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1、分类号密级邮电大学硕士学位论文论文题目基于嵌入式Linux的视频采集编码发送模块的设计与实现英文题目The Design and Realization of Video Capturing and Encoding and Transiting Module Based on Embedded Linux硕士研究生指导教师学科专业电子与通信工程论文提交日期年 月 日论文答辩日期年 月 日论文评阅人 答辩委员会主席年月日独 创 性 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究

2、成果,也不包含为获得 邮电大学 或其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示意。学位论文作者签名: 签字日期: 年 月 日学位论文使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解 邮电大学 有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,有权保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和磁盘,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权 邮电大学 可以将学位论文的全部或部分容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。(的学位论文在解密后适用本授权书)学位论文作者签名: 导师签名:签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期: 年 月 日摘要随着人们对


4、求,并根据需求分析设计了视频采集编码发送模块的总体架构。接下来论文研究了DaVinci开发平台的硬件和软件开发环境,并根据开发需求完成嵌入式开发环境搭建,主要工作包括嵌入式Linux服务器搭建、开发工作站配置、嵌入式Linux核移植等。在以上基础上,完成视频采集、视频编码、视频发送三个子模块具体的设计与实现。分别在视频采集子模块中,设计与实现基于V4L2采集驱动规的多路视频的复合采集;在视频编码子模块中,设计与实现基于Codec Engine机制的H.264编码,主要工作包括H.264编码器的构建和编码应用程序的实现。在构建H.264编码器过程中主要完成X.264编码算法的xDM封装、Code

5、c Server生成、Codec Engine引擎配置等,在编码应用程序中,通过调用H.264编码器的VISA API接口,实现采集的视频数据的实时编码;在视频发送子模块中,先构建WCDMA网络的传输链路,主要工作是完成MF210驱动移植、PPP移植与PPP拨号实现,然后在应用层利用RTP(实时传输协议)封装编码后的NAUL数据,最后创建socket,将打包而成RTP数据包发送到wcdma网络中。在测试阶段,通过对系统的整体测试,验证了课题成功完成了模块设计的预期目标。关键字:视频采集编码发送模块;Davinci,V4L2,H264,xDM,WCDMAAbstractWith the cons

6、tant improvement of the people to safety requirements, the embedded microcontroller processor and multimedia compression technology and the rapid development of wireless transmission technology, wireless real-time video monitoring system for the development and application of cook. DM6467 based plat

7、form, this paper use TVP5158 chip to realize the collection of multi-channel video composite, after solution reuse, remote call DSP end of h. 264 encoder complete video streaming real-time encoding, finally using RTP protocol encapsulation video data and realize the wireless transmission of video by

8、 MF210 wireless module. Final design thesis implements a application in wireless real-time video monitoring system of multi-channel video acquisition coding send package. Paper first studied the application of key technology in wireless video monitoring system, including the DaVinci technology, V4L2

9、 video acquisition drive standard, h. 264 encoding algorithm and RTP streaming media real-time transmission protocol and WCDMA technology, etc. Then analyzed the module function demand, and according to the demand analysis and design the overall architecture of the encoding video collection is sendi

10、ng module. The paper studied the DaVinci development platform of hardware and software development environment, and according to the development needs to complete embedded development environment set up, the main work includes embedded Linux server set up, develop the workstation configuration, embe

11、dded Linux kernel transplantation, etc. On the basis of above, complete the video acquisition, video coding, video sent three child module detailed design and implementation. In video acquisition module, the design and implementation based on V4L2 acquisition drive specification composite of multi-c

12、hannel video acquisition; In video coding module, the design and implementation based on the Codec Engine mechanism of h. 264 coding, the main work including h. 264 encoder the implementation of the construction and coding applications. In construction of h. 264 encoder mainly completed in the proce

13、ss of x. 264 encoding algorithm of xDM encapsulation, Codec Server generate, Codec Engine Engine configuration, etc., in coding the application by calling the h. 264 encoder VISA API interface, realize the acquisition of video data real time coding; In video send sub module, transmission link of the

14、 construction of WCDMA network first, main job is to complete MF210 drive, the PPP to transplant with the PPP dial-up, and then in the application layer using RTP (real-time transport protocol) encapsulation encoded NAUL data, finally create a socket, will be packaged into RTP packets sent to the WC

15、DMA network. During the testing period, through the whole system testing,it verify that this paper successfully completed the anticipated target of the module design.Keywords: module of video Capturing and Encoding and Transmiting, Davinci, H264, xDM, V4L2, WCDMA目录摘要IAbstractII目录IV第一章 绪论11.1 视频监控系统行业背景11.2 课题研究背景及意义31.3 论文组织架构41.4 本章小结5第二章 视频采集编码发送模块的总体设计62.1 模块相关的关键技术研究62.1.1 Davinci技术62.1.2 V4L2视频采集驱动接口72.1.3 H.264视频编码技术72.4.4视频传输协议与技术82.2模块架构设计92.2.1视频监控系统构架92.2.2 模块的需



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