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1、TEM4便条的基本要求(一) 格式具体来说,它应有日期(date)、称呼(salutation)、正文(body)及结尾(ending),结尾包括结尾套语(complimentary close)和签名(signature)。1 日期指写便条的日期。一般写在便条的右上角,偶尔也见写在便条的左上角。例如,2012年4月21日通常写成April 21,2012或April 21 st,20122.称呼称呼是指写便条人对收便条人的称谓,一般都以Dear开头,写在日期下一两行,左侧顶格写。若便条写给一位不太熟悉的教授或同事,往往用Dear Professor或Dear Dr.或Dear Mr.。当对方

2、为亲属时,在Dear 后面加上表示亲属关系大写的字眼即可,如Dear Grandpa,Dear Aunt,称呼后面多用逗号。3.正文正文是写便条人要叙述或谈论的事情,是便条的主要组成部分。但就TEM4便条而言,一般在称呼的下一行开始写正文便可。正文的首行左边一般留约3个字母宽的空白,但也可顶格写。便条的内容简单、字数少,因此,正文一般只需写一段或两段。若有两段,第二段的首行应与第一段的首行对齐写。4结尾结尾包括结尾套语和签名。(1)结尾套语的位置一般是在正文最后一行的下面,往右顶格写。开头字母要大写,末尾要用逗号。结尾套语为写便条人对收便条人的谦称或客套以示礼貌,措辞的变化按照不同的关系而定。

3、由于TEM4便条写作一般是针对考生日常生活或学习相关的事情,写作的对象一般是其朋友、老师、熟人,因此,TEM4通常只接受Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Sincerely,或Yours这几种结尾套语。(2)签名即写便条人署名,位于结尾套语下,偏右顶格写。TEM4往往指定了写便条人的名字,签名时应采用那个名字。(二)内容一般而言,一封理想的TEM4便条应包括以下三点:(1) 写便条的原因;(2)要告知的事情;(3)有关的希望、建议或要求等。便条写作提示的情况都是与人们日常生活或学习相关的事情。所提示的内容就是考生要表达的思想内容。思想内容有先后之分,要讲究其逻辑性

4、,还得注意其完整性。生活中有些约定俗成的东西,写作时,应考虑这方面的因素。(三)语言内容抓住后,应以恰当的语言来表达。一般来说,便条的语言要简单明嘹,用词平易。当然,语言风格还应与情景一致,不同的对象,所使用的语言应有所不同。相对来说,对上级、长者、不熟悉的人的语言较为正式,对亲朋好友的语言则较为随便。不过,不管对方是谁,行文中都应体现态度诚恳礼貌。1.道歉便条a. apology for the failure or mistake道歉的行为与内容,b. explanations具体理由,c.offer to make up for the failure or mistake弥补方法,d进

5、一步致歉套句:道歉行为: Im writing to show my apology for/ I would like to express my apologies for not being able to/Im sorry to say that Ive not finished reading it through, and have to keep it until next Sunday. / Excuse me for my delaying in turning in my assignment.道歉理由:I had a minor accident./ I had a mi

6、nor operation.弥补纠正及其承诺:I am sure I can make up for the loss by/ I promise it will never happen again./It would be very kind(considerate) of you to give me another chance to( to give me another two days to)进一步致歉: Many apologies. / Do please forgive me.道歉便条范文一: April 20, 2012Dear Fiona, I am writing t

7、o you to apologize for the abrupt way I departed just after the exams werefinished. It was terribly rude of me to have left without saying good-bye to you. The fact is that I was so excited when I learned I had passed the exams with high marks that I couldnt wait to get home and tell my parents. I a

8、m sure you will understand my feelings. Please accept my sincere apology, and wish you a really happy holiday.Yours sinerely,Amelia道歉便条范文二: April 20, 2012Dear Fiona, I am sorry I missed seeing you yesterday. I know that you must have been disappointed. I also feel worried and anxious in my heart. Th

9、e fact is that my manager at the last moment asked me to prepare an urgent plan while I could not get to a phone to call you.I am terribly sorry. However, I would like to ask you out this weekend to make up for my fault. Please give me a chance and I am waiting for your reply. Sincerely yours, Ameli

10、a 道歉便条范文三: April 20, 2012Dear Fiona, I imagine that you must be enjoying your birthday party today. I write this letter to offer my heartiest congratulations and best wishes for many returns of the day. It is a great pity that I cannot be with you. But remember I am thinking of you all the time. I h

11、ope that all your years to come will be twice as happy and as merry as those past.Please accept the small gift I am sending you as a token of my best wishes for your happy birthday. Sincerely yours, Amelia2.抱怨投诉便条a. 抱怨投诉行为b投诉内容具体描述c要求弥补纠正赔偿d抱怨投诉者对弥补纠正赔偿等的敦促或威胁套句:行为描述Im writing to bring your attentio

12、n to the problems I have had with Heres the problem解决方式的要求:It would be very kind( considerate) of you to address this problem soon. / take steps to rectify this situation soon. / turn it down a little? / I would like you to replace./I would like sth to be refunded.敦促或威胁: Frankly, I really cant put u

13、p with the situation any more. You must rectify thesituation, or I will take it to the court. / If you cant give me a satisfactory answer, I will complain it to the Consumer Association.投诉便条范文April 21, 2012Dear Sir or Madam,I went to your store to buy a radio watch last Sunday. When I mentioned the high price, the No. 5 sales woman replied in a sarcastic tone, “You can go ahead and buy a cheap fake from other stores”. She didnt know how to treat a prospective buyer! I hope you can improve your service and give me a face-to-face apology. My telep


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