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1、福师英语教学法在线作业二-0008试卷总分:100 得分:100一、判断题 (共 27 道试题,共 54 分)1.学习方式和学习策略是相互联系的, 学习方式的变革会促进学生主体的多样化的学习,取得更佳效果 。答案:正确2.自下而上的阅读模式认为读者应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义,用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义。答案:错误3.提倡研究性学习就是要改变传统的接受性学习的学习方式。答案:错误4.元认知策略是对自己的学习活动进行调控管理的策略。答案:正确5.在E-learning 模式中,学生的主体性表现为学习的积极性和主动性;教师的主导性体现为正确引导和启发学生进行学习。答案:

2、正确6.合作学习过程中并不排斥竞争。答案:正确7.学习策略是学生理解、 学习新材料和运用语言时的思维和行为 。答案:正确8.语法从描写的对象看, 可以分为教学语法、参考语法以及语言学语法 。答案:错误9.自省智能指的是自我认知、自我反省的能力,包括知道自身的长处、动机、目标和感情。答案:正确10.对学生应该积极引导,提高学习兴趣。答案:正确11.按照执行任务的方式, 任务可以分为 拼版式任务 、信息差任务、解决问题式任务和做决定式任务答案:正确12.自下而上的阅读模式 认为读者 应首先利用世界性的知识对文章的主题的了解来理解整体的意义, 用语境来猜测生疏项目的意义 。答案:错误13.英语教学

3、是实施素质教育的重要内容和手段之一答案:正确14.所有能有效的促进学生发展的学习,就一定是自主学习。因此,在所有的学习领域和学习主题都需要用探究学习的方式来进行。答案:错误15.直接法要求直接用外语思维,强调模仿和感知是外语教学的 基础。外语学习主要靠机械模仿句子。答案:正确16.掠读不要求理解文章的 总体大意,而是要捕捉某些具体的细节信息 。答案:错误17.教师素质的内容主要有: 职业道德、学科知识、文化素养、教学能力、协同共事能力、元认知能力 。答案:正确18.对学生应该积极引导, 提高学习兴趣 。答案:正确19.根据阅读的技巧, 阅读有 跳读、掠读 和细读 之分。答案:正确20.语言与文

4、化密不可分,语言有很丰富的文化内涵;英语学习中有许多跨文化交际的因素。答案:正确21.及时复习巩固英语词汇是防止或减少遗忘的好方法。答案:正确22.重视语法教学就必须灌输语法规则,在课堂上教师对语法进行详尽的讲解,学生要花力气记忆,做大量的翻译、填空和改错练习。答案:错误23.影响交际策略的因素是: 语言水平、 个性、学习环境 和任务的难易度 。答案:正确24.阅读教学的最终目的是培养学生的朗读能力 。答案:错误25.教师素质的内容主要有: 职业道德、学科知识、文化素养、教学能力、协同共事能力、元认知能力。答案:正确26.正如不能用一次考试的成绩完全说明学生的学习效果一样,也不应该只听一节课就

5、给教师的教学能力下定论。答案:正确27.外语教学法的各种流派的方法体系都有各自相对的优点和缺点。我们只要采取一种流派的方法就是外语教学的最佳方法。答案:错误二、单选题 (共 18 道试题,共 36 分)28.The purpose of the outline is to enable the students to have a clear organization of ideas and a structure that can guide them ( ).A.in the actual writingB.in free writingC.in controlled writing答案

6、:A29.What strategy does creating a situation for students to use the words help to train?A.Association.B.Association.C.Contextualization.D.Collocation.答案:C30.What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? S: I go to the theatre last night. T: You GO to the theatre last night?A.Correctingthe

7、 students mistake.B.Hinting that there is a mistake.C.Encouraging peer correction.D.Asking the Student whether he really went to the theatre.答案:B31.It is easier for students to remember new words if they are designed in ( ) and if they are and again and again in ( ) situations and contexts.A.context

8、, sameB.context, differentC.concept, difficult答案:B32.Have you read book called Waiting for Anya? Who _ it?A.writesB.has writtenC.wroteD.had written答案:C33.For better classroom management, what should the .teacher do while the students a doing activities?A.participate in a groupB.prepare for the next

9、procedureC.circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help答案:C34.For better classroom management, what should the .teacher do while the students a doing activities?A.participate in a groupB.prepare for the next procedureC.circulate around the class to monitor, prompt and help答案:C35.Tony likes

10、 walking in the country and_.A.also does MaryB.Mary does alsoC.so Mary doesD.so does Mary答案:D36.When should the teacher issue the instruction?A.as soon as class beginsB.when students attention is directed to the teacherC.when class is silent答案:B37.On average about 5000 a year is spent on each privat

11、e school pupil, _ the amount spent on state school pupils.A.as twice asB.twice more asC.more than twiceD.more twice than答案:C38.Which of the following activity is most productive?A.read the text and then choose the best answer to the questionsB.discuss on the given topic according to the text you hav

12、e just readC.exchange and edit the writing of your partner答案:B39.A man flown to a time zone different by 10 hours will _ eight days to readjust his palm sweat.A.spendB.takeC.costD.pay答案:B40.All the arrangements should be completed#your departure.A.prior toB.superior toC.contrary toD.parallel to答案:A4

13、1.对于不读书、上课不听课乃至离家出走的学生, 你的看法和对策是:A.这类学生受到家庭和社会的影响,已经“定型”,只要不出大事,能维持到毕业就行了B.老师费尽心机做工作,好不到几天又故态复萌,这些学生最好回家或转走C.这些学生因为学习差,染上了不良习惯,父母不爱,同学不喜欢,老师要多爱他们,理解他们的难处,坚持关心、帮助他们D.联系家长对他们每天的生活言行严加管束答案:C42.为了获得更好的英语教学效益, 英语课堂教学应该 :A.讲得仔细些B.精讲精练C.少教语言知识D.多讲多练答案:B43.Did you return Fred’s call? I didn’t ne

14、ed to _ I’ll see him tomorrow.A.thoughB.unlessC.whenD.because答案:D44.–How do you find your new classmates? – Most of them are kind, but _ is so good to me as Bruce.A.noneB.no oneC.every oneD.some one答案:A45.His hand shook a little as he#the key in the lock.A.squeezedB.insertedC.stuff

15、edD.pierced答案:B三、多选题 (共 5 道试题,共 10 分)46.以下属于课程资源的是 :A.教材B.网络C.黑板和粉笔D.教师E.广播电视节目答案:ABCDE47.以下对学习档案描述正确的有:A.学习档案可以展示学生在努力学习后所取得的进步和成绩B.学习档案是形成性评价的首要内容。学习档案收录了学生的所有作业,以备查看C.学习档案为家长、老师提供了学生进步的记录D.学生本人是建立学习档案的主要参与者,教师提供要求并给与适当指导E.学习档案由学生自己保管,学生经常查看,定期或不定期进行反思和交流答案:ACD48.以下属于课程资源的是:A.教材B.网络C.黑板和粉笔D.教师E.广播电视


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