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1、 专业英语 复习题 一 选择题 1 civil engineering dealt with permanent structures for civilian use whereas military engineering dealt with temporary structures for military use 2 attention must be paid to the working temperature of the machine 3 diplomatic relations have been established between china and the uni

2、ted states of America 4 a direct current is a current flowing always in the same direction 5 it s our duty to comply with the specification 6 dose your shop supply rebar 7 neither I nor he is fond of music 8 the above mentioned cements 水 泥 are widely used on the construction site 9 the production of

3、 steel has been increased by 70 10 if the garden is big some floodlights can be installed 11 wherever you go you can see many buildings 12 dams bridge water supply systems and other large projects ordinarily employ several engineers to work together 13 the bigger quantity you order the lower until c

4、ost you will be offered 14 in modern road constructions powerful modern machines are employed to move mountains and fill valleys to make the surfaces as direct as possible 15 besides its ability to sustain loads concrete is also required to be durable 16 tensile failure of reinforced concrete happen

5、s easily and involves progressive micro cracking 17 concrete is inherently a porous material 多孔材料 18 may I use your bike for a moment by all means 一定 务必 can be drawn from the above discussion s a small country yet has a lot of potential resources person s calorie requirements vary throughout is a co

6、mputer syetem with which the company is experiencing problems 23 usually there is less traffic in the streets on weekday than on Sundays 24 The thief tried to open the locked door but in vain 25 cracks would not only be unsightly but would expose the steel bars to corrosion by moisture and other che

7、mical action 26 having packed their luggage the tourists hurried to the airport public funding of basic science would lead to considerable benefits for the country s health wealth and security 28 you are very selfish it s high time you realized that you are not the most important person in the world

8、 edgar said to his boss angrily 29 even if the calculation is right scientists can never be sure that they have include all variables and modeled accurately that customers don t bargain about prices in the city 二 词组互译 1 tensile strength 抗拉强度 2 compressive strength 抗压强度 3 construction engineering 建筑工

9、程 4 reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土 5 raw material 原材料 6 civil engineers 土木工程师 7 assemblage technology 装配技术 8 simply supported beam 简支梁 9 continuous beam 连续梁 10 framing member 框架构件 11 bending strength 抗弯强度 12 shearing strength 抗剪强度 13 bill of quantities 工程量清单 14 estimated cost 预算成本 15 the column diagonal

10、truss tube 对顶柱桁架筒体 16 cash flow 现金流动 17 three dimensional 三维的 18 English for specialized science and technology 专业外语 19 geotechnical engineering 岩土工程 20 foundation settlement 地基沉降 21 fundamental assumption 基本假设 22 bending moment 弯曲力矩 23 shear stress 剪应力 剪切应力 24 normal stress 正应力 法向应力 25 on schedule

11、按时 26 be in equilibrium with 与 平衡 27 horizontal plane 水平面 28 vertical plane 垂直面 29 soil mechanics 土力学 30 aerial photographs 航空摄影 31 sanitary engineering 卫生工程 32 detrimental agents 有害因素 33 joint action 联合作用 34 deformed bars 变形钢筋 35 current situation present situation 现状 36 positive sequence 正序 37 neg

12、ative sequence 逆序 负序 38 fabrication plant 加工厂 加工设备 39 financial budget 财政预算 40 divide by 除以 41 in charge of 负责 主管 42 take account of 考虑到 顾及 43 spectacular achievements 惊人的成就 44 ultrahigh rise buildings 超高层建筑 45 terminate contract 解除合同 终止合同 46 spandrel beams 外墙托梁 47 encroach on 侵占 蚕食 48 intersect sur

13、faces 相交曲面 49 bundled tube structures 束筒结构 50 take delivery of 取货 提货 三 翻译句子 1 The term civil engineering originally came into use to distinguish it from military engineering 土木工程这个术语起初是用来与军事工程相区别的 土木工程处 理 的是民用的永久性建筑结构 而军事工程则是主要负责处理临时 性的军用建筑 2 Greater heightentailsincreased column and beam sizes to m

14、ake buildings more rigid so that under wind load they will not sway beyond an acceptable limit 更多的高度需要增加柱和梁的尺寸来使建筑物的刚性更强 以使 它们在风荷载作用下在容许范围内摆动 3 Structural systems of reinforced concrete as well as steel take full advantage of the inherent potential stiffness of the total building and therefore do no

15、t require additional stiffening to limit the sway 钢筋混凝土个钢结构系统充分利用了整个建筑的固有的潜在的刚 度 因此不需要额外的加强材料来限制倾斜 4 The tube structural system was developed for improving the resistance to lateral forces and the control of driftin high rise building 筒体结构体系的发展是为了提高高层建筑抵抗侧向力和飘移的能 力 薄壳筒体使筒体结构体系又向前迈进了一步 5 With the con

16、tinuing need for larger and taller buildings the framed tube or the column diagonal truss table may be used in a bundled form to create larger tube envelops while maintaining high efficiency 随着对更大更高的建筑的持续要求 框筒或对顶柱桁架筒体可能 被用在捆绑的形式以创作更大的筒体外壳 同时又保持了高效力 6 The principles of fluid mechanics can be applied to daily life as in the case of the planes the movement of fish in water and the circulation of blood in the veins 流体力学原理可以应用到日常生活中 如 飞行的飞机 鱼在水 中的游动及血管中的血液循环等情况 7 Anthropogenicor human induced polluta



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