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1、他长什么样子 Unit7Whatdoeshelooklike eye nose ear mouth face hair shorthair curlyhair longhair straighthair shorthair curlyhair longhair straighthair B He Shehas hair A Whatdoeshe shelooklike tall short Heisshort Heistall Whatdoeshe shelooklike Sheisofmediumheight Heistall Heisshort Whatdoeshe shelooklike

2、 Sheisofmediumheight mediumheight height Sheisthin Heisheavy Whatdoesshelooklike Sheisofmediumbuild build short tall Whatdoeshelooklike Heis Whatdoeshelooklike short tall Heis Whatdoesshelooklike Sheisheavy fat Sheisofmediumbuild Sheisthin ofmediumheight ofmediumbuild 中等个子 中等身材 1 shorthair 2 curlyha

3、ir 3 longhair 4 straighthair 5 tall c f a a d 6 short 7 mediumheight 8 thin 9 heavy 10 amediumbuild h e b g e 1a 1b Listenandfillintheblanksinthepictureonthescreen CanyoufindAmy sfriend Isthatyourfriend No itisn t hair tall curly A WhatdoesJackChenlooklike B Hehasshorthair Heisofmediumbuild Heisofme

4、diumheight shorthairlonghairstraighthaircurlyhairblackhair tallshortthinheavymediumheightmediumbuild have has is am are 描述人的长相用动词be还是 Summary 如何询问他人的长相 Whatdoeshe shelooklike 2 描述他人的长相 He Sheistall ofmediumheight short He Sheisthin ofmediumbuild heavy He Shehaslongstraightblackhair A Whatdoesshelook

5、like B Shehas hair Sheis tall short thin heavy ofmediumheightofmediumbuild curlyhair Whatdoesshelooklike Sheis and Shehas thin tall Exercise 用is或has填空He talland beautifulhair She ofmediumheight andshe curlyhair She veryshort andshe veryyoung He straighthairandhe heavybuild She flowersinherhand is ha

6、s is has is is has is has Whatdoesyourfatherlooklike Heistallandheisofmediumbuild 你爸爸长什么样 他很高而且他中等身材 他又瘦又矮 Heisthinandshort 你是翻译官 1 2a Listenandcircle is or has is hastall is hasheavy is hascurlyhair is hasofmediumheightis hasthin is haslonghair is hasshort is hasofmediumbuild is hasshorthair David

7、Pete Sally Listenandcircle is or has below is hastallis hasheavyis hascurlyhairis hasofmediumheightis hasthinis haslonghairis hasshortis hasofmediumbuildis hasshorthair 2a be 形容词be of 名词 have 名词 mediumheight short longhair mediumbuild shorthair 2aListening thin DescribeLily snewfriend Whatdoessheloo

8、klike longhair bigeyes short reddress whiteshoes A DoyouknowIhaveanewfriendinClassFive B Whatdoesshelooklike A Shehas and B Isshetall A No she s B IthinkIknowher Shealwayswearsared and shoes A Yes that sher HernameisNancy longhair bigeyes short dress white Test 根据首字母及句意完成单词 1 Ourteacherismediumh 2 T

9、hesingerhaslongc hair 3 Hisfatherisn tverytallandhasam build 4 HanMeihass hair Shedoesn thavecurlyhair 5 Thelittleboyisthin Heisn th eight urly edium traight eavy haveatry 三 翻译句子 1 他长得什么样 he 2 她是一个满头卷发的可爱的女孩 Sheisa girl 3 我中等个I 4 他体形居中 He 5 我的老师满头银发 戴着一副眼镜 Myteacher and apairofglasses 6 他又高又瘦 Heis a

10、nd What does look like lovely with curly hair am height medium is build medium has white hair wears tall thin of of Goodbye Thanksforjoiningus shorthair longhair shortstraighthair longcurlyhair shortcurlyhair longstraighthair longcurlyhair longstraighthair shortstraighthair shortcurlyhair Designyournewhaircuts 设计你的新发型 Ihave hair butIwanttohave hair longstraightbrownhair shortcurlyredhair longstraightblondehair 怎样描述头发 漂亮 长短 形状 颜色 blonde金黄色brown褐色 hair头发shorthairlonghaircurlyhairstraighthair 她有一头漂亮短的金黄色的卷发 Shehasbeautifulshortcurlyblondehair 一头漂亮乌黑的长发beautifullongblackhair



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