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1、中国文化练习题及答案Part 1 Wisdom and BeliefsUnit 1 Confucian Thought on Heaven and HumanityHomework:(一)Questions:1) What is The Analects mainly about?2) What is Confucius view on Heaven?3) What is Confucius innovative idea about Heaven?4) What does the “heavenly mission” refer to?5) How is Confucius concept

2、of Heaven related to the modern ecological civilization?6) What is Confucius interpretation of ren?7) According to Confucius, what is the most important part of li?8) What qualities are “persons of virtue” supposed to have?9) Why do people need to study music according to Confucius?(二)Translation 1)

3、天何言哉?四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉? 2) 生生之谓易。 3)天地之大德曰生。 4)获罪于天,无所禄也。 5)仁者,人也,亲亲为大。 6)父母在,不远游,游必有方。 7) 父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。8) 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。9) 己所不欲,勿施于人。10)子生三年,然后免于父母之怀。11)礼之用,和为贵。12)知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。(三)Careful Reading1、Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.1)A

4、ll the following are the titles of Confucius EXCEPT _. A. an educator B. a biologist C. a scholar D. a philosopher2)The expression “filial piety” most probably means being _. A. loyal to the state B. obedient to sister(s) C. responsible D. dutiful to parents3) Which of the following can best describ

5、e Confucius view on the relationship between man and nature/Heaven? A. Brothers. B. Husband and wife. C. Doctor and patient. D. Mother and son.4) Through burial and ancestral worship rituals, people can learn that_. A. nature is lifeless so it will never die B. individuals life can be everlasting by

6、 joining nature C. they should be grateful to their parents for giving them livesD. individuals lifespan is short, so they should enjoy life as much as possible5) Which of the following is the most important part of Confucius curriculum? A. Music. B. Calligraphy C. Virtue D. Mathematics6) Zi lu, Ran

7、 You and Gongxi Chis aspirations represent_, while Zeng Dians reflects_. A. personal ambition; selfishness B. lofty ideals; meaningless pursuit C. personal struggle; generous contribution D. individual contribution to society; harmony(四)Communication1) God bless2) Thank God3) Please God4) For Gods s

8、ake5) God forbid6) Man proposes, God disposes.7) God helps those who help themselves. Answers(一)Questions1. 1) The Analects is mainly about Confucius words and life story. 2) Confucius regarded Heaven as nature. 3) Confucius innovative idea about Heaven is that Heaven (or nature) is the process of l

9、ife creation. 4)The heavenly mission is to accomplish Heavens purpose of protecting and improving life. 5) Confucius advocated “ standing in awe of the ordinances of Heaven” and warned against offending Heaven. This is, in essence, equivalent to the modern idea of staying in harmony with nature. So

10、in this way Confucius concept of Heaven is similar to the modern ecological civilization. 6) Confucius interpreted ren as love of people, which begins with the love for ones parents. 7) According to Confucius, the most important part of li is the burial and ancestral worship rituals. 8) Persons of v

11、irtue are supposed to have sound character and uplifted minds and they can shoulder important social responsibilities and make contributions to society. 9) According to Confucius, studying music can lift ones spirit and help one appreciate beauty. (二)Translation1)Heaven does not speak in words. It s

12、peaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.2) Continuous creation of life is change.3) The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.4) He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray.5) The greatest love for people is the love for ones pare

13、nts.6) Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.7) Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern fo

14、r the aging of their parents.8) While fulfilling ones own desires, allow others to fulfill theirs.9) Do not do toward others anything you would not want to be done to you.10) A child should not leave his parents bosom until he is three years old.11) The role of li is to maintain harmony among people

15、.12) Simply knowing the highest standard of virtue is not as good as setting it as ones goal. Setting it as ones goal is not as good as enjoying practicing of it.(三)Careful ReadingB D D B C D(四)Communication1)上帝保佑用于向某人表示关爱2)天地,感上帝3)但愿用于表示非常强烈的愿望4)看在上帝的份上,行行好把表示某事很重要5)但愿(某事)不会发生6) 谋势在人,成事在天。7)自助者天助也Unit 2 Laozis Philosophy of Non-actionAssignment- fill in the blanks 1) Laozis thought has a great influence o



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