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1、1 You are working hard to be an excellent project manager But you found that you have a tendency to come up with a decision on you own judgment If you wish to approach an issue by standing in others shoes what should you do A Empathic listening skills B Speaking skills C Presentation skills D Active

2、 listening skills 1 你在努力成为一个优秀PM 你发现自己习惯直接下结论 你想多从 别人角度看问题 应该发展哪项技能 A 换位的倾听技巧 B 演说技巧 C 演示技巧 D 积极倾听技巧 2 The MOST likely result of communication blockers is that A the project is delayed B trust level is enhanced C conflict occurs D senior management is displeased 2 沟通出现障碍时最可能的结果是 A 项目被延迟 B 增强了信任 C 出现

3、冲突 D 高级管理层很生气 3 What is one of the most important skills a project manager can have A Negotiation skills B Influencing skills C Communication skills D Problem solving skills 3 项目经理应该具备的最重要的技能是下列哪一种技能 A 谈判 B 影响 C 沟通 D 解决问题 4 How much of Project Manager s time is spent on Communication A 50 B 90 C 30

4、D 40 60 4 项目经理花在沟通上的时间占多少 A 50 B 90 C 30 D 40 一60 5 Projects by their nature requires that A Communications be limited to facts regarding the product schedule quality and cost B Communications be closely controlled so that competing project managers will not get an unfair advantage C The project man

5、ager be the focal point of communications between the customer top management line managers and project personnel D All project reports are shared externally and internally 5 项目的特性要求 A 沟通局限于有关产品 进度 质量和成本的事实 B 应当严格控制沟通 以便不让竞争的项目经理得到不公正的优势 C 项目经理是客户 高级管理层 职能经理和项目成员之间沟通的焦 点 D 所有项目报告部要在内部和外部共享 6 When a

6、project manager is engaged in negotiations non verbal communication skills are of A little importance B major importance C importance only when cost and schedule objectives are involved D importance only to ensure you win the negotiation 6 当一位项目经理在谈判时 非口头沟通技巧 A 不怎么重要 B 很重要 C 只有当谈判中包括成本和进度目标时才重要 D 只有

7、当确定你赢得谈判胜利时才重要 7 Filtering is a concept that occurs when A a technique used in conjunction with a project communication plan B the supervisor performs verification and documentation of the results of a communications message C a large portion of the message was lost in upward or downward communicati

8、ons between a subordinate and supervisor D A and B 7 过滤是何时发生的一个概念 A 是和项目沟通计划一起使用的一个技术 B 当监督人对一个沟通讯息的结果进行核实和归档时 C 在下级与上级之间的向上或向下沟通中 丢失了讯息的大部分 D A 和B 8 A team member violated the ground rule the first time What type of communication method will the project manager use with the team member A Formal ver

9、bal B Formal written C Hallway discussion D Informal written 8 一个团队成员第一次违反了基本规则 项目经理对他应该采用什么 类型的沟通方法 A 正式口头 B 正式书面 C 走廊交谈 D 非正式书面 9 A team member violated the ground rule the second time What type of communication method will the project manager use with the team member A Informal verbal B Formal wr

10、itten C Hallway discussion D Informal written 9 一个团队成员第二次违反了基本规则 项目经理对他应该采用什么 类型的沟通方法 A 非正式口头 B 正式书面 C 走廊交谈 D 非正式书面 10 Which of the following is true regarding communication within a project environment A The project manager must assume the primary burden of responsibility to ensure that messages se

11、nt have been received B Effective meetings a war room and a tight matrix promote effective communication C If a project consists of 12 people 48 potential channels of communication exist D Most project managers spend 30 percent of their working hours engaged in communication 10 在项目环境下 下列有关沟通的论述哪一个是正

12、确的 A 项目经理必须承担主要责任 以确保发出的讯息已经收到 B 有效的会议 作战室 和紧密型矩阵可以促进有效的沟通 C 如果一个项目由12 人组成 则存在42 个潜在的沟通渠道 D 大多数项目经理花费30 的工作时间用于沟通 11 Under a seller agreement formal written correspondence with the seller is required when A change to the project is issued B meeting with the seller s management is held C seller is as

13、ked for supporting information D there is a follow up to a conversation 11 根据提供商的协议 正式的 与提供商之间书面信件沟通在何时被 要求 A 项目的变更被发布 B 会见提供商的管理层时 C 提供商要求支持信息时 D 深入沟通时 12 Formal written correspondence with the customer is required when A defects are detected B the customer requests additional work not covered unde

14、r contract C The project has a schedule slippage D the project has cost overruns 12 在下列哪种情况下需要与客户进行正式的书面通信 A 检查出了缺陷 B 客户要求合同没有包括的额外工作 C 项目进度拖延 D 项目有成本超支 13 The reengineering project started in an organization of 5 000 employees The project team is composed of each representative from each organizati

15、on The best way to identify and satisfy project information needs of stakeholders is A Communication management Plan B Communication and Responsibility Matrix C Staffing and resource management Plan D OBS 13 在一个有5000 名雇员的组织中开始进行一个重组项目 项目队伍 由每个组织单位中 一名代表组成 识别和满足利害关系者对项目信息需求的最好方式是 A 沟通管理计划 B 沟通和责任矩阵 C

16、 人员分配和资源管理计划 D 组织分解结构 OBS 14 Extensive use of communication is most likely to aid in solving complex problems A verbal B written C formal D non verbal 14 广泛使用 沟通很可能有助于解决复杂问题 A 口头 B 书面 C 正式 D 非口头的 15 The project has a problem with personnel performance This is best handled through A Formal written communication B Formal verbal communication C Informal written communication D Informal verbal communication 15 项目人员表现存在问题 这种问题最好通过下列哪种方法解决 A 正式的书面沟通 B 正式的口头沟通 C 非正式书面沟通 D 非正式口头沟通 16 In person to person



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