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1、welcome 专题复习 语法填空 高考英语大纲说明中对新题型作了这样的描述 在一篇200词左右的语言材料里留出10个空白 部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式 要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容 不多于3个单词 或所提供单词的正确形式 题型特点 1 语言材料短文体对话体 例文1 Timeisofgreat important inourlives Itorganizesoureverydaymoments However timeneverhadanyimportanceinmylifeuntilIreceivedawatchfrommyfatherthatorganizedmylifean

2、dmadememore responsibility Ireceivedthisgiftonagray skyday Ihadtogototheairportat9 00a m pick upmyuncleAliandtakehimtomyfather shouse However IwaslatebecauseIwashangingout myfriends Laterthatday around11 00a m Irememberedmyuncle butIwasverylateforhim He leave theairportandtakenataxitomyfather shouse

3、 Igottomyfather shouseat2 00a m onthesamedayandIfeltashamed myselfatthatmoment AfterIsaidhitomyangerfatherand tire uncle myfatheraskedmetositnexttohimandhandedmethiswatch giftfromhim Thenhesaid Elsa didyouhavefunwithyourfriendstoday Yesfather andI Heinterruptedme Youshouldbesorryforyouractions Headd

4、ed Ihopetodayyoulearnedsomethingimportant andthiswatchwillbea remind foryou Thiswatchisimportanttome notbecauseofitsprice becauseofthelessonIlearnedfromit importance responsible topick with hadleft of tired a reminder but 短文体 例文2 Dave AreyouOK Youdon tlookveryhappy Lily Oh Dave Ihadanargumentwithmum

5、again I mnotgettingenoughpocketmoney Ineedmoremoney Iget Dave Howmuchdoyouget Lily Fivepoundsaweek Dave Thatsounds reason tome Lily Well I m14andifyouaregoingtotownshopping youcanneverhaveenoughmoney Dave compare with yourfriendsget it s fairamountofmoney Lily Well weallgetthesame ButIhavetobuyallmu

6、sicthingsaswellasthingsforschoolandhavehardlyanythinglefttospend clothes Dave Right Doyouhavetohelparoundhouse than reasonable Compared what a on Lily Notreally MumsaysifIdothatIwillneverhavetimetodomyschoolwork Dave Hasshesaidyoucanhave much pocketmoneywhenyouare15 Lily Well Mumjustsayssheistheonet

7、odecidewhenIwillgetmore IguessIhaveno choose but wait Dave AsfarasI mconcerned you aswellsitdownwithheranddiscussitcalmly Don targuewithher Lily OK thanks more choice towait may might 对话体 2 空格设计 纯空格 介词 连词 代词 冠词 从句引导词 情态动词 强调助动词等 有提示词 给出了动词的试题 谓语动词 非谓动词 词类转换 词类词义转换题 名词 形容词 副词 形容词或副词的比较级或最高级 解题技巧与方法 G

8、roupWork Discusswithyourgroupmembersaboutthefollowingsentences andtrytofigureoutsomesimilaritiesofthewordsweshouldfillin 考点分析 语法填空以要求根据上下文填入一个以动词 verb 或其适当形式 名词 noun 代词 pronoun 冠词 article 介词 prep 情态动词 modalverbs 连词 conj 或引导词 形容词 adj 和副词 adv 考查各项语法内容 考点一 冠词 特点 1 空格后无提示词2 空格位于名词之前 Thereoncewereagoatan

9、dadonkey Sothefarmerkilled 40 goatandgavethedonkeymedicinemadefromitsheart the 考查语法点 定冠词 the 特指不定冠词 a 用于辅音音素开始的单词前an 则用于元音音素开始的单词前 考点分析 考点二 介词 特点 1 空格后无提示词2 注意与相关名词或者动词搭配 Inshort Ibelievethatitis 39 greatusetokeepadairyinEnglish of 考查语法点 介词的基本用法及惯用搭配 考点分析 考点三 代词 特点 1 空格后无提示词2 指代上下文相关人 事 物3 注意代词的单复数

