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1、1 安徽省休宁县安徽省休宁县 20172017 高考英语一轮完形填空选编二高考英语一轮完形填空选编二 阅读下面两篇短文 从短文后各题所给的四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白 处的最佳选项 2015 福建省普通高中毕业班质检 Shortly after I started out as a professional baseball player in the Tri State League I was fired Frank the manager said 1 whatever you do after you leave here put some 2 and enthu

2、siasm into your work Well that was the 3 thing I expected him to say A week later 4 I was introduced to the New Haven My first day here will always 5 in my memory as a great event in my life No one knew me in the league so I was 6 to make myself the most enthusiastic ball player they d ever seen Fro

3、m the minute I 7 on the field I acted like a man electrified And I acted as if I were alive with a million 8 My biggest thrill came the following morning 9 I read in the New Haven newspaper This 10 player Frank has a barrel 桶 of enthusiasm He 11 our boys They looked better than at any time this seas

4、on The newspapers began 12 me the life of the team Within two weeks enthusiasm took me from 250 a month to 1850 a month it 13 my income by 700 percent Two years after that I was 14 third base for the St Louis and multiplied my income by thirty times Enthusiasm 15 did it nothing but enthusiasm Enthus

5、iasm is by far the highest paid 16 on earth It helps you become more successful and 17 a healthier richer and happier life To become enthusiastic act enthusiastically Put this rule into 18 for thirty days and be prepared to see astonishing 19 It may easily change your entire life Can you acquire ent

6、husiasm or must you be born 20 it Certainly you can acquire it 文章大意 作者以自己的亲身经历告诉我们 付诸激情你就能改变自己的生活 1 A carefullyB casually C quicklyD firmly 答案 D 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析 carefully 仔细地 casually 随便地 quickly 快速地 firmly 坚定地 根据下文 manager 说话的语气判断是坚定地 故选 D 2 A curiosity B life C experience D pleasure 答案 B 本空考查名词基本含义的

7、辨析 curiosity 好奇心 life 生活 experience 经 验 经历 pleasure 快乐 根据下文的 enthusiasm 和 life 判断填 life 故选 B 3 A proper B other C last D only 答案 C 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 proper 适当的 other 其他的 last 最后的 only 仅仅 因为作者被解雇了 这是经理给他说的最后一句话 故选 C 4 A meanwhile B therefore C otherwise D however 答案 D 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析 meanwhile 同时 therefore

8、 因此 所以 2 otherwise 否则 however 尽管如此 根据上下文应是 尽管如此 故选 D 5 A give out B keep up C stand out D look up 答案 C 本空考查动词短语基本含义的辨析 give out 发出 keep up 保持 stand out 突出 站出来 坚持到底 坚决反对 look up 向上看 应该是我的第一天在我的印象中 很突出 故选 C 6 A determined B delighted C excited D moved 答案 A 本空考查形容词基本含义的辨析 determined 决心的 delighted 感到高兴的

9、 excited 感到兴奋的 moved 受感动的 be determined to do sth 下定决心做某事 故选 A 7 A glanced B appeared C queued D cheered 答案 B 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 glanced 匆忙看一眼 appeared 出现 queued 排队 cheered 欢呼 此处是 出现在场地上 故选 B 8 A batteries B machines C players D balls 答案 A 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析 batteries 电池 machines 机器 players 运动 员 balls 球 be ac

10、tive with 充满活力 根据前文的 electrified 判断填 A 9 A till B before C when D though 答案 C 本空考查连词基本含义的辨析 till 直到 before 在 之前 when 当 时 候 though 尽管 虽然 根据句意 当我在 New Haven 报纸上阅读时 故选 C 10 A healthy B popular C familiar D new 答案 D 本空考查形容基本含义的辨析 healthy 健康的 popular 流行的 familiar 熟 悉的 new 新的 根据前文这里是作者刚来 称为是 新来的 故选 D 11 A

11、 inspired B satisfied C upset D disappointed 答案 A 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 inspired 鼓舞 satisfied 满意 upset 使 感到不安 disappointed 使 感到失望 根据前文的 enthusiasm 判断是作者激情鼓舞 了队员们 故选 A 12 A showing B calling C giving D bringing 答案 B 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 showing 给 看 展示 calling 叫 giving 给予 bringing 带来 因为作者的成就被那些报纸称为 球队的生命 故选 B 13 A i

12、ncluded B made C took D increased 答案 D 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 included 包括 made 制作 took 带走 increased 提高 增加 根据前文的 from 250 a month to 1850 a month 可知选 D 14 A introducing B leaving C playing D starting 答案 C 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 introducing 介绍 leaving 离开 playing 玩 starting 开始 根据前文是 baseball 应是我打第三垒 故选 C 3 15 A alone B

13、once C also D indeed 答案 A 本空考查副词基本含义的辨析 alone 单独 单个 放在名词之后是 仅仅 once 曾经 also 也 indeed 的确 根据前文作者在回想原经理说的那句话是错误的 仅 仅是激情就成就了自己 故选 A 16 A reputation B quality C theme D profession 答案 B 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析 reputation 荣誉 quality 品质 theme 主题 profession 职业 热情就是地球上获得最高报酬的品质 故选 B 17 A change B enjoy C spoil D admire

14、 答案 B 本空考查动词基本含义的辨析 change 改变 enjoy 喜欢 享受 spoil 破坏 admire 欣赏 羡慕 根据前文作者得到的高收入 现在应是享受更健康 富裕 幸福的生 活 故选 B 18 A field B memory C action D idea 答案 C 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析 field 田地 memory 记忆 action 行动 idea 主意 put sth into action 把 付诸行动 故选 C 19 A efforts B events C factors D results 答案 D 本空考查名词基本含义的辨析 efforts 努力 ev

15、ents 事件 factors 因素 results 结果 投入激情 30 天 你就能收获令人吃惊的效果 故选 D 20 A with B in C without D at 答案 A 本空考查介词基本含义的辨析 with 和 在一起 in 在 里面 without 没有 at 在 旁边 be born with 生来具有 与前文的 acquire 相对应 故选 A 完型填空 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从以下题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中 选 出最佳选项 Mr Green was ill and went to the hospital A doctor 1 and said Wel

16、l Mr Green you are going to 2 some injections and you ll feel much better A nurse will come 3 give you the first one this evening and then you ll 4 get another one tomorrow evening 5 a young nurse came to Mr Green s bed and said to him I am going to give you your 6 injection now Mr Green Where do you want it The old man was 7 He looked at the nurse for a 8 then he said 9 has ever let me choose that before Are you really going to let me choose now Yes Mr Green the nurse answered She was in a hurr


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