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1、Module 8 Story timeUnit 2 Goldilocks hurried out of the house.一、学习目标:词汇either, piece, asleep, return, cry, point, shout, jump, without; 短语:in pieces, at first, point at, be asleep; 句型: Theres the bad girl! (倒装句)语法:一般过去时(2)能读懂文章,按时间顺序判断故事的发展。能找出含有动词过去式的句子。一般过去式的否定在动词前加“didnt”。能用“first, then, next, fi

2、nally”讲述故事。了解倒装句二、学习重点:1、语法:一般过去时(2) 2、动词过去分词的变化学习难点:一般过去时(2)三、学法指导:同伴练习讲故事,熟记动词过去式变化四、学习步骤【课前预习】一利用单词表,并按照词性归类,写出本单元新词(仿照示例)。动词:1 returnrtn 返回,归还 2 _ _ _3._ _ _ 4._ _ _5. _ _ _名词:1 piecepis 部件,碎片 2 _ _ _副词/介词/形容词: 1. _ _ _2. _ _ _3. _ _ _二P50 Activity 2预习课文,写出下列动词的过去式(在文中找到并划出)want_ try_ walk_ look

3、_cry _ notice _point_ shout_open _jump _hurry_ go_三P50 , Activity2,到文中划出以下短语,并结合上下文意思写出中,英文。1. 想坐下来 2. 成为碎片 3. 走进卧室 4. 睡着的 5. 指着 6. 从、跳起来 7. 急忙,冲出房子 8. 没有拿她的篮子9.在森林里散步 四.P50 , Activity 2,翻译句子。(在文中找到并划出)1.金凤花想坐下来因为她累了。 2.The three bears were around her, so Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out

4、 of the house without her basket. 课堂学习研讨I. 阅读理解:1. 读前准备:recall 回忆上一单元Goldilocks的故事情节;Activity 1 设想后面的故事情节;看图猜想图片顺序;2. 读中任务:听第一遍录音,了解文章大意,完成Activity 2,activity 3;听第二遍录音,scanning: 寻读,完成activity 4;3. 读后巩固:Retell: 复述故事情节;熟悉语言点;词汇运用 (activity 5)II. 语言运用能力策略培养:写作看例子,完成练习:activity 6; 学会用 “First, then, fina

5、lly”巩固练习I. 根据句意和首字母完成单词1. The boy was angry (生气). He h_ out of the room without saying anything. 2. Dont speak, please! The baby is a_.3.I was watching TV when my mother r_home yesterday. 4. People wont need to spend much money on traveling e_. 5. The glass was in p_ because of the strong wend. II.单

6、项选择( ) 1. The little girl point _ the road mark and show me the way . A. at B. on C. in D. with ( ) 2. The old man _ the house without _ anything. A. rushed out of, say B. rush out of, saying C. hurried out of, saying D. hurry out of, saying ( )3. There _. A. the bell goes B. the bell go C. goes the

7、 bell D. go the bell( ) 4. The bottle fell down (摔下) and was _. A. in pieces B. into pieces C. in piece D. in the pieces ( ) 5. She told the children not to make any noise, because the baby was _. A. sleeping B. asleep C. sleep D. slept( ) 6. Her father _ her hometown at last. A. returned B. return

8、C. returned to D. return to( )7. He wanted to have a rest, because he is very _. A. tire B. tired C. happy D. free( ) 8. The teacher can _ a lot of interesting stories. A. say B. talk C. speak D. tell( ) 9. No one _ in the room yesterday. A. were B. was C. is D. are( ) 10. This party _ a pop song(流行音乐).A. began in B. began C. began to D. began with 4


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