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1、一、单项选择(8分)1(1分)Either you _ Lily _ Mom make the bread.A.and; helpB.or; helpC.or; helps2(1分)Are_ girls over there (那边) your students?Yes,they are.A.theseB.thisC.thatD.those3(1分)David is _ boy.A.a 11-year-oldB.an 11-year-oldC.a 11 years oldD.an 11 year old4(1分)My sister is a clerk (职员). _ works (工作) i

2、n a bank (银行).A.IB.SheC.YouD.He5(1分)They like _ after school.A.play the basketballB.play basketballC.to play the basketballD.to play basketball6(1分)Mr. Smith is very good at _ stories. He can be in the story _ club.A.tell; tellingB.tells; tellC.telling; tellingD.telling; tell7(1分)Great news! Emmanue

3、l Macron (马克龙), _ 39-year-old handsome young man, has become _youngest president in history in France.Really? What surprising news!A.an; theB.a; theC.the; theD.the; a8(1分)It will_ you a long time _ a language well.A.spend; learnB.to spend; to learnC.take; to learnD.take; learn二、完形填空(10分)9(10分) Today

4、 is Sunday. Brother and I 1 at home. We 2 to carry two boxes into the room. 3 box is big, but its light. My brothers box is 4, but heavy. We put 5 on the table. We can see 6 clothes in the boxes, but my 7 arent in them. I 8 find my socks. Brother can 9 me to find them. Theyre under the bed. I must l

5、ook 10 my things. We put the 11 boxes away. The chair is 12. Brother and I can mend (修理) it. After that, we 13 basketball 14 the playground (操场). We are very happy, we 15 this Sunday.(1)A.beB.amC.isD.are(2)A.lookB.wantC.knowD.meet(3)A.IB.MyC.HeD.His(4)A.smallB.bigC.heavyD.light(5)A.itB.theyC.themD.h

6、im(6)A.anB.aC.someD.the(7)A.booksB.pensC.socksD.desks(8)A.cantB.notC.noD.isnt(9)A.findB.helpC.seeD.meet(10)A.inB.atC.onD.after(11)A.oneB.twoC.threeD.four(12)A.newB.brokenC.blackD.white(13)A.doB.do theC.playD.play the(14)A.inB.onC.atD.for(15)A.dont doB.dont likeC.doD.like三、阅读理解(22分)10(6分) Johns class

7、 is putting on a show. The students have to sing a song about each subject. It is hard to choose what song to sing, because there are so many good ones. Then they have to decide what kind of acting to use with each song.For math, they sing a song about equation (算式). They dress as numbers and walk b

8、ack and forth to show math problems. They look really funny!For science, they sing a song about weather. Students are dressed (装扮) like clouds. They run across the classroom. That is Johns favorite song.For spelling, they do a rap where they spell long and difficult words. Kids hold up signs with le

9、tters on them. The other students spell along with them. It is pretty fun.For PE, the students sing a song about sports. Everyone is dressed up as athletes (运动员). They look really cool as baseball players, basketball players, and football players.(1)The students _ for each subject on the show.A.sing

10、 a songB.read a bookC.tell a storyD.see a movie(2)For math, the students dress as _.A.lettersB.cloudsC.playersD.numbers(3)Which is Johns favorite song?A.The song about sports.B.The song about weather.C.The song about math.D.The song about spelling.11(8分) Look at the photo. Its a photo of Mr. Browns

11、family. The old man is Tom Brown. He is Mr. Browns father. Mr. Brown is a worker (工人). His wife (妻子), Helen Brown, is a teacher. They have two daughters. They are Lucy and Lily. Lucy and Lily have a cousin, Mark. Marks parents love them very much.(1)The old man is Lily and Lucys _.A.fatherB.uncleC.g

12、randfatherD.cousin(2)The Browns have two _.A.sonsB.daughtersC.brothersD.sisters(3)Lucy has _.A.a friendB.a brotherC.a sisterD.two sisters(4)Marks father is Lucy and Lilys _.A.uncleB.fatherC.brotherD.grandfather(5)Lucys father is a _.A.doctorB.workerC.teacherD.parents12(8分) Many of us may have experienced the pleasant moment of seeing recommended songs after we listen to some songs on a music app. When we open shopping websites, we often see things we want to buy on the home page. The businessman can decide which is the best place to build a new entrance in a big supermarket in the city



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