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1、人教PEP六年级上册Unit4IhaveapenpalALet stry Let stalk 0 0 Myfriend 0 0 penpal 0 ZhangPeng 13 Shandong China singing doingkungfu readingstories hobbies 0 and WhatareZhangPeng shobbies sing dokungfu reading Helikes ing ingkungfu stories 0 Helikes WhatareZhangPeng shobbies 0 Look Ihaveanewpenpal 0 Let stry Zh

2、ang Look Ihaveanewpenpal He sfromNewZealand Oliver That sgood What shisname Zhang HisnameisPeter Helikesplayingbasketball Oliver Oh isheverytall Zhang Yes heis 0 NewZealand 0 NewZealand 0 NewZealand 0 WheredoesPeterlive DoesheliveontheSouthIsland Yes hedoes Helivesonafarm Look 0 Helikes ingonthefarm

3、 Helikesreadingstories 0 Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver That sinteresting That sinteresting Moo Moo 0 Sosometimes B That sinteresting good 0 Peterhasmanyhobbies Whatelse Helikes Healsolikes 0 0 Zhang Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Oliv

4、er Goodidea theChinesesong JasmineFlower Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower 0 Zhang Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Oliver Goodidea theChinesesong JasmineFlower Zhang Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower 0 Jasmineflow

5、erisafamousChinesefolksong widelyspreadaroundtheworld 茉莉花 是一首著名的中国民歌 该歌曲在海外华人和西方音乐界中也流传甚广 JasmineFlower 0 Zhang I mgoingtoteachhim Oliver Goodidea Nicesong That sgood theChinesesong Chinesesong 0 Step1 同步跟读 不出声或轻声跟读 注意语速噢 0 Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Oliver That sin

6、teresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver Goodidea Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies theChinesesong JasmineFlower Soundlinking 连读 Stress

7、 重音 Intonation 声调 Step2 大声跟读模仿 注意重音 连读与声调哦 0 Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim Helivesonafarm sos

8、ometimeshereadstothecows Oliver Goodidea Oliver WhatarePeter shobbies ZhangPeng Helikesreadingstories Helivesonafarm sosometimeshereadstothecows Oliver That sinteresting ZhangPeng HelikesdoingKungfuandswimming Oliver Really Metoo ZhangPeng Healsolikessinging Oliver Oh youlikesinging too theChineseso

9、ng JasmineFlower ZhangPeng Yes I mgoingtoteachhim theChinesesong JasmineFlower Oliver Goodidea Step2 大声跟读模仿 注意重音 连读与声调哦 0 Step3 分角色配音 注意语速哦 0 Step4 语音模仿到位 有角色感 语音语调地道优美 有适当拓展性语言和表演 配合动作表情 0 0 Jimmy 12 Canada playingfootballplayingbasketballlisteningtopopmusicreadingbooks Toronto Writeorchatwithme Le

10、t sbefriends 0 Tim 12 England playingcomputergamesdrawingpicturesreadingsciencebooksmakingrobots London Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Lisa 13 USA singingdancingwatchingTVshowplayingsports NewYork Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Emily 14 Australia swimmingreadingstoriesplayingthepianodrawingc

11、artoons Sydney Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Alice 13 Singapore playingthepianolearningChinesecookingreadingbooks Hangzhou Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends 0 Linda 13 Japan playingthepianoflyingkiteslisteningtomusicreadingbooks Tokyo Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jacky 15 Beijing Spain doing

12、Chinesekungfuplayingbasketballwatchingactionmoviessingingsongs Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jason 14 England singingplayingsportswatchingTVreadingbooks London Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends A Iwanttomakepenpalwitha boy girl B Findanewpenpal Chooseapenpalonthewebsite 从penpalworld网站上选择一位想交的笔友 Sh

13、areyourpenpalwithyourfriends 和你的小伙伴一起分享关于ta的信息 Workingroupof2 4 2 4人一组合作 Jimmy 12 Canada playingfootballplayingbasketballlisteningtopopmusicreadingbooks Toronto Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Tim 12 England playingcomputergamesdrawingpicturesreadingsciencebooksmakingrobots London Writeorchatwithme

14、 Let sbefriends Lisa 13 USA singingdancingwatchingTVshowplayingsports NewYork Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Emily 14 Australia swimmingreadingstoriesplayingthepianodrawingcartoons Sydney Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Alice 13 Singapore playingthepianolearningChinesecookingreadingbooks Hangzhou Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Jacky 15 Beijing Spain doingChinesekungfuplayingbasketballwatchingactionmoviessingingsongs Writeorchatwithme Let sbefriends Lookandread Afterclass Trytowriteanemailtoyournewpenpal


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