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1、2017高考英语大题冲关秘笈 阅读理解之议论文 6.创新押题Passage 1Life can be so wonderful, full of adventure and joy. It can also be full of challenges, setbacks(挫折) and heartbreaks. Whatever our circumstances, we generally still have dreams, hopes and desires that little something more we want for ourselves and our loved on

2、es. Yet knowing we can have more can also create a problem, because when we go to change the way we do things, up come the old patterns and pitfalls(陷阱) that stopped us from seeking what we wanted in the first place.This tension between what we feel we can have and what were seemingly able to have i

3、s the niggling(烦人的)suffering, the anxiety we feel. This is where we usually think its easier to just give up. But were never meant to let go of part of us that knows we can have more. The intelligence behind that knowing is us the real us. Its the part that believes in the life and its possibilities

4、. If you drop that, you begin to feel a little dead inside because youre dropping you. So, if we have this capability but somehow life seems to keep us stuck,how do we break these patterns?Decide on a new course and make one decision at a time. This is good advice for a new adventure or just getting

5、 through todays challenges.While, deep down, we know we can do it, our mind or the minds of those close to us usually says we cant. That isnt a reason to stop, its just the mind, that little man or woman on your shoulder, trying to talk you out of something again. It has done it many times before. I

6、ts all about starting simple and doing it now.Decide and act before overthinking. When you do this you may feel a little, or large, release from the jail of your mind and youll be on your way.1. It can be inferred from the first two paragraphs that we should _. A. slow down and live a simple lifeB.

7、be careful when we choose to changeC. stick to our dreams under any circumstancesD. be content with what we already have2. What is the key to breaking the old patterns?A. To focus on every detail.B. To decide and take immediate action.C. To listen to those close to us.D. To think twice before we act

8、.3. Which of the following best explains the underlined part in the last paragraph?A. Escape from your punishment.B. Realization of your dreams.C. Freedom from your tension.D. Reduction of your expectations.4. What does the author intend to tell us?A. Its easier than we think to get what we want.B.

9、Its important to learn to accept sufferings in life.C. Its impractical to change our way of thinking.D. Its harder than we expect to follow a new course.Passage 2We have most friends at the age of 26 after having spent the first quarter of our lives building up our friendship circle, a new research

10、has claimed.The research into friendship shows that our social circle peaks at 26 years and 7 months, at which we typically have five close friends. Women are most popular at 25 years and 10 months, with men hitting the highest friendship point a little later at 27 years and 3 months.The research, b

11、y Forever Friends, shows that about a third of adults meet their closest friends while at school, with about a fifth saying they meet them at work.Social networks such as Facebook and Twitter now also play a major role in building new friendship. The research points out that 25 to 34-year-olds make

12、22 friends via Facebook, compared to 18 to 24-year-olds who make 12, and 35 to 44-year-olds who make just four.Forever Friends relationship coach Sam Owen says:It is no coincidence that over a third of us meet our best friends at school. It is a key time in our lives when friendship is growing throu

13、gh sharing notes, giving gifts, seeing each other regularly and laughing a lot. As adults we can often forget how powerful these small things are and how the little things can make a difference.Later in life we find ourselves losing friends. Over half of us lose friendship through moving, while 36%

14、say that over time they grow apart from close pals. Having children also causes 19% to drift away from childhood friends.With growing pressures being put on friendship these days, its important to make time for our friendship.5. How many friends can a 20-year-old college student make via Facebook?A.

15、 4.B. 12.C. 18. D. 22.6. In Paragraph 5, the author is trying to tell the readers _.A. how important making friends isB. that friendship is not easy to keepC. how much has been done to keep friendshipD. that friendship at school is important7. The underlined phrase drift away fromin Paragraph 6 means _. A. make sense of B. lose contact withC. feel sorry for D. make up with8. This passage is most probably taken from _. A. Facebook or Twitter B. an advertisementC. a textbook D. a newspaperPassage 3Everyone looks forward to progress, whether in ones personal life or in the general socie


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