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1、房屋买卖三方合同Three-party Property Sales &Purchase Agreement甲 方: Party A (Seller): 乙 方: Party B (Buyer): 丙 方: Party C (Agent): 签订日期: 年 月日Date:/第 1 页 共 22 页甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller):乙方(买方):Party B (Buyer):丙方(居间方):Party C (Agen t):温馨提示:尊敬的客户,您好!欢迎您成为21世纪中国不动产客户大家庭中的一员,能为您提供服务,我们感到非常荣幸!为了维护您的权益,当您向本公司支付任何一笔款项时

2、,务必要求我公司业务人员提供盖有本公司印章或财务章的收据或发票,以此确认本公司收到该款项,否则,本公 司不予认可。Dear customer,Thank you for choosing Century21 China Real Estate. It is our honor to provide you with our services!For your in terest, please claim payme nt receipt or in voice with our compa ny s chopfrom your age nt whe n you make any payme

3、nt to our compa ny.您的成交委托协议编号: The serial n umber of your en trustme nt agreeme nt :房屋买卖三方合同Three-party Property Sales & Purchase Agreeme nt甲方(卖方):Party A (Seller):乙方(买方):Party B (Buyer):丙方(居间方):Party C (Age nt):根据中华人民共和国有关法律、法规和北京市有关规定,甲、乙双方遵循自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,共同委托丙方代理并见证甲乙双方之间的买卖行为,经甲、乙、丙三方协商一致,共同订立本合

4、同,以兹各方共同遵守。Pursua nt to releva ntlaws and regulati onsof the People s Republic of China and releva ntrules of Beiji ngMuni cipality,Party A and Party B en trustParty C to act as theirage ntfor the sales between Party A and Party B and bear testimony to the afore-saidtransaction in principle of volun

5、tary, fairness and honesty. Through friendlynegotiation. Party A, Party B and Party C hereby agree to enter into this Agreementand abide by it jointly.第一条房产成交甲方自愿将自有的房屋产权有偿转让给乙方。该房产符合北京市建设管理委员会制定的房屋上市标准,甲方岀售该房屋时亦同时将该房屋已分摊的土地使用面积和土地使用期限转让给乙方。房屋具体情况如下:1、 甲方依法取得的房屋产权证号为: ;2、 房产位于北京市 区【县】;房屋结构: ,房屋用途: ;

6、(有产权车位的请特别注明)3、 房屋建筑面积 平方米;房屋使用面积 平方米(可不填);4、房产权属转移时,附带附属设施状况及室内装饰情况见(附件二);5、甲方保证已如实陈述该房产权属状况、装饰情况和相关关系,乙方对甲方上述转让房产的具体情况充分了解,自愿买受该房产;6、房屋共有人及共有人意见:房屋共有人:指对房屋共同享有所有权的两个或两个以上自然人、法人或其他组织的共有人。共有人共有人证件号码共有人意见I. Sales & purchase of the propertyParty A agrees to sell the property to Party B. The property i

7、s qualified for sale inthe market in accordanee with the regulation of Beijing Municipal ConstructionCommittee. Together with the sales of the property, the allocated land area for theproperty and the usable term of the land is transferredto Party B jointly. The propertyis described as:1. Serial no.

8、 of the title certificate of the propertyis:;2. Address:,District (Cou nty), Beiji ng;architecture:, purpose:(please in dicate ifthere is parking lot with title);2 23. Con structio n area:m ; usable floor space:m(optio nal);4. Together with the title of the property, facilities and interior decorati

9、ons tobe tra nsferred are as described in Appe ndix (1);5. Party A shall guarantee that it has completely disclosed the facts about the property,in clud ing but not limited to the title, decorati on and releva nt in formati on; Party Bhas fully un derstood the facts and agrees to buy the property vo

10、lu ntarily.6. Co-ow ners of the property and inten ti on for the saleCo-owners refer to more than one person, legalperson or organization,who own the titleof the property together.Co-ow nersID No.Inten ti on for sale of the property第二条成交价格及付款方式一、成交价格甲、乙双方经协商一致,同意上述房产成交价格为人民币元;即人民币仟佰拾万仟佰拾元整;上述交易总价款包括

11、:【房价款】【公共维修基金】 【室内不可移动之装修】【空调】及其它二、付款方式种方式付款:% ,即人民币佰 拾 元整,作为保证双方履行合同的定甲乙双方经协商一致,甲方认可乙方采取以下第1、现金支付乙方应在签订本合同当日,预先支付总房款的 元,(大写)佰 拾 万 仟金,该笔款项连同剩余款项经甲乙双方协商,决定采用下列第种方式:a)全部支付给甲方,甲方开具相应的收款凭证;b)暂时存入21世纪不动产北京区域分部在特定银行开立的监管账户内,由该银行监管该部分资金,待该房屋权属过户手续办理完毕及物业交割后,连同剩余房款一并支付给甲方。此业务须由甲乙双方与 21世纪不动产北京区域分部另行签订交易资金监管委托协议;c)剩余款项的支付: 同时,甲、乙双方在此郑重确认:前述由21世纪不动产北京区域分部进行的资金监管款项,经进入资金监管账户即视同乙方已履行向甲方给付定金和房款的义务。2、银行贷款



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