高一英语(下)必修四Unit 1主谓一致课件.ppt

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《高一英语(下)必修四Unit 1主谓一致课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高一英语(下)必修四Unit 1主谓一致课件.ppt(34页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Subject VerbAgreement Thegroup madeupofninestudents Thegroup dancinghappily is are Theteam somegoodplayers have Theteam handsome be has are Groupdiscussion Canyoufindoutthegrammarrules Collectivenounscanhaveasingularorpluralverb Ifthenounreferstoawholeunit theverbissingular Ifitreferstothedifferentm

2、embersofaunit theverbisplural group family class government team public enemy crowd company audience club party police army band minorityandsoon Collectivenouns 集体名词 由集体名词 如group family class government team public enemy crowd company audience club party crew等作主语时 如果看成一个整体 谓语动词用单数形式 如果看成其中各成员 则用复数形式

3、 注意 集体名词为people police cattle 谓语动词用复数形式e g Thepolicearesearchingforthethief Choosethecorrectverbformtocompletethefollowingsentences 1 Theresearchgroup is are madeupoffivepeople 2 What do does thegroupwantfortheirlunch 3 Ourfamily is are notpooranymore 4 Hehastoworry Hisfamily is are waitingforhim 5

4、Theclass is are morethanfortyinnumber is do is are is 6 Theclass have has disagreedamongthemselvesaboutwheretheyshouldgoandhaveapicnic 7 Thegovernment has have spentmorethantwomillionyuaninplantingtrees 8 Thecitygovernment has have differentopinionsaboutnextyear splan have has have Neitherdog big A

5、isB are Neitherofthem big A isB are A Neitheroftherabbits handsome A isB are A B Neitherrabbit handsome A isB are A A B 一 代词作主语 neitherofnoneof n U n C neither n singl V singl plural Howtousenoneandneither V singl V singl 3 Neitherofus was were readywhenthepartybegan 4 Noneofthem has have watchedthe

6、talkshow have has was were 1 Noneofthesepeople doctors A hasB isC areD was2 Neitherofthem agoodsinger A areB isC wereD isusedtobe C B everybody 当这些词做主语时 谓语动词用单数 在句中我们可以用they来代替它们 有时我们可以用he she来代替 anybody everyone nobody somebody everything anything nothing something Indefinitepronouns Nothing diffic

7、ultintheworldifyousetyourmindtoit 2 Nobodythought wouldhavetopayfor ownticket s they he she their his her is Bob Bob aworker is Mike MikeandBob workers are BothMikeandBob workers are NeitherMikenorBob ateacher is Bill Neitherofthem know howtoteachEnglish knows know Noneofthem know howtoteachEnglish

8、knows know 二 用作主语的两个名词或代词由or either or neither nor both and或notonly butalso连接 AorBNotAbutBEitherAorBNeitherAnorBNotonlyAbutalsoB Verb HereThere Verb AandB A BandC Notonlyyoubutalsohe wrong is are Neitheryounorhe right is are There twoshopsandacinemabesidetherailwaystation is are Here amapandahandboo

9、kforyou is are is is are is asingeranddancer Thesingeranddancer onthestage is Thegiftisusedtohavewesternmeals Whatisit aknifeandfork Aknifeandforkisusedtohavemeals 三 由and连接的两个并列主语指同一个人或物 谓语动词用单数 这时后面的名词没有冠词 1 Theworkerandwriter ourschooltoday visit 2 Theworkerandthewriter tothemeeting havecome hasco

10、me havecome visits Eachmanandwoman thesamerights A hasB haveC hadD ishaving由each every no manya所修饰的名词 即使用and连接作主语 谓语动词一般用单数 四 当主语后面跟有aswellas asmuchas nolessthan alongwith with like ratherthan togetherwith but except besides including等引导的词组时 其谓语动词的单 复数由主语的单 复数而定 1 Theteacherwithtwostudents atthemeet

11、ing was were 2 E mail aswellasthetelephones animportantpartindailycommunication A isplayingB haveplayedC areplayingD play was A Alibrarywithfivethousandbooks tothenationasagift A isofferedB hasofferedC areofferedD haveofferedNobodybutJane thesecret A knowB knowsC haveknownD isknown 五 分词 量词作主语由分数或百分数

12、或alotof lotsof plentyof halfof therestof someof mostof allof a partof 名词作主语时 谓语动词的形式与of后面的名词的数一致e g Lotsofdamagewascausedbyfire Somestudentsareplantingtrees Therestofthemarewateringthem e g Tomisoneofthestudentswhogoodatplayingfootball Tomistheonlyoneofthestudentswhogoodatplayingfootball are is 注意 在

13、 oneof 复数名词 关系代词 的结构中 定语从句中谓语动词用复数形式 但是若前有theonly 将其限定为只有一个时 谓语动词用单数形式 六 名词化的形容词作主语e g Thericharetohelpthepoor Thewoundedwasayoungboy 以定冠词the adj 或过去分词 结构作主语 谓语动词常用复数形式 如thebrave thepoor theblind thesick theunemployed等 但有少数过去分词与定冠词连用时指个体 用单数形式 七 当主语由不定式 动名词或疑问词引导的句子充当时 谓语动词用单数 1 ToholdtheOlympicGame

14、s arichprizeforacountry be 2 Choosingwhattoeat nolongeraseasyasitoncewas is is Whatweneedismoretimeandmorematerials 由what who why how whether等引导的主语从句 谓语动词通常用单数 但所指的具体内容为复数意义 则可以用复数形式 Whatweneedareteachers 3 八 表示时间 金钱 距离 重量等复数名词 在表示单位数量用作主语时 通常被看作整体 谓语动词用单数 Amilliondollars is are reallyalotofmoney is

15、 Sixtyyearsalongtime Threethousandmilesalongdistance Fiftykilogrammesnottooheavytobecarried is is is 1 Oneortwodays enoughtoseethecity A isB areC amD be2 NeithermywifenorImyself abletopersuademydaughtertochangehermind A isB areC amD be Exercises 3 NotonlyIbutalsoJaneandMary tiredofhavingoneexaminati

16、onafteranother A isB areC amD be4 Nottheteacher butthestudents lookingforwardtoseeingthefilm A isB areC amD be 5 NobodybutBettyandMary lateforclassyesterday A wasB wereC hasbeenD havebeen6 Awomanwithsomechildren soon A iscomingB arecomingC hascomeD havecome 7 Nooneexceptmyparents anythingaboutthis A knowB knowsC isknownD areknown8 Theteacheraswellasthestudents thebookalready A hasreadB havereadC arereadingD isreading9 Allbutone intheaccident A waskilledB werekilledC willbekilledD arekilled 10 Wh



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