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1、公司章程签订日期: 年月日Articles of association, memorandum of association, by-law均有公司章程的含义,美国与英国和加拿大等国的用法有一定的差异。 Articles of association 在美国一般指组建公司时 有关政府当局提交的公司简章, 其内容简单, 通常只包括公司名称, 公司存在的时间、 经营目的、 股份数额、股票种类、董事姓名、地址;而在公司被批准成立后,公司内部管理等许多具体事项 则由 by-laws (或 articles of amendment)予以规定,故 by-laws 在美国即等同公司章程细则或公司内部章程

2、(在英国或加拿大articles of amendment是指公司体制等更改的规章)。在英国及加拿大, articles of association 是指公司章程细则或内部管理章程, 而 memorandumof association (或 articles of incorporation )则是组建公司时向有关部门提交的公司组织大 纲。相比之下,我国的公司组织章程是将公司简章和章程细则(或内部规章)合成一个文件,称 为公司章程,因而,在翻译时,中国意义上的“公司章程”实际上等同于 articles of association 加上 by-laws (美式英语)或 memorandum

3、 of association加上 articles ofassociation (英式英语)。(美国)公司章程 Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws1) 公司组织大纲ARTICLES OFINCORPORATIONOFXX公司组织大纲First : The name of this corporation is 第一条:本公司名称为 .Second: The purpose of this corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity forwhich a corporation may b

4、e organized under the General Corporation Law of the state other than the banking business, the trust company business or the practice of a profession permitted to be incorporated by the State Corporations Code.第二条:本公司的宗旨是从事XX州一般公司法规定的公司能够从事的一切合法行为或活动。XX州公司法典所规定的金融业务、信托公司业务或专业活动不属于本公司的业务范畴。Third :Th

5、e name and address in this state of the corporation s initial agent for ser vice of process is:第三条:本公司发起人的姓名及其在本州送达通知的地址为:Fourth: This corporation is authorized to issue only one class of shares of stock which shall be designated common stock. The total number of shares it is authorized to issueis s

6、hares.第四条:本公司仅有权发行一种股票,该股票为普通股。授权发行股票的总股额为XX股。Fifth: The name and addresses of the persons who are appointed to act as the initial directors of this corporation are: 第五条:被任命作为本公司第一任董事的人员的姓名和地址如下:NameAddress姓名:地址:Sixth: The liability of the directors of the corporation for monetary damages shall be e

7、liminated to the fullest extent permissible under the state law.第六条公司董事对经济损失的责任应根据XX州法律规定的最大限量予以减免。Seventh : The corporation is authorized to indemnify the directors and officers of the corporation to the fullest extent permissible under the state law.第七条本公司有权按照XX州的法律规定的最大限量补偿公司董事和高级职员所受的损失。IN WITNE

8、SS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being all the persons named above as the initial directors, have executed these Articles of Incorporation.以下署名人(均为以上所列名公司的第一任董事)已在本公司大纲上签名。 特此证明。Dated :Signature :日期:签字:The un dersig ned, being all the pers ons n amed above as the in itial directors, declare that they ar

9、e the pers ons who executed the forego ing Articles of In corporati on, which executi on is their act and deed.以下签署人(均为以上列名公司的第一任董事)声明,他们都是以上公司组织大纲的签署人,签署此大纲是他们的自愿行为。Dated :Sig nature日期:签字:2)股份公司内部管理章程By-LawsOFxx公司内部管理章程ARTICLE I - OFFICES公司机构Secti on 1. The registered office of the corporati on sha

10、ll be at:第1款本公司注册机构位于: The registered age nt in charge thereof shall be: Name.负责注册的机构为: (机构名称)Secti on 2.The corporati on may also have offices at such other places as the Boardof Directors may from time to time appo int or the bus in ess of the corporati onmay require.第2款公司也可在董事会随时指定的或应公司业务要求的其他地点设立机构。ARTICLE II - SEAL第二条 印章Secti on 1.The corporati on seal shall have in scribed there on the n ame of thecorporation, the year of its organization and the words Corporate Seal, State.*公司印章上须刻有公司名称、公司组建时间和“xx州公司印章”的字样ARTICLE III - STOCKHOLDERS MEETINGS第三条股东大会



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