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1、Bayer Integrated Site Caojing 拜耳漕泾一体化基地拜耳漕泾一体化基地 Contractor Safety Manual 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Site HSE Procedure SA 002 V2 Page 1 of 49 CONTRACTOR SAFETY MANUAL 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Bayer Integrated Site Caojing 拜耳漕泾一体化基地拜耳漕泾一体化基地 Contractor Safety Manual 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Site HSE Procedure SA 002 V2 Page 2 of 4

2、9 Content 目录 目录 1 Terms Used 术语定义 2 Contractual Obligations 合同义务 3 Legal Obligations 法律义务 4 Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护用品 5 HES Orientation 指定人员必须签收所有起重工具 并确保储存于业主准许的区域 他必须 Ensure a valid certificate accompanies each item of lifting gear and keep all such certificates for examination by OWNER

3、 Bayer Integrated Site Caojing 拜耳漕泾一体化基地拜耳漕泾一体化基地 Contractor Safety Manual 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Site HSE Procedure SA 002 V2 Page 32 of 49 确保每个起重工具有有效证明 并保存所有证明以备业主检查 Enter the details of all lifting equipment received on site into the register that shall have details of the lifting gear identification nu

4、mber and safe working load 将签收的所有升降设备详细信息登记备案 起重工具必须有识别号码和安 全工作负荷信息 Ensure that all items of lifting gear are properly color coded as per OWNER instructions and that a board showing the current color code is prominently displayed at the approved rigging store and other appropriate places 确保所有起重工具根据业

5、主要求进行正确的颜色标识 在装备储存区域显 著放置现行颜色标识显示板 Keep a register of all issues of lifting gear 保存所有起重工具的发放记录 Ensure that all items of lifting gear are returned for its inspection on a monthly basis and enter such inspections into the lifting gear register 确保每月收回所有起重工具进行检查 并记录在案 30 6 The issue of webbing nylon sli

6、ngs shall be closely controlled The nominated employee shall issue webbing slings to a supervisor for one job only and the nominated employee shall return them on completion of the job for re inspection The nominated employee shall keep a record of all such issues and returns 必须严格控制尼龙吊带的发放 必须由指定人员发放

7、尼龙吊带给每项工作的负责 人 工作结束经检查后收回 指定人员必须保存发放和收回记录 30 7 All lifting equipment shall be properly supported by a load bearing member of sufficient strength for the load to be imposed Where appropriate beam clamps or proper packing shall be used 所有的起重工具必须有足够强度来承受负荷 必须使用合适的梁夹或填料 30 8 Defective lifting equipment

8、shall be withdrawn immediately from service and returned to the nominated employee 缺损升降设备必须立即撤下 返还给指定人员 30 9 No item of lifting gear shall be used to support a load greater than the safe working load of the lifting gear 不得用起重工具承载超过其安全工作负荷的物品 30 10 An independent examiner shall examine all lifting ge

9、ar at 3 monthly intervals and all such examinations shall be entered into the register The independent examiner shall change color codes on every independently examined item of lifting gear 独立检查员必须每 3 个月对所有的起重工具进行检查 记录 检查员必须对检查 完的起重工具更换颜色标识 30 11 No item of lifting gear shall be used unless it has t

10、he current color code 不得使用没有当前颜色标识的起重工具 30 12 CONTRACTOR must not use lifting equipment and other lifting appliances belonging to OWNER unless OWNER has given prior written permission for such use Bayer Integrated Site Caojing 拜耳漕泾一体化基地拜耳漕泾一体化基地 Contractor Safety Manual 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Site HSE Proce

11、dure SA 002 V2 Page 33 of 49 承包商不得使用业主的升降设备或其他升降工具 除非事先得到业主书面许可 30 13 No ropes of any manufacture may be used for support or restraining purposes unless certified as appropriate for that use 任何承包商不得利用绳子支撑或控制 除非经鉴定适合使用 31 REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS I INCIDENTS 事故事故 事件的汇报事件的汇报 31 1 CONTRACTOR should give

12、oral report to OWNER as soon as possible in case of all accidents incidents 发生任何事故 事件 承包商必须立即口头向业主汇报 31 2 CONTRACTOR shall submit a complete investigation report to OWNER within 24 hours after the accident incident 承包商必须在发生事故 时间后的 24 小时内向业主提交完整的调查报告 31 3 CONTRACTOR must comply fully with the Reporti

13、ng of Accidents and incidents as detailed in OWNER Incident Investigation and Reporting Procedure 承包商必须按照业主的事故调查和汇报程序全面进行事故 事件报告 31 5 In the case of serious incident CONTRACTOR shall provide Corporate Senior Management to assist in investigation and review 一旦发生严重事件 承包商高级管理层必须协助进行调查和评估 31 6 CONTRACTO

14、R shall not disturb the immediate area surrounding an accident until authorized by OWNER 除非得到业主许可 承包商不得扰乱事故发生地及周边区域 32 WORK IN CONFINED SPACES 限制空间内作业限制空间内作业 32 1 Hazards can be encountered where work is carried out in excavations tanks vessels pipes or other confined spaces For this reason CONTRACT

15、OR shall be required to produce a detailed method statement 在挖掘处 储罐内 容器内 管道内或其他限制空间内作业会遇到危险 为此 必须要求承包商制定详细的方法描述报告 32 2 The following processes are especially dangerous when carried out in confined spaces 限制空间内进行以下作业是尤其危险的 Paint spraying 喷漆 Extensive preheating naked flame 大面积预热 明火 Welding 焊接 Arc air

16、 gouging 电弧气刨 Use of cleaning fluids solvents 使用清洁剂 溶剂 Grit blasting Bayer Integrated Site Caojing 拜耳漕泾一体化基地拜耳漕泾一体化基地 Contractor Safety Manual 承包商安全手册承包商安全手册 Site HSE Procedure SA 002 V2 Page 34 of 49 喷砂 P U F Spraying P U F 喷雾 The dangers involved include 危险包括 Asphyxiation 窒息 Explosion 爆炸 Fire 火灾 Oxygen enrichment or deficiency 氧气富集或缺氧 Dust and fumes 尘和烟雾 Noise 噪声 N B Many types of equipment will have been filled with nitrogen to prevent corrosion during shipping 注意 很多类型的设备在运输时注入氮气以防腐蚀 32 3 CON



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