。19A.strengthened BsufferedCterrified Dthreatened答案:A作者认识到人们在失望中变得“更加坚强(strengthened)”,会在失望中得到锻炼。其他选项都不表示应当学到的正面的结果,故选A。20A.mistake BlessonCskill Dchance答案:B从后面的However, it is up to

13、you to look for the lesson.可知,从每次失望中人们都会学到“一课(lesson)”。【广东省湛江市2014模拟】 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从115各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。If you ask me when I became a mom, I can tell you that the day I became a mom was not the day my daughter was born, but seven years later when I did the best thing I could do for my da

14、ughter and myself. I 1 us from the home that wasnt really a home at all.That day, my daughter and I were sitting in our 2 home having a quiet dinner just as I had always wanted for her. We were talking about what she had done in school and suddenly her little hand 3 the full glass of milk by her pla

15、te. As I watched the white tablecloth and 4 painted white wall become dark brown, I looked at her small face. It was filled with 5 , knowing what the outcome of the event would have meant in her fathers 6 a week before. When I saw that look on her face and looked at the 7 running down the wall, I simply started 8 . I am sure she thought I was 9 , but then she must have realized that I was thinking


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