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1、现在分词 动词 ing形式的变化规则1 直接加ing如 fly flyingplay playingwalk walkingclean cleaning2 以e结尾且不发音的 去e加ing如 write writingtake takingmake makingcome coming3 重读闭音节双写最后一个字母加ing如 run runningset settingswim swimmingsit sitting 小练习 写出下列动词的ing形式 jump sleep climb fight run swim shop get put write make play skate watch

2、jumping climbing running shopping putting making skating sleeping fighting swimming getting writing playing watching 现在进行时 现在进行时的含义与构成 1 含义 表示现在正在进行或发生的动作 也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作 2 标志词 now look listen等 3 构成 主语 Be动词 V ing 其他e g Heisreadingabook Whatareyoudoingnow 1 IamwatchingTV 2 Iamdoingmyhomewor

3、k 3 Iamansweringthephone Whatishedoing Heisswimming Heisrunning Whatisthegirldoing Sheislisteningtomusic Sheisdancing Whatisitdoing Thedogisskating Thebirdissinging Whataretheydoing Theyareeatingbananas Theyaredrawingpictures 现在进行时的句式 1 肯定句 主语 Be动词 V ing 其他如 Iamreadingabook 2 否定句 直接在Be动词后面加not 如 Iam

4、speaking Iamnotspeaking Heisstanding Heisnotstanding Heisstanding Heisnotstanding Heisn tstanding Sheisdrinkingwater Sheisnotdrinkingwater Sheisdrinkingwater Sheisnotdrinkingwater Sheisn tdrinkingwater Theyarewashingdishes Theyarenotwashingdishes Theyarewashingdishes Theyarenotwashingdishes Theyaren

5、 twashingdishes 3 一般疑问句及回答问句 有Be动词 直接把Be动词提前 肯定回答 Yes 主语 Be动词否定回答 No 主语 Be动词 not如 Iamflyingkites Areyouflyingkites Yes Iam No Iamnot I m I mnot Heisplayingfootball Isheplayingfootball Yes heis No heisn t Sheiscleaningtheroom Isshecleaningtheroom Yes sheis No sheisn t Theyareplantingtrees Aretheyplan

6、tingtrees Yes theyare No theyaren t Theyaremakingasnowman Aretheymakingasnowman Yes theyare No theyaren t 3 现在进行时的特殊疑问句的基本结构为 疑问词 一般疑问句What Be动词 人 doing 如 Whatisyourfatherdoing Heisplantingtrees WhatisMarydoing Sheiswateringtheflowers WhatisZhouJielundoing Heisplayingthepiano PS 现在进行时的句子中常有now 或在句首常

7、出现Look Listen 等提示词 如 Heisplayingbasketballnow Listen Johnissingingintheroom Look Theyareflyingkites Whataretheydoing Theyareswimming Aretheyswimming Yes theyare Whataretheydoing Theyaresinging Aretheydancing No theyaren t Isthegirlwriting No sheisn t Whatisshedoing Sheisreadingabook Isthemangettting

8、up No heisn t Whatishedoing Heissleeping 小练手Exercises 1 Look Thecat run upthetree 2 Thetwins have breakfast 3 he clean theblackboard No heisn t 4 Tom play thepianointheroom 5 Listen They sing intheclassroom isrunning arehaving Is cleaning isplaying aresinging 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1 I basketballwithmyfriendn

9、ow play 2 She toschoolnow go 3 They waternow drink 4 Listen Thebird onthetree sing 5 Look He ontheplayground run 6 Thedog inthisriver swim 7 we lunchnow have 8 yourfather watch TVnow 9 Thegirlwithherdog sit onthesofa 填写出下列进行时态的句子的正确动词形式 amplaying isgoing aredrinking issinging isrunning isswimming ar

10、ehaving Iswatching aresitting 汉译英 1 我们正在看电视 WearewatchingTV 2 他们正在打扫教室 Theyarecleaningtheclassroom 3 汤姆正在吃早饭 Tomishavingbreakfast 4 那对双胞胎正在睡觉 Thetwinsaresleeping 汉译英 5 男孩子们正在踢足球 Theboysareplayingsoccer 6 她正在铺床 Sheismakingthebed 7 我正在玩电脑游戏 Iamplayingcomputergames 8 你正在听音乐吗 Areyoulisteningtomusic 汉译英

11、9 他正在弹钢琴吗 Isheplayingthepiano 10 她们在干什么 正在打篮球 Whataretheydoing Theyareplayingbasketball 汉译英 11 我的妈妈正在做早饭 Mymotherismakingbreakfast 12 我正在和Mike看电视 IamwatchingTVwithMike 13 Lucy和Mary正在听音乐 LucyandMaryarelisteningtothemusic 句型转换 1 Iamwateringtheflowers 否定句 Iamnotwateringtheflowers 2 She sjumpingnow 一般疑问

12、句 Isshejumpingnow 3 Theboysareplayingcards 划线提问 Whataretheboysdoing 4 Heisdoinghishomework 复数句 Theyaredoingtheirhomework 句型转换 5 Hegoestoschool 现在进行时 Heisgoingtoschool 6 Shesingsasongintheroom 现在进行时 now 7 Hisfatheriswritingaletterwithapen 一般时 Hisfatherwritesaletterwithapen Sheissingingasongintheroom

13、选择填空1 Mymotheris TV A lookingatB seeingC readingD watching2 you abook Yes Iam A Do readB Are readC Are readingD Are looking3 Kate theothers A sing listenB issinging islisteningC sing arelisteningD issinging arelistening4 I myeraser butIcan t it A lookfor findingB amfinding lookforC amlookingfor findD find lookfor D C D C Homework 假如你和你的几位同学正在教室值日 想想你们各自正在做什么 Look We reintheclassroom ZhangPengandMikeareplayingchess ChenJieandAmyarereadingabook WuYifaniscleaningtheblackboard Sarahiswritingareport WhatareMissWhiteandJohndoing They redoinganexperiment


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