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1、一模考试试题汇编翻译I. Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 宝山区78. 只有自己愿意投身其中你才能做好你正在做的事情。(Only)Only when you will devote yourself to what you are doing can you do it well.79. 一个人大笑时,其体的一切都会运作得更健康,更有效率。(operate)Everything in his body

2、operates in a healthy way more efficiently when a person laughs.80. 许多人喜欢用手机记录下给他们留下深刻印象的动人瞬间。(impress)Many people love to record some touching moments which impress them with their cellphones.81. 调查发现,许多国家的人都视照顾年迈的父母为重要的责任。(consider)A survey finds that people in many countries consider caring for a

3、ging parents an important responsibility.82. 面对越来越严重的恐怖袭击,许多国家决意联手铲除恐怖组织。 (determine)Faced with more and more serious terrorist attack, many governments have determined to unite together to eliminate terrorist organizations.2. 崇明区1. 你是否看过那篇有关幸福元素的文章?(element)Have you (ever) read the article about th

4、e elements of happiness? (2+2)2. 是我的志愿者经历让我被这所大学录取了。(It)It was my volunteer experience that helped me to be admitted by the university. (1+1+2)3. 昨晚你们不应该靠买通检票员混进电影院的。(bribe)You shouldnt have got into the cinema unfairly by bribing the ticket collector yesterday evening. (2+2)4. 综上所述,我们可以得出这样一个结论:家庭越

5、幸福,你就会越长寿。(conclusion)Fromtheabove/As has been stated above,wecancometotheconclusionthatthehappier your family is, the longer you will live. (1+1+2+1)5. 这部电视连续剧受年轻父母欢迎的原因是他们很容易与剧中的人物产生共鸣。(identify)The reason why the TV series is popular with young parents is that its easy for them to identify with t

6、he characters in it. (2+1+2)3. 虹口区1、说服她不再网购是没有任何作用的。(It)It is no use persuading her not to do online shopping / shop online any more.2、自苹果6问世以来,就再没有其他手机对我更有吸引力了。(appeal)Since iPhone 6 came out / came into the market / was released, no other cell-phones / mobile phones have appealed to me more / have

7、 appealed more to me.3、人口的老龄化问题十分严峻,成了全球各国政府都头疼不已的问题。(so that)The aging population problem is so severe / serious that it becomes a universal / global big headache for the governments worldwide.4、从顾客的肢体语言,这个售货员就能知道他想买什么,这让那位顾客十分惊讶。(amaze)From the customers body language, the shop assistant can exact

8、ly know what he wants to buy, which amazes the customer very much / makes the customer very much amazed.5、沿外滩一路缓步走来,你可以欣赏到从19世纪到21世纪的各种不同风格的欧式建筑。(range)Walking slowly along the Bund, you can appreciate all kinds of European architecture / buildings of different styles, ranging from the 19th century

9、to the 21st century.4. 黄浦区1成本问题在我们的决定中起着很大的作用。(play)The problem of cost plays an important part/role in our decision.2他的所做和他的所说大相径庭。 (There)There is a striking contrast between what he does and what he says.3毫无疑问,选择学校常常能反映出父母对子女的希望。 (reflect)There is no doubt that the choice of school reflects the p

10、arents hopes for their children.4经常换工作和住所的人常常没有安全感并且缺乏责任心。(who)People who often change jobs and living places often lack a sense of security and a sense of responsibility.5尽管他明知暴饮暴食有害健康,但他对我们要他节食的忠告却一直置若罔闻。 (Although) Although he is quite clear of the fact that eating and drinking too much is harmfu

11、l to health, he turns a deaf ear to our advice that he should have a diet.5. 嘉定区82、培养一些爱好会使你的生活更充实。(enrich)Developing some hobbies will enrich your life.83、这中药闻起来有些怪味,但治疗感冒非常有效。(effective)The Chinese medicine smells a bit strange,but it is quite effective in treating cold.84、全副武装的警察总在恐怖袭击后最先到达现场的人群之

12、中。(among)The fully/heavily armed police are always among the first to be on the scene/spot after the terrorist attack/ after the terrorist attack occurred.85、现在空气污染如此严重,我们得下决心清除这害人的雾霾(haze)。(sothat)Now the air pollution is so serious that we have to make up our minds to get rid of this harmful haze.

13、86、不仅老人可能患心脏病,由于缺乏锻炼,许多年轻人也因心脏病而病倒。(Not only) Not only are the old likely to suffer from heart disease, but many young people are down with it as well for lack of exercise.6. 金山区1 和外国友人进餐时, 带上一份小礼物是有礼貌的。(manners)It is good manners to bring along a small gift when you are having dinner with a foreign

14、 friend.2. 这次竞赛之后,我意识到是愚蠢的骄傲蒙蔽了自己。(blind)After the competition, I found that it was my own stupid pride that had blinded me.3. 没有什么比看到村民依然住在缺水的环境里更令人揪心的了。(upset)Nothing is more upsetting than seeing the villagers still living in an environment where water is scarce.4. 这些电视节目不仅制作质量差,而且会误导青年人,让他们以为不努力

15、也可以一夜成名。(Not only)Not only are these TV programs badly/poorly produced but also they mislead young people into thinking/ to think that one can become famous overnight without effort.5看到照片中这位父亲不顾自己,在倾盆大雨中为他的孩子撑伞,网民们 (netizens) 情不自禁想起了自己的父亲。(regardless)Seeing the father holding an umbrella for his kid in the pouring/heavy rain regardless of himself in the photo, the netizens cannot help thinking/but think of their own fathers.7. 静安区1. 有可能防止金融危机将来再次发生吗? ( possible )Is it possible to stop / keep / prevent a financial crisis from happening / occurring11 1again in the future ?



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