10、主宾格 考查语法点 代词的基本用法 考点分析 Sherememberedhowdifficult wastochooseasuitableChristmaspresentforherfather it 考点四 连词 特点 1 空格后无提示词2 有两个主谓结构 Historically itwasfamousforindustry whichexplains theareaiscalledtheBlackCountry why 考查语法点 连词 表人或事物之间关系的并列连词 如 and but or yet 连接分句或引导从句的从属连词 如 that which who when where 考

11、点分析 考点五 谓语动词 特点 1 空格后有提示词2 主谓一致 IwascertainshewouldlikeitbecauseI tell bymyclassmatesthatshelovedhotfood wastold 考查语法点 谓语动词的时态及语态 及主谓一致 考点分析 考点六 非谓语动词 特点 1 空格后有提示词2 不做谓语 Wemustalsoconsiderthereactionoftheperson receive thegift receiving 考查语法点 非谓语动词及其变形的使用 非谓语动词包括动词不定式 动名词和分词 现在分词和过去分词 考点分析 考点七 词性转换

12、特点 1 空格后有提示词2 根据相关词改变提示词的词性 如 副词修饰动词 形容词或句子形容词修饰名词或者代词 Shutup shesaid rude rudely 考查语法点 各类词性的正确使用及转化 考点分析 考点八 形容词的级 特点 1 空格后有提示词2 通常 有表示范围的in of介词短语或形容词前有the时 一般要用最高级 than的前面一定要用比较级 Oneofthe bad giftchoicesIevermadewasformyhighschoolEnglishteacher worst 考点分析 总结提升 处理空格的关键步骤 动词名词形容词副词 冠词介词连词代词 总结提升 二

13、根据上下文意义及语法 确定词形 冠词 定冠词 不定冠词 并列句及复合句 非谓语动词todo doing done及变形 谓语动词的时态及语态 及主谓一致 介词的常用用法及词组搭配 词汇 构词法 代词 人称代词 物主代词 不定代词 指示代词 反身代词 在英语中 词形变化指同一单词在不同语境下 由于人称 时态和语态差异而使用不同的形式 根据语境 确定词形 分析句子 确定词性 提示 四步走归根到底其实就是寻找依据 每一个语法填空的空格里所需的单词或短语其实都可以在所在的句子中或者上下文中找到它的依据 通读全文 理解大意 总结提升 检查搭配 前后连贯 注意三写 拼写正确 书写规范 大小写准确 解题四步

14、走 InquiryActivities 阅读下面短文 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求 在空格处填人一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空 Ajoblessmanappliedforthepositionof officeboy atabigfirm TheHRmanager interview him thenatest cleanthefloor Youarehired hesaid givemeyouremailaddress I llsendyoutheapplicationtofill Themanreplied Idon thaveacomputer anemail I

15、msorry saidtheHRmanager thatmeansyoudonotexist And doesn texistcannothavethejob Themanleft no neither nor or interviewed and whoever with nohopeatall Hedidn tknowwhattodo withonly 10inhispocket Hethendecidedtogotothesupermarketandbuya10KGtomatocrate Hethensoldthetomatoesinadoortodoorround Inlessthan

16、twohours he success indoublinghiscapital Herepeatedtheoperation3times andreturnedhomewith 60 5yearslater themanisoneofthe big foodretailers 零售商 intheUS Hestartedtoplanhisfamily sfuture anddecidedtohavealifeinsurance Hecalled insurancebroker 经纪人 andchoseaprotectionplan Whentheconversationwasconcluded thebrokeraskedhimhisemail Themanreplied Idon thaveanemail succeeded biggest an Thebrokerreplied curious Youdon thaveanemail andyethaveestablishedanempire Doyouimagine youcouldhavebeenifyouhadanemail


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