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1、铁路隧道工程施工承包合同CONTRACT OF RAILWAY TUNNEL ENGINEERINGCONSTRUCTION签署日期:Date of Signature :甲方:(以下简称甲方)Party A:( hereinafter referred to as Party A)乙方:(以下简称乙方)Party B:(hereinafter referred to as Party B)鉴于: 甲方系铁路建设工程总承包商, 因铁路建设需要并经过业主同意, 通过招标将一号隧道工 程承包给具有隧道建设资质和能力的专业公司施工;鉴于: 乙方系专业从事隧道工程建设的施工公司, 具有相应的工程资质和

2、能力, 中标承包本合同 工程; 据此,甲方将一号隧道的洞身钻爆开挖、洞门修建、防排水设施、锚网喷支护、衬砌、洞内沟槽 及洞室和相应的隧道施工附属项目承包给乙方施工,经双方协商一致,订立本合同,共同遵守。WHEREAS: Party A being general contractor of railway engineering will, for necessityof railway construction and gain employer s consent, contract through bidding No. One tunnel project to the profess

3、ional company with qualification and capability of tunnel construction for execution;WHEREAS: Party B being the professional company of tunnel construction with corresponding engineering qualification and capacity has won bidding and been awarded the project hereof.NOWTHEREFOREP, arty, in accordance

4、 with the necessity of construction, consign the works of Tunnel No. 1 to party B for execution, including blasting excavation, tunnel portal construction, drainage facilities, bolting and shotcrete lining, lining, channel andditch within tunnel in addition to corresponding projects affiliated to tu

5、nnel engineering, for which parties by mutual agreement conclude and enter into this contract parties hereby agree as follows:一、组成合同的文件: Documents Constituted Contract组成本合同的文件包括: including the following:1、本合同协议书 Agreement hereof2、本合同条款 Terms and conditions hereof3、本工程适用的标准、规范及有关技术文件Standards, norms

6、and concerned technical documents applicable to this engineering.4、甲方技术交底图纸Drawings delivered by party A, with explanation of technology.5、附件 1承包人承包工程项目一览表工程量清单,以及双方有关工程的洽商、变更等书面协议或文件视为本合同的组成部分。Appendix One: The List, Bill of Quantity of Engineering contracted by contractor inaddition to the agreeme

7、nts or files in writing relative to negotiation, alteration ofengineering by parties hereto will be deemed as integral parts hereof.二、工程概况 General Review of Project、工程名称:一号隧道。Project Name : Tunnel No. One、工程地点:DK 094+506 至 DK095 +658 ; Project Place:、工程规模:隧道总长1152m。Project Scale: Total Tunnel Length

8、 : 1152 Meters、承包范围和内容包含:Co ntracted Scope and Con te nts in cludi ng as follows:1、洞身开挖(围岩级别分类情况见工程量清单) 。具体内容包括: 临时设施建设、 脚手架, 测量, 人工挖除整修,钻眼、爆破、通风、出碴、运料、照明,管线及排水,木支撑制作、安装、拆卸, 整修边沟, 超挖回填等为完成隧道开挖所需的一切工序施工、完成和缺陷修复工作 (弃碴运距从出碴洞口算起 1 公里、弃碴场用地由甲方负责) 。Tunnel Execution:The grade of surrounding rock refer to L

9、ist of Quantity,particularsthereof include as follows: temporary facilities, scaffolding, measurement, artificialdigg ingreno vati on,drilli ng.blasti ng,ven tilati on,ballastleav ing,tra nsportmaterial, light ing, pipeli ne and dra in age, the producti on, in stallati on, disassemblyof wooden suppo

10、rt, repair side ditch in addition to backfill for over excavation andother works which are necessity for execution, complement anddefect repairs of tunnelproject.2、支护 SupportA、 砂浆锚杆、中空注浆锚杆。Mortar an chor, hollow grouti ng an chor.B、超前小导管-钢管加工制作、运输、脚手架、钻孔、顶管等全部制安过程;Advaneed small pipe - pipe manufact

11、ure,transport,scaffolding,drilling, pipe, jackingand all other process of man ufacture and in stallati on.3、衬砌,包括正洞衬砌、仰拱及其钢筋、仰拱填充、铺底、大小避车洞衬砌。Lining, in clud in g tu nn el, i nverted arch and rein forceme nt, the in verted arch filli ng,bedding in addition to lining of refuge holes of various sizes.三

12、、工期Work Term开工日期: ,竣工日期为: 。Commencement date is , completion dateis .四、工程数量的核实和确认 Check and Con firmation of Work Qua ntity1、乙方向甲方施工技术人员提交已完工程量计算单或签证,以便甲方对乙方进行验工计价。Party B will submit party A s technical personnel with List of Completed Quantity orCertificate of Quantity forparty A s acceptanee and

13、calculation of partyB s works.2、 工程量验收方法:Mea ns of Qua ntity Accepta nee隧道开挖数量以隧道设计开挖断面计算;衬砌数量按照图纸设计厚度及尺寸计算;排水沟、电缆槽按照设计图纸尺寸及附表清单单价计量;隧道砂浆锚杆、超前锚杆支护数量按乙方依照甲方技术交底施工的实际数量计算。Tunnel excavation quantity is calculated pursuant to excavated section in tunnel design; lining quantity is calculated pursuant tot

14、he thickness and size of drawing s design;quantity of drainage ditch and cable trough are calculated under the design size in drawings and unit price in appendix list; quantity of tunnel mortar anchor and aheadof the bolt support, subject to Party B actual worked number are calculated inaccordance w

15、ith party As technical explanation.3、乙方应按照甲方技术人员的技术交底进行施工。工程量以乙方按照甲方技术交底完成的实际 施工数量为依据。 乙方完成的结算工程量须由甲方施工技术、 质量检验工程师审核签证, 且须经 项目总工审批后才能作为验工计价的依据。Party B should, pursuant to the technical direction by partyAs technical personnel,carry out execution. The quantity is the same which are actual completion by party B in accordance with partyA s technical direction. The settlement of quantityof partyB s completion should, prior to being deemed as the basis of the acceptance and cost calculation, be determined by the check and confirmation of party A s engineers oftechnician and quality


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