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1、第题完形填空在高中学业水平测试中,完形填空的体裁以记叙文为主,有时也涉及说明文。完形填空主要考查考生对词汇、习语的辨认、搭配等基础知识的综合能力和对短文的阅读理解能力,以及灵活运用语言知识的能力,并且根据试题内容进行正确的上下文逻辑推理,综合判断的能力。方法技巧记叙类:重视首尾句,把握开篇;速读全文,掌握大意;理清人物事件,把握作者态度;理顺事件的发生、发展和结局。说明类:分清说明对象,对症下药;把握说明顺序,顺藤摸瓜;代入空格,推敲最佳选项。议论类:注重首段,结合尾段,把握论点;理清论点、论据、结论;结合背景,观点正确,态度积极,优选答案。题组一Cloze 1Edison was alway

2、s an addicted smoker,and used to keep a number of boxes of_1_in his room,and these were a_2_object of interest to his colleagues.First one man,then another,would enter the room,ask Edison some trivial questions,and when leaving would manage,_3_,to insert his hand in one of the boxes and sneak three

3、or four choice cigars.Edison began to_4_something of the kind,and one day he called on his tobacconist,_5_things,and got the man to fix up some fearful “smokes”,consisting of old bits of rag,tea leaves,and shavings,and worth about two dollars a barrel.These were done up in_6_boxes,and delivered to t

4、he laboratory.Nothing happened,however,there was a_7_in the number of Edisons visitors,but no casualties (伤亡人员) were reported.Then one day Edison again called at the_8_,and inquired of his dealer if he had forgotten to send up the_9_cigars.“Why,Mr.Edison,” replied the_10_tobacconist,“I sent up ten b

5、oxes of the worst concoctions (调和物) I could make two months ago.Arent your_11_through with them yet?”Then Edison made a rapid_12_,divided the number of cigars by his daily allowance,and was forced to the_13_conclusion that he had consumed those “life destroyers” himself.There and then he gave a big

6、order for his_14_brand,and his cigars_15_once more with their accustomed speed.1A.documentsBchocolatesCcigars Dmatches【语篇解读】本文讲述的是爱迪生的逸闻趣事,他是个瘾君子,办公室里总放着成箱的雪茄,他的同事们总是偷偷地拿走他的雪茄,他就想了个法子想整整他的同事,没想到最终是自己成了“受害者”。解析:根据前文中的smoker可知,应选C项。答案:C2A.constant BtemporaryCchangeable Dshortterm解析:句意:成箱的雪茄成了他的同事们经常捞便

7、宜的对象。根据前面的used to可知,选constant(经常的)。答案:A3A.unheard BunseenCuntouched Dunmade解析:句意:他的那些同事借故来他这儿问个琐屑的问题,走时偷偷拿走他的雪茄,当然是“不被看见地(unseen)”拿走。选B项。答案:B4A.suspect BfindCwatch Ddecide解析:句意:爱迪生开始“怀疑”(suspect)这事了。选A项。答案:A5A.described BexplainedCtold Denjoyed解析:句意:爱迪生到烟草商那儿向他“解释,说明”(explained)此事。选B项。答案:B6A.ordinar

8、ylooking BillfavoredCstrangelooking Dattractivelooking解析:句意:他让烟草商帮他“整”出(fix up)一些不好的烟来,放在样子吸引人(attractivelooking)的盒子里,以迷惑别人,让人感觉那“烟”很好。选D项。答案:D7A.going up Bgoing withCfalling off Dfalling down解析:句意:来“拜访”他的人数少(falling off)了,可以推断,一定有人试过这烟,发现了真相,所以不再到他那儿去了。选C项。答案:C8A.park BschoolCstore Dhospital解析:句意:爱

9、迪生又来到烟草商这里。当然是在store,而不是其他地方,选C项。答案:C9A.real BfakeCtrue Dfine解析:句意:他问烟草商有没有把上次他用破布、茶叶、刨花“整”出来的烟送到他那儿。那样的烟当然是“假的,伪劣的”(fake)。选B项。答案:B10A.amazed BexcitedCdelighted Dfrightened解析:根据下句句意可知烟草商发货了,当然对他的问题感到“惊奇”(amazed)。选A项。答案:A11A.family BrelativesCmen Dleaders解析:句意:烟草商反问:不是你的人(men)完成这事的吗?不可能是他的家人或是亲戚,文中也没

10、有提及他的领导,选C项。答案:C12A.recovery BcalculationCtransition Dprogress解析:由后面的“divided.by.”(用除以)可知是“计算”,选B项。答案:B13A.pleasant BreasonableCcurious Dpainful解析:句意:爱迪生经过计算最终发现是自己受用了那些“life destroyers”。这当然是他得出的痛苦的(painful)结论,选D项。答案:D14A.common BordinaryCnormal Dusual解析:句意:订的是他常用的(usual)的那个牌子。common意为“常见的”;ordinary

11、意为“平凡的,不出众的”;normal意为“正常的”都不符合题意,选D项。答案:D15A.disappeared BaroseChappened Ddropped解析:根据句意可知他又用回原来牌子的雪茄了,他的同事们当然又来偷烟草了,雪茄当然就像之前“习惯的(accustomed)”速度“消失(disappeared)”了,选A项。答案:ACloze 2I woke up this morning with a fright!There appeared to be a mouse in my bed tickling my nose and_1_scratching me.It had to

12、 be a mouse,for those tiny sharp little nails were scratching me all across my_2_It couldnt have been a(n)_3_as I didnt own any pets;it couldnt have been a rat,because if what I had read about rats was_4_,their sharp teeth could_5_their way through solid stone.They do this because their front teeth

13、never stop growing and this is the only way to keep them_6_I didnt dare to open my eyes and face the_7_of the disgusting mouse in the bed with me.I felt so dirty and_8_that I didnt want to change my position either,_9_the mouse would slide onto other areas of my body,which would_10_give me horrible

14、dreams for years to come!Despite my fears,I finally decided to swiftly_11_the mouse away.But it_12_!I did it again and again and it kept coming back,every single time.There was no way out.I had to face my enemy.I took a breath,gathered my_13_and slowly opened my eyes.To my relief,I saw something far

15、_14_than a mouse and it all came back to me.I had put my baby daughter Rebecca into bed beside me after her first bottle in the morning!That also reminded me:I needed to trim (修剪) her_15_1A.warmly BlightlyCwildly Dthoroughly【语篇解读】作者早上醒来,感到很惊恐,以为是老鼠在自己的脸上爬来爬去,后来发现不是老鼠,只是自己的女儿在旁边而已。解析:句意:好像有只老鼠在挠我的鼻子,轻轻地(lightly)挠我。选B项。答案:B2A.foot BhandCstomach Dface解析:句意:它的又小又利的指甲在我的脸上抓来抓去。从上文的nose知道


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