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1、第1题 单选题 If you want to know his telephone number, you may _ the telephone directory.A、look forB、look upC、refer toD、refer as标准答案:C2第2题 单选题 He is certain to come. _, hes already accepted the invitation.A、At allB、After allC、Above allD、In all标准答案:B3第3题 单选题 The music was so loud. Thats _he left the party

2、 so early.A、whyB、howC、whatD、when标准答案:A4第4题 单选题 Is this _ we met each other two years agoA、placeB、place in whichC、whereD、place which标准答案:C5第5题 单选题 We must do well_the boss assigns us to do.A、thatB、whateverC、whicheverD、those标准答案:B6第6题 单选题 According to the report this serious earthquake is _ of causing

3、 major damage in this region.A、capableB、qualifiedC、adequateD、able标准答案:A7第7题 单选题 _ makes mistakes must correct them.A、WhatB、ThatC、WhoeverD、Whatever标准答案:C8第8题 单选题 Only when we had studied the data again _ that there was a mistake.A、did we realizeB、we realizedC、we have realizedD、we had realized标准答案:A9第

4、9题 单选题 The paint came off as the result of _ to the rain.A、experienceB、experimentC、explorationD、exposure标准答案:D10第10题 单选题 One of the men held the view _ the book said was right.A、what thatB、that whatC、that whichD、which that标准答案:B11第11题 单选题 Mary: Helen is a mere washer woman, yet shes now buying a big

5、 house. Carol: Yes. Because shes always saved _.A、what little she earnsB、how little she earnsC、for little she earnsD、with little she earns标准答案:A12第12题 单选题 _ is no reason for dismissing her.A、Because she was a few minutes lateB、Owing to a few minutes lateC、The fact that she was a few minutes lateD、Be

6、ing a few minutes late标准答案:C13第13题 单选题 I have not found my book yet. In fact, Im not sure _ I could have done with it.A、ifB、whetherC、howD、what标准答案:D14第14题 单选题 He didnt know which room _.A、they livedB、they lived inC、did they liveD、did they live in标准答案:B15第15题 单选题 Seize the chance, _ you will regret i

7、t.A、andB、butC、thereforeD、otherwise标准答案:D16第16题 单选题 This garden has the best collection of native plants. _, it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.A、In shortB、In additionC、To sum upD、In total标准答案:B17第17题 单选题 We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it.A、ifB、thatC、whatD、why标准答案:B18第18题

8、 单选题 It is _ to recall a few important facts.A、worthB、worthyC、worthwhileD、worthiest标准答案:C19第19题 单选题 _we need more practice is quite clear.A、WhatB、ThatC、WhichD、When标准答案:B20第20题 单选题 Excuse me, would you please tell me _ ?A、when the sports meet is taken placeB、when is the sports meet going to be heldC、

9、when is the sports meet to beginD、when the sports meet is to take place标准答案:D21第21题 单选题 When and why he came here _ yet.A、is not knownB、are not knownC、has not knownD、have not been标准答案:A22第22题 单选题 His _ on this matter is unexpected.A、actionB、reactionC、responseD、attitude标准答案:B23第23题 单选题 Our new policy

10、 is to _ on developing these remote areas.A、aimB、carryC、focusD、resort标准答案:C24第24题 单选题 The car _ after an hours driving.A、broke downB、broke outC、broke intoD、broke up标准答案:A25第25题 单选题 He _ some comfort from the fact that he wasnt the only one to fail the exam.A、derivedB、arrivedC、survivedD、defined标准答案:A

11、26第26题 单选题 Word has come_some guests from Canada will visit our school.A、thatB、whatC、whetherD、when标准答案:A27第27题 单选题 You cant imagine_when they received these gifts.A、how they were excitedB、how excited they wereC、how excited they haveD、they were how excited标准答案:B28第28题 单选题 A fire _ in the hotel in the

12、 mid-night.A、broke outB、broke inC、broke downD、broke into标准答案:A29第29题 单选题 The company _ the children in the mountain area _ a lot of books.A、supplies . for B、provides toC、supplies withD、caterto标准答案:C30第30题 单选题 The reason I plan to go is _if I dont.A、because she will be unhappyB、what she will be unhappyC、that she will be unhappyD、for she will be unhappy标准答案:C


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