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1、E-mail商业实用英文主旨说明,提供您简化书信内容的解释:1. Quotation报价2. Sample样品3. Catalogue型录4. Order/purchase order订单5. Contract合约6. Shipment装船(运)7. Damage损坏8. Shortage数量短缺9. Complaint抱怨10. Agency代理权11. Payment付款12. Inquiry询问较长的主旨说明,以提醒收信者注意您的商用书信,但是以不超过五个单字的简易句子为原则,以免过于冗长:1. Making an appointment安排会议2. Looking for Custom

2、ers寻找客户3. Extending Business拓展业务4. Trade Proposal商务计划5. Agreement on Conditions of Business交易条件协议6. Trade Inquiry商务询价7. Selling Offer卖方报价8. Buying Offer买方报价9. Placing an Order下订单10. Follow-up进度查询11. Sales Contract 买卖契约12. Claims and Adjustments索赔与调处13. Establishment of Agency Ship建立代理关系称谓Dear Sir,:敬

3、启者,用在只知其人不知其名的状况下。My dear Sir,:敬启者,用在只知其人不知其名的状况下。Dear Sirs,:敬启者,用在只知为一群人中的某一人。Dear Madam,:亲爱的小姐,表示对不分已婚或未婚也不知其名女士的称呼。Dear Mr.Mrs. Wang,:亲爱的王先生王太太,用在知道对方的姓氏。Dear Miss Jones,:亲爱的琼斯小姐,表示对未婚女士的称呼。Dear Ms. Jones,:亲爱的琼斯小姐,表示无法确定对方是否已婚或未婚的女士称呼。Dear Doctor Wang,:亲爱的王医师,用在知道对方的职称。Gentlemen::敬启者,用在只知为一群人中的某一

4、人。To whom it may concern,:贵宝号钧鉴,用在不知道收件者是谁或写给公司、部门时使用。Dear Chris, :亲爱的克里斯,用在熟悉对方的情况。Hi Chris, :嗨,克里斯,用在与对方有一定的交情的情况。Opening开场白:1. 简单打招呼,例如:Its been a long time since自从已经很久了2. 已知道对方的问题We are terribly sorry for关于我方很抱歉We hear from我方得知We regret to know很抱歉得知3. 已收到对方的来信Thank you very much for your letter

5、dated感谢您日期的来信We are pleased to receive your letter很高兴收到您的来信As requested in your letter 根据您来信要求4. 回复对方的询问In response to your letter回复您的来信As regards to 事关事件In connection with 这是有关于事件。客套结束语1. 期待语句,例如“be looking forward to ”静待得到:We look forward to receiving your reply.我方期望得到您的回复。I am looking forward to

6、your comments.我将静待您的建议。2. 感谢语句,“Thank you for”感谢您的:Thank you for your close cooperation with us in this matter.感谢您对于此一事件的协助。Thank you again for your attention.感谢您对于此事的注意。3. 要求语句,“Please tellinform us”请告诉通知我方:Please inform us your decision soon.请尽快通知我方您的决定。Please tell us whether you may accept it.请告知

7、我方您是否会接受。4. 询问语句,“Will you please”能请您:Will you please reply us before this Wednesday?能请您尽快在这个星期三前回复吗?Will you please send us a copy of your latest catalogue?能请您寄给我方一份您的最新目录吗?5. 坚信语句,“We trust believe、await”我方相信坚信、等待:We trust you will now attend to this matter without furtherdelay.我方相信贵公司会毫不延误地关心此事件。

8、We await your satisfactory to our quotation service、product.我们等待贵公司对我们的报价服务、商品感到满意!6. 谦虚语句,“You are the welcome to ”,欢迎,例如:You are always the most welcome to contact us.欢迎您随时与我方联络。You are welcome to ask us for any cooperation.欢迎您随时要求协助。敬辞:Sincerely yours,Very sincerely yours,Faithfully yours,Yours v

9、ery truly,Very respectfully yours,Regards, Best regards,Best wishes,Warmest regards,常用商业例句$自我介绍$提议会面$约定会面时间$无法如期会面$更改、延后会面时间$提议$代理权$询价$报价$议价$样品、目录$回复$订购前$已订购$运送$出货$商品解释$付款$协调$争执$抱怨、赔偿$道歉$结语自我介绍Introduction实用例句We are desirous of extending our connections in your country.我们拟拓展本公司在贵国的业务。We have been ha

10、ving a good sale of umbrellas and aredesirous of expanding our market to your country. 我们的雨伞一直很畅销,而我们想要在贵国扩展敝公司的经营市场。We have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you asone of the most reputable exporters.我们有这个荣幸向您介绍敝公司是一家信誉优良的出口商。BCQ is an ISO, UL and NSF certified company. BCQ是一家ISO、UL和NSF合格认证的

11、公司。We shall be much obliged if you will give us a list of somereliable business houses in Japan.如果您能提供敝公司一些在日本具有可靠信誉的公司名单,敝公司将感激不尽。We would appreciate it if you could kindly introduce us inyour publication as follows:如果您能在您的出版品上刊登敝公司以下说明,敝公司将感激不尽:We specialize in this line of business.我们专门经营此项服务。We

12、have been engaged in this business for the past 20 years.敝公司从事这个业务已经有廿年的经验。Because of our past years experience, we are well qualifiedto take care of your interests.因为我们过去的经验,我们具有极佳的胜任能力来照顾您的权益。Our company is well-established and reliable.我们公司有口皆碑且信用可靠。We have close business relations with the domes

13、tic privateenterprises.敝公司与国内私人企业有非常密切的商务关系。We have four manufacturing plants in different countries:China, Japan, Spain and Philippine.我们在不同的国家共有四个制造工厂:中国大陆、日本、西班牙及菲律宾。We have full confidence that we will meet all your requirements.我们有信心可以满足您的所有需求。提议会面Appointment实用例句Id like to make an appointment t

14、o see you.我想要跟您约个时间见面。Would it be possible for us to talk to Mr. Black in personabout that?我们可否亲自跟布来克先生谈此事?Mr. White would like to come and see you.怀特先生想登门拜访。Could we meet and discuss the matter in a little more detail?我们可以见面再详细讨论一下这件事吗?Could we get together and discuss it a little more?我们可否见面时再多讨论一

15、下?I wonder if it would be possible for us to meet you at youroffice.能不能在你办公室见个面?Could I see Miss Jones sometime next week?下个星期我能找个时间跟琼斯小姐见个面吗?Id like to meet Mr. Cruise at four oclock in the afternoon.下午四点我想跟克鲁斯先生见个面。Id like to see you tomorrow if you have time.如果您有空我想明天跟您见个面。 Should I visit you, or would you like


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