Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况

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Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况_第1页
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Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况_第2页
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Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况_第3页
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Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况_第4页
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Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况_第5页
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《Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 2 Grammar(定语从句补充)介词+关系代词的情况(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、介词 关系代词的情况 定语从句 补充 Thisisthequestionaboutwhichwewillhaveadiscussion 先行词 thequestion wewillhaveadiscussionabout 定语从句 作介词about的宾语 这就是 那个问题 我们将要讨论的 1 Thisisthehotelatwhichwestayedlastyear Thisisthehotel which that westayedat2 Thedressforwhichyoupaid 200isverybeautiful Thedress which that youpaid 200for

2、isverybeautiful 3 Thepersontowhomyou llwriteisafamousscientist Theperson who whom you llwritetoisafamousscientist 1 介词 whom 人 which 物 不能省略 不用who that 2 介词放在后面时 可用that 且可以省略3 介词的选择要看定语从句中动词与介词的搭配或是介词与前面名词的搭配关系 4 固定词组 习惯用语 尽量不要拆开 即不要把介词放到关系代词前 eg lookafter belongto takecareof lookfor等 Practice 填入正确的介词

3、及关系代词 1 We llvisittheschool Luxunoncestudied 2 Thelibrary weoftengoatweekendisnotfarfromhere 3 Ihaveseenthepopstar youhavetalkedalot 4 Ican trememberthenameoftheperson Igavethemoney 5 Theearth weliveisaplanet 6 Thisistheman Igotthepictures inwhich towhich aboutwhom to whom onwhich fromwhich 1 They l

4、lgotothelibrary theyoftenborrowalotofbooks 2 Thetown Iwillshowyouisverybeautiful 3 Thereisatrain youcangotoBeijing 4 Therearesomeotherways youcansolvetheproblem 5 Thegirl youboughtthedressisinthehospital 6 Theprofessor youshookhandsjustnowisfromBeijingUniversity fromwhich aroundwhich bywhich inwhich

5、 forwhom withwhom KeytoExercisesonthepaper 补充练习 7 Thisisthevillage mymotherwasborn 8 Myfatherstillremembertheday hejoinedtheParty 9 Awashingmachineisamachine wewash 10 Whichisthedoctor youknocked 11 Hemissedhisfather hehadnonewsforyears 12 Therearesixtystudentsinhisclass one third aregirls inwhich o

6、n with overwhich aboutwhom ofwhom which which 7 Thewriter whichwearetalkinghascometoourschool 8 Thewoman whomIgottheinformationisno wheretobeseen 9 Thefactoryhas800workers which5000aremen 10 Hebuiltatelescope whichhecouldstudythesky 11 Thetravellersfoundalargetree whichtheycouldtakearest 12 Youcancallonmefromonetofiveo clock whichtimeIamalwaysathome about from of with under during 13 Sundayistheday whichpeoplegotochurch 14 Japanisacountry whichI dliketoknowmore 15 Thebook whichhepaidtenyuanisworthreading on about for


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