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1、Unit2 Teams一、单项选择 1.- Must we clean the classroom now?- No, you neednt. It after school.A. may cleanB. must cleanC. need be cleanedD. can be cleaned 2.- Can I go fishing with you, Dad?- Im sorry you . You must stay at home and do your homework.A. wontB. cantC. dontD. arent 3.As were students, we obe

2、y the school rules.A. canB. mayC. mustD. could 4.We use mobile phones when the plane takes off.A. may notB. shouldntC. needntD. mustnt 5.Yesterday it rained heavily when school was over. We stay in our classroom.A. shouldB. mustC. had toD. could 6.- Its getting dark. I must go now.- No, you . Ill dr

3、ive you home in a minute.A. mustntB. dont have toC. shouldntD. cant 7.People like doing different things holiday.A. inB. onC. atD. to 8.Her grandmother often takes after dinner.A. walkingB. to walkC. walkD. a walk 9.- What do you think of the Talk Show, Paul?- I cant it. Its too boring.A. walkB. sta

4、ndC. climbD. jump10.- Would you mind your bike?- Sorry. Ill do it right away.A. to moveB. to makeC. movingD. making11.Lucy is glad to share her own(自己的) things others.A. toB. withC. onD. and12.It was sunny yesterday, so the Greens take a long walk.A. decidesB. decided toC. decidedD. decides13.- What

5、 are you ?- My English book.A. findingB. looking forC. lookingD. finding out14.The key was on the table. The little boy was not to reach it.A. tall enoughB. short enoughC. enough tallD. enough short15.The classes 5 groups when we went on our outing.A. was made intoB. was divided byC. was separated f

6、romD. was divided into二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 16. - Who can s the problem?- I believe everyone can.17. Mike feels unhappy about the exam results. We should e him and give him hope and help.18. - Who can d what the UFO is like?- John can. He has ever seen it.19. Summer holiday begins; we must keep staying at

7、 home u September 1.20. Kung Fu Panda is a fantastic film and I want to see it. But I cant d when to go.21. My hobby is c stamps(邮票).22. - What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?- They are supposed to s hands.23. The English program can s ways for us to take an int

8、erest in learning English.24. They did some r on traffic accidents yesterday.25. Dont climb the mountain a . Youd better ask some friends to go with you.26. He was hurt, and he was almost c with pain.27. That is an e book. You should read it.28. If you borrow something from others, you had better r

9、the thing to them.29. Every one of us should speak to our parents p .30. Flowers are not s enough for mothers.三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 31. We should make great contributions to (建设) a harmonious society.32. Our teacher cant remember that boy. Can you (描述) him?33. Both of the jackets look nice on me. I can

10、t decide which one to (选择).34. My parents cant (忍受) soap operas.35. He borrowed my pen and didnt (还) it last week.36. In China, when people meet you for the first time, he or she always (握,摇) hands with you warmly.37. We offer free technical (支持) for those buying our products.38. They arrived home (

11、安全) after driving in a storm.39. Life is too busy, and sometimes it will let me breathe (沉重地).40. When you visit a foreign country, it is important to know how to ask for help (礼貌地).41. David left his boring job to go on a train (旅行).42. Sometimes he doesnt know how to (解决) the problem.43. I think i

12、t is an (极好的) chance to learn English if you can study abroad.44. They are doing a lot of (研究) to protect animals in danger.45. There are several ways to solve this problem. Lets have a (讨论) now.四、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 46. Students should get to school every day (准时).47. 你介意我打开窗子吗? my opening the windows?48. 把窗户打开, 你不介意吧?Would you the window?49. 那时警察在找那个失踪的孩子。At that time, the police were the lost child.50. 把班级分为两组。 the class two groups.51. 丹尼尔迫不及待的想要和家里人去度假。(词数不限)Daniel with his famil



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