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1、三环高中2016-2017学年上学期第二次联考高一英语试卷考试时间:110分钟 分值:150分 第I卷(选择题)第一部分 听力(共20题,每题1.5分。满分30分)请听下面5段对话,选出最佳选项1. What will the man do this afternoon?A. Go to the park. B. Go to see Lisa. C. Go to the beach.2. Which sport does the woman like the best?A. Volleyball B. Basketball C. Football3. Where does the conver

2、sation probably take place?A. At home B. At a restaurant C. At a supermarket4. What does the mans brother look like?A. He has dark hair B.He is quite big C.He is tall5. What does Anna want to do?A. Find a room B.Move to California C. Make friends with Jane请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. What is the man complainin

3、g about?A. The food B. The service C. The price7. Which of the following does the man not need to pay for?A. Soup B. Dessert C. Drinks请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. How much should the woman pay?A. 45cents B.30cents C.15cents9. Which bus will the woman probably take after this one?A.No.6 B.No.10 C.No.16请听第8段材料,回

4、答第10至12题10. Who can play the guitar?A. Sam B.Helen C.Nick11. When will the man meet Nick?A. On Wednesday B.On Thursday C.On Friday12. What does the woman remind the man to bring?A.A sweater B.Some food C.Some CDs请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题13. When did the man leave home yesterday?A. At 8:30 am B.At 9:00 am C.

5、At 9:30 am14. Why was the man late?A. He left home late B.His bus broke down C.He had an accident15. What are the speakers talking about?A. An accident B.An exam C.A competition16. What do we know about Tim?A.He is the mans best friend B.He took an exam yesterday C.He won first place请听第10段材料,回答第17至2

6、0题17. Whats the date today?A. July 4 B.July 5 C.July 618. What will the tourists visit first after they arrive in Chongqing?A. A ship B.A mountain C.A zoo19. What will the visitors do on July 8?A. Go to the Qutang Gorge B.Attend a welcome party C.Visit the Three Gorges Dam20. How long does the tour

7、last?A.Six days B.Five days C.Four days二、阅读理解(本题共20小题,每题 2分,共40分)第一节:阅读下面短文,从所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。AThis happened several years ago.But it has stuck with me so I wanted to share it.Every day on my way to work I would buy a newspaper from an elderly gentleman on the corner of the street.He would always smil

8、e and say,“Good morning.”His smile always made my day.Most of the people who sell these papers are homeless or poor and they do it to make a few bucks.One day Charlie wasnt there! Someone else was in his place! This other guy told me Charlie was in the veterans hospital.It troubled me all day long.A

9、ll I could think about was Charlie being alone in the hospital.I never knew he was a veteran who had served our country.I just knew his smile always made my day.I asked my girlfriend if she would go with me to visit him and she agreed.When I showed up in Charlies room he began to cry.He told us he h

10、ad been feeling very lonely and was convinced no one would ever visit him.He said that we were his only visitors.We told him we were glad to do it and thanked him for all that he had done for others.I never saw Charlie after that,although I heard he moved to California.That was thirty years ago but

11、I havent forgotten my smiling friend.A big thankyou to those who serve our country and protect us and thank you Charlie,wherever you are!21.By saying “his smile always made my day”,the writer meant “_”A. his smile made me feel very happy B. I always remembered his smile all dayC. he always smiled as

12、 I made my way to work D. he would smile to wish me a good day22.What troubled the writer all day?A. He was late for his work. B. He knew Charlie was in hospital.C. He was alone in the hospital. D. He found Charlie an old soldier.23.Why did Charlie cry at the hospital?A.Because he was afraid of his

13、death. B. Because the doctor didnt treat him well.C. Because he had someone to visit him at last. D.Because he couldnt afford to pay the operation.24.In the opinion of the writer,Charlie should be thanked because_.A. he sold newspapers at a low price B. he always helped the homelessC. he protected t

14、he writer from danger D.he had ever fought for his countryBThere are only 24 hours in a day,but people can use the time wisely.In other words,good time management(管理) is important if you want to succeed.Knowing the importance of daily matters is the first step towards good time management.Write down the things that you want to do and organise them according to their level of importance.The most important thing should be done first. If there ar


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