Lesson plan 详细版.doc

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1、Lesson planUnit 5 Traveling AbroadPeriod 1 Warming-up and readingTime: 45 minutesThe number of students: 50The grade of students: grade two in high school1. The analysis of teaching materials:This unit forms a part of high school English teaching material, Students Book 7. This unit can be divided i

2、nto three parts: warming-up, reading, listening about language. Its main topic is traveling abroad and it contains two reading materials, studying in foreign country and traveling in foreign country. Today,we will learn the first part, studying in a foreign country. In this unit, it tells students w

3、hat problems they will meet in foreign countries and how to deal with these problems. Also, it introduces the benefits and difficulties of studying abroad through the story of Xie lei.2. The analysis of students:As high school students, they have learned English for several years and they have a bas

4、ic command of English. Students will be interested with a certain topic easily, such as traveling, sports healthy life and so on, which adapts to their physical and psychological characteristics. Additionally, students are weak in English speaking, so in my class, I will design some questions and ac

5、tivities for them to practice their pronunciation.3. Teaching aims:Knowledge aim:a) Students will learn about Xie Leis school life in London.b) Students will learn new words and phrases including lecture, academic, comfort, requirement, acknowledge, preparation, contradict, occupy, recommend, substi

6、tute.Ability aim:a) Students will be able to use the new words about traveling abroad to describe the life in foreign countries.b) Students will be able to think of their own way to deal with the possible problems of living abroad.c) Students will be able to know how to read the news report and get

7、the main idea by finding the key information about what, when, why, where and who.Emotion aim:a) Students will be more interested in traveling or studying abroad.b) Students can overcome the difficulties in study and life after reading Xie Leis story. Learning strategy aim:a) Students will learn abo

8、ut the characteristics of the news report and get the main idea by finding the main words, who, when, where, why, what.Culture aim:a) Students will gain more knowledge about the lifestyle and the weather feature in London.2. Key point:a) Learning the new words and phrases about traveling abroad and

9、know their meanings, such as requirement, acknowledge, preparation, fit in.b) Learning about the benefits and difficulties of studying abroad.3. Difficult point:a) Grasping the ability to skim and scan the text and the ability to summarize the main idea of each paragraph. It requires students to sum

10、marize the main idea according to find the key information about what, when, why, who, where.b) Learning the basic structure of emphatic sentence and how to use it. It requires students to be able to use it in the composition.4. Teaching aids:Power Point, a blackboard, some chalk, a tape recorder5.

11、Teaching methods:Task-based language teaching6. Teaching procedure:Step1 Lead-in (4 minutes)At first, the teacher will ask students a question, if you have a chance to go abroad in the world, which country would you like to go? Why? Fifteen seconds later, the teacher will choose two students to tell

12、 their answers. After hearing these answers, the teacher will show some beautiful pictures of different countries to attract students attention, such as Statue of Liberty, Sydney Opera House, Eiffel Tower and so on(5 slides)and next the teacher will ask students whether they want to go abroad to hav

13、e a further study or not. Step2 pre -reading(6minutes)Nowadays, more and more students wants to go abroad to have a further study. Whataretheadvantagesanddisadvantagesofstudyingabroad?Then the teacher will ask students to discuss in the four-people group.Suggested answers:Advantages1. helpustobeinde

14、pendent2.easiertolearnadvancedknowledgeandtechnology3.learnalotaboutlocalcustomsandbroadenourviews4.getridofanxietyDisadvantages1.difficulttocommunicatewithother2.willcostalotofmoney3.mustlookafteroneselfT:”You aregoingtoreadanewspaperarticleabouta ChinesestudentwhogoestostudyinEngland.Whatdoyouthin

15、kshewillfinddifferencesfromstudyingataChineseschool/university?”Step3 listening and fast reading (5minutes)1. Listen to the tape and find the answers to the following questions. 1) Who is the main character? 2) Will she overcome difficulties at last? Who helps her?3) WhatisXieLeiinEnglandfor?HowlonghasshebeeninEngland?2. TrueorFalse.a. WhenXieLeiwenttoNewYork,shefeltveryexcitedandrelaxed.b. XieLeicametotheuniversitytocompleteasciencequalification.c. XieLeilivesinthestudentaccommodation.d. XieLeifoundthepreparationcoursewasverye


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