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1、编号冊号.IMPORT AGENT SERVICE AGREEMENT委托代理进口协议甲方:乙方:签订日期:年月日甲乙双方本着平等互利、共同发展的原则,经友好协商,自愿签定本协议:After frie ndly n egotiati ons betwee n the Parties and on the basis of mutual ben efit and mutual developme nt. Party A and Party B have reached the followi ng agreeme nt:1.协议开始日期:AGREEMENT INITIATION DATE:本协议

2、从,开始生效。This agreeme nt en ters into force on2.协议方:PARTIES:本协议涉及以下各方:This agreeme nt is made and en tered by and betwee n:甲方:PARTY A:公司:COMPANY:地址:ADDRESS:国家:COUNTRY:电话:TEL:传真:FAX:电子邮件:E-MAIL:乙方:PARTY B:公司:COMPANY:地址:ADDRESS:国家:COUNTRY:电话:TEL:传真:FAX:电子邮件:E-MAIL:、甲方指定乙方为其在中国的全权采购代理,采购甲方指定的The Party A

3、appoints the Party B as its ExclusivePurchasing Agency in China, purchasingthe goods as Part A refers.二、甲方应在实际进口之前将进口详细计划告之乙方,并提供产品的品名、数量、重量、价格、产地,以便乙方及时开始准备工作,甲方应保证上述资料完整准确。Before actual import, Party A shall provide to Party B its import pla n in detail,in dicati ng the n ame, prices, qua ntity, s

4、pecificati ons, quality of goods and place oforig in, so that Party B can start start their preparati on work. Party A shall en surethe accuracy of all these in formati on.三、甲方应积极配合乙方做好通关手续(随时提供海关所需资料),并提供必要协助。Party A shall provide all the required documents at all times when required by the customs

5、 authorities and shall help Party B with customs cleara nee.四、 甲方按照 美金每吨( 美金/吨)的最终采购价格预付首批 吨(吨)催化剂的货款,共计 美金(美金),款项涵盖所有费用(包括乙方的服务费和佣金),货款支付到乙方指定的账户。The two parties agree that the final purchase price is dollars per Ton(US$/MT). Party A shall make anadva neepayme nt of dollars( US$ ) for the first bat

6、ch of goods(MT), which shall in cludi ngall expe nses, ( in clud ingthe commissi on and service fee to Party B). The payme nt shouldbe remitted to Party B s designated bank account.五、 乙方收到甲方货款后,在十五个工作日内向甲方提供采购催化剂排产情况,并根据甲方对所采购催化剂的技术要求全程的跟踪和监督,进程中及时向甲方提供必要的信息,通知甲方生产,备货,岀货情况。Within 15 worki ng days af

7、ter receiv ing the payme nt. Party B shall provide to Party A the producti on status of the catalysts, supervise the producti on process, and provide n ecessary in formati on to Party A without delay, no tify ing Party A of the producti on, stock and shipme nts status.六、商品通关报检事宜由乙方负责处理,在通关过程中发生的费用,如

8、仓费、法定商检费、查验费、保险费、运杂费等(以海关、商检、船务、运输公司开据的发票为准),由乙方负责结算。Party B shall be resp on sible for the customs cleara nee and in specti on of goods. TheMiscella neous Expe nses in curred in the course of han dli ng customs cleara nee for the imported Goods, includingbut not limited to fees and expenses for com

9、modity inspection,health quara nti ne, quara nti ne for ani mals and pla nts, tra nsportati on and in cide ntalexpenses, feesand expenses incurred in the port area, the port supervision authority,in sura nee fees and banks charges (“ Miscella neous Fees ” ) shall be bor ne by Party B.七、乙方仅承担代理进口该商品的

10、义务,其权利义务受且仅受本代理协议约束。在代理过程中对于经甲方指示或确认而由乙方以自己名义代为签定的一系列形式合同,乙方不负任何责任,而由甲方作为委托人承担。对于甲方与实际进口商等发生的一切争议,(如产品质量、数量、规格、 交货期等),乙方概不负责。It is the Parties un dersta nding that Party B is an in depe ndent import age ntof PartyA. No employee ofParty B shallbe deemed to be an employee of Party A. Nothingcontainedi

11、n this Agreeme nt shall be con struedso as to create a part nership or jo int ven ture;and neither Partyhereto shallbe liable for the debts or obligationsof theother.PartyB shall bear no liability for any con tacts sig ned on behalf of Party A. Party B shall bear no liability for the disputes aris i

12、ng betwee n Party A and the actual users of the Goods with respect to the quality, qua ntity, specificati ons and delivery date of the Goods.八、违约责任 LIABILITIES FOR BREACH或者以其他方式违反本协议,该方应向另如果本协议任一方未能履行本协议的全部或任一条款、一方承担应履行不能或违约而给对方造成的损失。所有应此履行不能或违约而造成的间接或偶然损害或损失应排除在外。本协议以及中国合同法规定的、守约方对违约方的其他任何权利不受影响。If

13、 either Party to this Agreeme nt fails to fulfill all or any obligati on(s) un der thisAgreement or commits any other breach of this Agreement it shall be liable to the otherParty for all direct losses or damages caused by such failure or breach. Any liabilityfor in direct, con seque ntial or in cid

14、e ntal damages or losses caused by such failure orbreach shall be excluded. Any other rights of the Party abid ing the Agreeme nt aga instthe breach ing Party un der this Agreeme nt and the PRCC on tract Law shall not be affected.九、不可抗力条款FORCE MAJEURE因不可抗力造成无法履行或不能如期履行本协议时,根据不可抗力的实际影响,部分或全部免除未能履行协议一

15、方的责任。If an eve nt of force majeure occurs, n either Party shall be resp on siblefor any damage,in creased costs or loss which the other Party may sustai n by reas on of such failure ordelay of performanee. The Party claimingforce majeure shall take appropriate measuresto minimize or remove the effect of force majeure and, within the shortest possible time, attempt to resume performa nee of the obligati on(s) affected by the eve nt of force majeure.十、文字及效力 EFFECTIVENESS本协议经双方签字盖章后生效,有效期两年。本协议一式两份,双方各执一份,具有同等效力。This Agreeme nt shall be



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