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1、M7U1 The evolution of video and sound devicesEarly history of TV Many different people _ to the development of TV. Most early TV broadcasts were made _ a system developed by John Logie Baird in the UK. However, his system was very _ and had many _. An American, Phino Farnsworth, made important _ in

2、the development of TV. Modern TV use many of the _ first discovered by Farnsworth.Sb _ the first color TV in 1928, but it was not until 1938 that the first color TV programs was _. It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for _ color TV broadcasts to begin in the USA. Regular color TV broa

3、dcasts were _ in the UK until 1967. However, _ a short time nearly all TV broadcasts were made in color, and within five years more color TVs than black-and-white TVs were being used.The modern age: satellite TV Satellites were used to broadcast TV beginning in 1962. Satellites _ TV to be broadcast

4、_ over vast distances, with everyone _ the same broadcast at the same time. They also make TV _ to people who live far away from cities, and satellite dishes can often be seen _ throughout the countryside and _ areas. Of course, only a small percentage of people _ satellite dishes. However, most peo

5、ple still _ from satellite TV, as local TV companies broadcast the signals they get from satellite receivers to the population _ by.Early history of sound recorders It all began in 1877, _ sb made the first recording of a human voice on his invention, the record player. Early record players used rou

6、nd tubes to _ on. However, in 1887 sb, a German living in the UAS, _ a record player that use discs as _ to tubes, and so the modern record player was born. The first record players had to be _ up by hand and only played records that were two minutes long. Timely surely have changed.Sound and video

7、recorders In 1928, the first tape recorders _ to copy sound were made in Germany. Most early recorders _ steel tape to record on, which made them heavy and _ to use, or paper tape, which is easier to use but often _. It was not until the early 1950s that most tape recorders began using plastic tape

8、as they do today. Meanwhile, electrical _ eventually became so small that, by the late 1960s, _ cassette players were developed, along with video recorders which were used by TV stations. By the late 1970s, video recorders small and cheap enough for home use were _.Sound and video go digital In 1982

9、, the first CDs were made _. CDs are often used for _ and playing music because they have a much better sound _ than traditional records and cassettes. In 1993, the VCD was born, and in 1995, the DVD was invented. The DVD is now the _ for recording and playing back video.The future With the developm

10、ent of _ technology, sound and video can now be _ on a PC, on the Internet, or using some form of _ storage. This will soon make records, cassette recorders, CDs, DVDs, and even TVs things of the past. Technology is now changing faster than most people can keep _ with. Who can _ what the future will

11、 bring?二、翻译1 很难预知未来会发生什么?2 经过认真考虑, 我们最终还是拒绝了他在会议上提出的建议。3 他投票赞成这一决定只是因为他没有其他选择。4 她随意的衣着不适合这个重要的典礼。5 我不认为女性应该为了家庭而牺牲独立性。6 住在主干道旁边的主要的缺点是喧嚣的杂音。7 很显然, 定期运动是健康生活的重要组成部分。8 在这样的情况下,他开始怀疑自己的判断。 M7Unit 2 two life-saving medicinesThis article will focus on two drugs that started _ in medicine . If you _ up an

12、y medicine cupboard or go to any medicine counter in the world , it is likely that you find aspirin and penicillin . Both of these medicines have saved millions of peoples lives and have proved _ to mankind since they were invented .Aspinrin was_ in 1897 . However , the basic chemical used to make a

13、spirin can be found in nature . Nearly 3,5000 years ago , people _ on leaves or drank a kind of tea made from leaves _ a special chemical to _ body pains and fever . About 2,5000years ago , the Greek physician Hippocartes , father of all doctors , made a juice from a tree bark _ salicylic acid for t

14、he same _ . It was in 1897_ a European _ called Dr Felix Hoffmann produced aspirin from this chemical . The first _ of this medicine took place in 1899 , when the company Hoffmann worked for began _ the medicine in _ form to physicians to use with patients . A year later , in 1900, aspirin was sold

15、in shops in the form of_ . Within a short time , aspirin became the _ medicine in the world for pain _ . Not only has aspirin proved _ for reducing fever and helping stop pain , but there are also other things that aspirin can help with . Lawrence Craven , a doctor form the USA , introduced the idea in 1953 that aspirin had the _ to reduce the risk of heart attacks , because it helped the blood _


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