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1、1 Are you going to run on sports day ?一、教学目标(一)知识目标:1、能听懂,会说日常交际用语:What are you going to do? I am going to.以及相应的回答2、能听懂,会说 sports day every day good luck come on winner 等词(二)能力目标1、在创设情景中,能使用句型 What are you going to do for sports? I am going to进行交流。2、 能用一般将来式的形式简单的描述将要发生的事情。3、培养学生在游戏中熟练运用功能句型和词组的能力,在

2、情境中灵活运用交际用语的能力和知识迁移的能力。4、会运用 good luck 、come on!等词对别人表示祝福。(三)情感目标1、在学习、应用本课知识的过程中,培养发散思维、创造思维的能力。2、在教学游戏中学会交际,学会鼓励他人,学会欣赏和赞赏他人3、培养学生的团队意识和合作精神,共同完成学习任务。4、 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助学生树立信心。二、教学重点和难点:重点:1、学习特殊疑问句What are you going to do for Sports Day? Im going to run the 100meters。2、掌握单词及词组:run /run the 100 mete

3、rs/ have a Sports Day/ good luck/come on/winner难点:1、理解掌握 sports day 、come on 、good luck 、winner 等词的意义并懂得在实际语境中运用。2、理解并懂得在日常生活中灵活运用 what are you going to do for sports day? I am going to .等句型进行交际三、教学过程:Step1: Warming-up (热身活动)1、Greeting: say hello to students老师: Hi ,boys and girls, today we are happy

4、. now we play a chat ,ok?Basketball , basketball , play basketball;Football , football , play football ;Run , run , run fast ;Jump , jump , jump high ;Ride , ride , ride fast ;Swim ,swim, swim quickly;Skip, skip, skip quicklyStep2: Presentation (新课呈现)1、出示一张关于运动会的情景图片,问学生“what are they doing?”(学生回答)2

5、、 提示“sports day”,出示卡片“sports day”带学生读几遍,学生边读老师边板书“sports day”.3、老师说: We are going to have a Sports Day.(边说边板书,带领学生读),老师:Lets have a look ,what can we do on our Sports Day?(出示图片:No.1: play football.) No.2: play basketball. No.3 : play table tennis. No.4 : swim. No.5 : run the 100 metres. 领学生读,重点解释No.

6、5这个词)4、板书: “What are you going to do for Sports Day ?Im going to ”教师拍手以拍手形式操练。“What are you going to do?”“Im going to run.” “Im going to run.”“What are you going to do?”“Im going to run.”T:Oh, Im going to run the 100 metres.教授:run the 100 metres(老师先示范说: we have a sports day ,what are you going to do

7、 for sports day ? 让学生猜测,然后再说I am going to play basketball 、play football、 run、 jump、 ride 、 swim、 skip.多说几遍,并加上示范动作)Step3:PracticeGame1:“传卡片”T: Boys and girls , lets play a game,ok? Ss: OK!A :What are you going to do?B: Im going to play football.进行词卡传递,速度由慢到快,拿到词卡的学生要用句子回答教师及全班的提问。Game2:“猜猜我要做什么”老师请

8、单个学生到教师前面模仿做某事的动作,并提问:“What am I going to do?”把全班分为男女生两组,使用“You are going to”猜测。老师要鼓励学生模仿过去学习过的所有动作。Step 4: Consolidation and extension巩固扩展T :“You are super! And now you can do the task. Please work in groups and try to finish the task.”(1)学生活动- 完成运动会报名表。(2)请部分学生展示对话。(3)讲解课文。(4)跟读课文。(5)学生自由读课文。(6)全班

9、读课文。(7)分角色表演课文故事。Step5: SummaryT: 这节课我们学了“What are you going to do for Sports Day?Im going to ”句型,复习了I am going to play basketball 、play football、 run、 jump、 ride 、 swim、 skip.Class is over. See you next time.Ss: See you.Step6:Homewok:1、抄写第8模块的单词3遍; 2、读课文3遍。版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!1,侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1,版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!版 权 所 有,侵 权 必 究 联 系Q Q68843242 本页为自动生成页,如不需要请删除!谢谢!如有侵权,请联系68843242删除!侵权必究 联系QQ68843242 1



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